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Glenn Beck, I am on your side!

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 12:11 am, 07/18/2010

Glenn Beck is a decent human being. Now there are religious groups who want to bad-mouth him as they say he is going against Christianity.

-.- Decent human being? This is a joke, right?

He is what you call a true Christian as he is real and not phony. He has heart and he genuinly cares, no matter what religion he belongs to and thank Goodness for real people!

Unlike yourself. You know, about that whole judgement thing Jesus spoke about.

Now the phonys are jealous because we are listening. He makes a lot of sense. That is why we are listening!

Nobody is jealous of you listening to Glenn Beck. In fact, if I wanted to learn how to rape and kill a girl I met in 1990, Glenn is the person I would speak with.


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. We're jealous because you are listening to a kook who only cares about money and hates the veterans that fight in this country's wars.

I'll post that link later if you really want to dispute it.

wrestling grandpa

Posted 12:05 am, 07/18/2010

Empowers Glenn Beck is all about Money and nothing else in his ranting and psuedo Crying spells....yet he make fun of others who witness the death of a close friend...again he is a person of very little creditability...(SP)...half truths smear others who do not agree with his point of view...oh well we need entertainment from that balance News Net Work....

rented costume

Posted 11:50 pm, 07/17/2010


rented costume

Posted 11:27 pm, 07/17/2010

SMK, spelling mistakes? LOL

it's the party loyalty mistakes you cretin!


Posted 11:16 pm, 07/17/2010

You always come up with good spelling mistakes. Yours are funny, my typing mistakes don't amount to much comedy.


Posted 11:04 pm, 07/17/2010

After I take my sleeping pill I can spell anything. Oh well most posters know what I am trying to say. Some of my words are unbelievable this late at night.

There were 3 good posting tonight and I think I posted on all 3 of them.


Posted 10:56 pm, 07/17/2010

I have to admit that Glen Beck is more fun to watch than CNN and other news shows. He talked on his show several years ago about how he converted to became a Mormon. I have several cousins that are Moron here and Utah.

I will answer your other questions tomorrow night. Maybe in a pm since I can't post a posting. Jason is still mad at me, maybe forever.

Time to eat ice cream and go to bed.

rented costume

Posted 10:54 pm, 07/17/2010

I am the great and powerful oz... do you really think anyone believes that crap empowers?

rented costume

Posted 10:53 pm, 07/17/2010

Aww gee, another biblebelt fundy has spoken


Posted 10:52 pm, 07/17/2010

Hey VoiceofGod, You remind me of that guy on the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain with the booming voice trying to scare the daylights out of Dorothy, the scarecrow and the tin woodsman.

Oh yes, you should know the Bible and it says that not even the angels in Heaven know whose name is written in the Book of Life so can I ask how you can claim to know?

rented costume

Posted 10:49 pm, 07/17/2010

SMK of course you never agreed with me.



Posted 10:46 pm, 07/17/2010

I'm directing my post towards empowers. I am not sure I ever agreed with Costume.


Posted 10:44 pm, 07/17/2010

I am not sure what it is that I do not get. I agree with you. I think Beck is a very good person and I believe that he speaks from his heart. Admittedly he isn't perfect and he does miss a few details here and there, and that is why people like him, because he is the common man speaking about politics from a common perspective. I think he is a Christian. I was just commenting that when he talks he sounds more like a protestant evangelical Christian to me than a mormon. I admit that I do not know what groups you are talking about who say that he is going against Christianity. It largely seems to me that the secular media which largely debases Christianity is attacking his Christianity as untrue to the gospel. It is kinda like certain atheist posters on this site telling Christians what real Christianity is all about. (They do it all the time.) Did you all catch his interview with Martin Luther King's niece, Dr Alveda King? She is on board with Glen Beck and will be attending his rally at the Washington Mall on August 28 with him. She was very clear that government social justice and things like affirmative action where not Christian principles and that Christianity is individual comments and not government involvement in people's lives. She said that she is against reparations for slavery but that she is for REPARATIONS FROM CORPORATIONS THAT SUPPORT ABORTION AND THUS SUPPORT BLACK GENOCIDE. Very interesting. I am very glad to see more and more minorities embracing conservative principles. Blacks describes themselves as Christian even more than white people do, it is ironic that they have gravitated towards the security of big government instead of the security of their faith in God. I think Barack Obama, the Black Panthers, Reverend Wright, Louis Farakkhan, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and many others have finally revealed themselves to Christians for what they are. And I suspect we will find more Glen Beck fans out there among them.

rented costume

Posted 10:44 pm, 07/17/2010

batman is a helpless GOPher that thinks the superhero Batman is a REPUBLICAN. LOL


Posted 10:36 pm, 07/17/2010

and rented costume is a uncompensated spokesman for the liberal socialist left of wilkes county!.Wake up people!! WARNING!!! BELIEVING THAT IDIOT COULD CAUSE PERMANANT DAMAGE!!!! LOL

rented costume

Posted 10:31 pm, 07/17/2010

Beck is a compensated spokesman for the Fascist right of this country. Wake up people


Posted 10:24 pm, 07/17/2010

You just don't get it, do you?


Posted 10:20 pm, 07/17/2010

It's funny though. He doesn't speak like a Mormon. He frequently espouses the redemption of sins by Jesus and associates with evangelical Christians; as well as libertarian atheists and agnostics, doesn't have mormons on his show. He might be bipolar. I'm thinking more hypo manic than bipolar I disorder.


Posted 10:15 pm, 07/17/2010

Beck is a converted Mormon and so is his wife. Nothing wrong with that.

Beck has a special way of telling half truths and stupid people believe what he is telling them.

I have been watching him recently and I swear he must be Bipolar also.


Posted 10:12 pm, 07/17/2010


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