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Glenn Beck, I am on your side!

Shiny Toy Guns

Posted 6:40 am, 07/19/2010

shoeshine boy(view profile)
Posted 11:42 pm, 07/18/2010
Liberalism is a mental disease. Very good Bill. You have ground an intellectual debate to mere insult. You expose yourself as a man without an intelligent response. Good night, Sir.
Exactly! Liberalism is a mental disease!

NC citizen

Posted 6:35 am, 07/19/2010

To correct some of the hate spewed by our usual gowilkes liberal haters, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck will not be "lining their pockets", from the Aug. 28 restoring honor rally.



A source close to the event has verified to Mediaite that Sarah Palin will not be receiving a fee for her appearance at the rally, and that the funds raised will be used for basic overhead such as audio/video equipment, bathroom facilities, and the like. Beck won�t see any of the cash, and has even made a large personal donation, according to the charity.

In fact, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation says that the �Restoring Honor� rally has already netted the charity �just over $2 million,� which means they�ve more than covered the estimated cost of the rally, with a month and a half to spare.

[end excerpt]

Comment: What should be the punishment for the derps who have gleefully villified Glenn Beck and this charity event?

Well, at minimum, an apology and retraction. However, these chumps are so blissfully ignorant, that they don't even have possess the basic integrity to admit they spread lies. Typical of the Olbermann, irresponsible liberal democrat mudslingers. Go pop another pill and everything will be OK.

rented costume

Posted 12:33 am, 07/19/2010

Truly now oh loveable and humble one, after you finish making the hash browns tomorrow, save yourself a few moments for the morning "RUSH". He has a fax he has a fax. harumph harumph ...give the governor a harumph

Bill Reid

Posted 11:46 pm, 07/18/2010

Shoeshine if there is a disease you have it. But hey Ive got a suggestion for you. This comes right from your little friend Beck and its a book he thinks you should read calls it a great book. Its called The Red Network and its writen by someone named Elizabeth Dilling. Now lets use the Beck logic for a minute and see what that makes him. Or you for that matter.

shoeshine boy

Posted 11:42 pm, 07/18/2010

Liberalism is a mental disease. Very good Bill. You have ground an intellectual debate to mere insult. You expose yourself as a man without an intelligent response. Good night, Sir.

Bill Reid

Posted 11:33 pm, 07/18/2010

I see. So mental illness runs in your family as it seems to in Becks?

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 11:29 pm, 07/18/2010

Bill Reid
Posted 9:31 pm, 07/18/2010
Oh please. Give us some examples of Obama using hate and fear to gain support. Thats all Beck is doing spreading the hate and fear tactic while you eat it up.
http://www.gowilkes.com/ima...spacer.gif" width=5 height=15>
Posted 9:08 pm, 07/18/2010
Bill Reid
Posted 6:56 pm, 07/18/2010
You know I hate to point this out. But Hittler was very much insane. Yet he gathered a following by telling people don't worry is all this other groups fault no no can't you see its their fault we have to do something about them. And people likely because most never want to blame themsevles or their ideas for problems eat that **** up.Well today Hitler is dead and people know better than to fall for such foolish stunts. Enter Glenn Beck and watch people forget.
Sounds more like Barack Obama than Glen Beck.

It's everybody else's fault but the individuals. Jeremiah Wright said it was white peoples' fault and Obama stood by him. Bill Gates says it is all white peoples' fault and he stands by him. Or he accuses "rich people" of being at fault (Wright told him it was rich WHITE people (meaning all white people to him), Obama left that word out). Glenn Beck never said a mean thing to any person based on being any color, but Obama is permissive in his friendships with race baiters and haters, he openly avoided friendships with white people and he hung out with terrorist revolutionary Bill Ayers. So I agree, sounds more like Obama than Beck. Beck is a gentle soul who is passionate about individual freedoms.

rented costume

Posted 10:47 pm, 07/18/2010

this one, also

And to tickle me immeasurably, none of them are on after a certain time of night. They all ALT beddy bye at the same time.

rented costume

Posted 10:03 pm, 07/18/2010

Shoeshine boy,

Beck has a B.S. better know as a Bull **** degree

He also has a PhD. better known as Piled Higher and Deeper


Posted 9:32 pm, 07/18/2010

Glenn Beck is an idiot.

Bill Reid

Posted 9:31 pm, 07/18/2010

Oh please. Give us some examples of Obama using hate and fear to gain support. Thats all Beck is doing spreading the hate and fear tactic while you eat it up.


Posted 9:08 pm, 07/18/2010

Bill Reid
Posted 6:56 pm, 07/18/2010
You know I hate to point this out. But Hittler was very much insane. Yet he gathered a following by telling people don't worry is all this other groups fault no no can't you see its their fault we have to do something about them. And people likely because most never want to blame themsevles or their ideas for problems eat that **** up.Well today Hitler is dead and people know better than to fall for such foolish stunts. Enter Glenn Beck and watch people forget.

Sounds more like Barack Obama than Glen Beck.

NC citizen

Posted 8:15 pm, 07/18/2010

Haters gonna hate...


Posted 8:14 pm, 07/18/2010

God told Beck when and where to hold this rally but God forgot to apply for a permit. The last I heard is that Beck did eventually get around to applying for a permit but that one has not been issued yet. Humm I thought Glenn checked and researched everything first before he opened his mouth.


Posted 7:47 pm, 07/18/2010

Pay yourself first and get free Fox news coverage.

Part of that posting was in small print. Why?

Loved your posting and wonder how many know the real truth..


Posted 7:44 pm, 07/18/2010

Beck and Palin stuffing their own pockets again? On August 28, 2010 you can join Glenn Beck at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for his Restoring Honor Rally. This is a non-political fundraiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation All contributions made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010. All contributions in excess of these costs will then be retained by the SOWF.

Bill Reid

Posted 6:56 pm, 07/18/2010

You know I hate to point this out. But Hittler was very much insane. Yet he gathered a following by telling people don't worry is all this other groups fault no no can't you see its their fault we have to do something about them. And people likely because most never want to blame themsevles or their ideas for problems eat that **** up.

Well today Hitler is dead and people know better than to fall for such foolish stunts. Enter Glenn Beck and watch people forget.


Posted 6:55 pm, 07/18/2010

For anyone who wants to know about the God that Glenn Beck worships you should read Under the Banner of Heaven and No Man Knows My History.

shoeshine boy

Posted 6:45 pm, 07/18/2010

He preaches redemption by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

And for any doubters, it is going to be a big event.


Posted 6:37 pm, 07/18/2010

The busses will be the short ones so all those who want a ride will know which one to get on.

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