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Glenn Beck, I am on your side!


Posted 6:32 pm, 07/18/2010

there is nothing genuine or real about Glenn Beck especially about him being a Christian. He is not a Christian he is a Mormon big difference. And for someone to say "he is a real Christian" does not know what Christianity is but aside form that he is an oppertunists who is about a making money and hes laughing all the way to the bank because of morons like you and others that listen to him.

NC citizen

Posted 6:30 pm, 07/18/2010

Here's another video about the 8/28 event.

It's such a joy to see Olbermann and Bill Press going apoplectic over this rally!!

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 6:26 pm, 07/18/2010


You think any other fair and balanced network will cover a major rally in DC?


Posted 6:01 pm, 07/18/2010

I am sure it will be covered on Fox News

shoeshine boy

Posted 5:59 pm, 07/18/2010


shoeshine boy

Posted 5:58 pm, 07/18/2010

It isn't to see Beck, it is to stand in Rally and Protest.


Posted 5:54 pm, 07/18/2010

there are people that would ride a bus to d.c. stand in the heat all day,turn around and ride all the way back to n.c. the same day?wow.and to see glenn beck?i wouldnt fly 1st class and spend the night come back the next day to bang megan fox.are you people that crazy?

NC citizen

Posted 5:27 pm, 07/18/2010

For those who want to... literally ...stand by Glenn Beck...there are at least two charter bus convoys leaving North Carolina for the Aug. 28 rally in DC. There might be more as the date gets closer.

One from Cary NC, only $35: http://www.triangleconserva...ion=detail

One from Shelby, NC $63: http://beforeitsnews.com/st...arty..html

Here's a little promo from Glenn about the event:

Should be quite an event! How many hundred-thousand will make a statement that the DC elite cannot ignore? What a fitting prelude to the November election! See Sarah Palin in person! See you there!

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 5:17 pm, 07/18/2010

That would be Doctor Beck. He has a PhD ya know.


Posted 4:41 pm, 07/18/2010

Beck is paid over 30 million dollars for his show and he does know how to put on a good show. I like his shows but don't believe half of what he says. He has a great personality and is very believable. Grow Up Republicans. So Beck has named a University after himself. Now that is really funny.

D. M. Whit

Posted 4:36 pm, 07/18/2010

Beck barely managed to graduate from high school. This man is not an international polical science expert. Beck's background is being a radio shock jock and doing large amounts of drugs and has created his own university. Be proud to put Beck U on your resume and sign up for
Theories of Self and Other in the Autobiography of Ronald Reagan Semiotics of Tricornered Hats Mythology 101: Fossils Presidential History From Harding to Coolidge Oath Keeping Semester Abroad in Kenya with Visiting Professor Dr. Jerome Corsi Physics of AM Radio Waves Fundamentals of Spelling and Grammar CANCELED Great Military Heroes: John Wayne Intro to Theology: Ayn Rand Advanced Marketing Seminar: Rare Gold Coins Drama 101: Intro to Alternative Lifestyles Psych 301: Paranoia as Therapeutic Alternative Wilde, Proust, and Other h*mosexual Europeans Middle Eastern and Arab Cultures: What's Up With That? Literary Masters Colloquium: Cleon Skousen Motherhood, Hockey, Hunting: Cultural Convergences Studies in Moral Courage: Joe McCarthy Counterinsurgency Techniques in Morning Radio Phenomenological Epistemology and the Speeches of Barry Goldwater Hermeneutics and h*mosociality in The Overton Window Political Science 300: Reverse Racism and the Modern Presidency Colloquium on Great Filmmakers: Mel Gibson Gym Crow Underwater Conspiracy Weaving


Posted 4:25 pm, 07/18/2010

LOL. Yeah you are Susan or her Twin. We is different as day and night. Why don't you post on my posting and be honest with me. Anyway you didn't get me a birthday present either back in May so when Oct. comes around I will forget you again maybe a phone call if I am in a good mood. You are not worth pming so Go Away. Funny


Posted 4:18 pm, 07/18/2010

I'm sorry, Quack, but I don't think it's possible for me to be your sister. If you know what I mean.

But if, somehow, you're my sister (or just want to be), may I point out that you didn't get me a birthday present last month? A subcription to Mother Jones would be nice, if you want to make amends.

D. M. Whit

Posted 4:06 pm, 07/18/2010

Beck said, "We had a group (in the United States) whose goal it was to eliminate 10% of the U.S. population. Why? Because that's what anarchist, Marxist, communist, revolutionaries, Maoists do to be able to gain control."

Beck continued, "But, when they first came up with these ideas, it was just a small group, incapable of pulling off the overthrow of the United States government... In the 1960's, they couldn't do it because the family was together, because our government, even run by this guy (he pointed to a photo of Richard Nixon) wasn't as corrupt as it is now. And they were radicals! They've changed the radical pose. They've put themselves in power and they've made YOU the radical! Now they can. Now they can."

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
Adolf Hitler


Posted 3:55 pm, 07/18/2010

Kilgore, My Sister use to take the Mother Jones Magazine years ago. She gave the old magazines to me and I loved to read them. Several years ago I tried to remember the name and order the magazine but forgot the name. It is a good good Liberal Magazine. I will have to find out if she is still taking that magazine. Thanks for mentioning "Mother Jones Magazine" Best magazine to read if you are a Democrat. Republican should also read that magazine. I will look it up on the computer and see if I can order it. Thanks again.

Question kilgore? I asked you last year if you were my sister are you? You laughed and said no but you usually only post 1 or 2 sentence and I have been unable to decide if it was you and now you are getting brave and posting more. Let me know? I agree with what you say sometimes and sometimes not so maybe you are and maybe you are not. Funny if you really are. I have been trying to find your screen name for several years. I know I accused you of being Grayson one time and Jason deleted the posting and pmed me and said it did not turn out the way I wanted the posted to be. So I think I made Grayson made. You like Grayson and I don't.

Sorry I am off topic again.



Posted 3:44 pm, 07/18/2010

It is had to argue with Beck on that one, Kilgore, after he sat and tolerated and admired black liberation theology for over twenty years. I mean his church was mad at Hilary Clinton for not stepping aside and accused her of thinking that a black man was stealing her show.

It is interesting and certainly a matter of much economic debate what the best current investments are. Personally I think if you can afford real estate a person should stock up while it is at an all time low. Beck is seeing a large possibility of a long term economic anemia or worse, in which case gold is an ideal investment even at it's current price. Better than the stock market if that is the case and better than sticking your money in the bank and losing money to inflation. I'm a stock market guy, not because I even remotely know what is in store for the market at this time, but because I can move in and out quickly and I know how to make money doing so.

And as far as advertisers "boycotting" his show. It is of little value, more than enough advertisers are willing to jump in for the air time and pay FOX for it.

As far as the UK. Well the British are frankly stupid in this day in age. I consider the UK a brother to America but occasionally even a brother needs some sense knocked into him. The UK is officially the first free country to BAN a man for political free speech (Michael Savage). Interestingly, the British first believed in free speech but now not so. They are demanding Savage appolgize for hate speech with out a trial. They do not want to hear anything from him otherwise. What did Savage do? Talk about the evils of muslim extremism. Mean while they welcome Che Guevera's daughter who says that she is touring the world and promoting her father's ideals, the ideals from Che's own mouth was a thirst for blood and that he revels in the killing of people like Americans and the British.

Welcome to libtard bizarro world.


Posted 2:55 pm, 07/18/2010

Yes, SMK, Black is indeed referencing the Parable of the Talents. Most people who know about the Widow's Mite and the Eye of the Needle are familar with the Parable of the Talents as well. They also know that money itself isn't a sin, but that the love of money is at the root of evil. It goes with the territory.

Investing in gold is problematic, however, even if you're attempting it to be Biblical. If you buy low, say at around $300 an ounce as Glenn Beck did, you're safe in calling it an investment. But anyone who's bought from the company he touts in the last year or so isn't going to fare so well, as outlined in the article linked below. It's easy to fall victim of a scam and lose the talents you've put into it. (Did you know a talent is seen as being equal to 20 years worth of work?)


And Quack, companies began pulling advertising from Beck's show when he started saying the president had a "deep-seated hatred for white people."

D. M. Whit

Posted 2:36 pm, 07/18/2010

Who says I am not under the special protection of God?
Adolf Hitler

The problem is that God is giving The Plan, I think, to me [...] I think the plan that the Lord would have us follow is hard for people to understand. But I'm telling you, here's what I feel with everything in me.

Glenn Beck

D. M. Whit

Posted 2:27 pm, 07/18/2010

The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.
Adolf Hitler

The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be "What the **** you mean we're out of missiles?"
Glenn Beck


Posted 2:18 pm, 07/18/2010

Why are so many companies boycotting the Glenn Beck Show? Makes a person wonder. His show is not a real news show but viewers perceive that it is. Sad. If my Sister knew I was watching his show she would have a fit and scream at me.

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