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Impeach McCrory!NC sales tax to expand


Posted 7:17 pm, 05/08/2013

From Elon University poll (4/12/2013)

"Approval of Gov. Pat McCrory seems to be growing as people learn more about his policy positions and see him in the news more frequently," Kenneth Fernandez, director of the Elon University Poll, said in a statement. (46% approve, 26% disapprove, 27% don't know)

It's also interesting to note.that 31% democrats approve of the Governors policies.


Posted 7:11 pm, 05/08/2013

Impeach early and often


Posted 6:10 pm, 05/08/2013


PPP surveyed 601 North Carolina voters from April 11th to 14th. The margin of error for the sample is +/-4%. This poll was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization. PPP surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews.

Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Pat
McCrory's job performance?
Approve ...... .49%
Disapprove...... .36%
Not sure ...... .15%

Q2 Do you approve or disapprove of the job
Republicans as a whole are doing of running
state government?
Approve ...... .38%
Disapprove...... .52%
Not sure ...... .10%

Q3 If the candidates for President next time were
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican
Marco Rubio, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton...... .49%
Marco Rubio ...... .42%
Not sure ...... . 9%

Q4 If the candidates for President next time were
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Rand
Paul, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton...... .52%
Rand Paul ...... .40%
Not sure ...... . 8%

Q5 Do you approve or disapprove of the job the
General Assembly is doing?
Approve ...... .20%
Disapprove...... .56%
Not sure ...... .24%

Q6 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of the Democrats in the North Carolina
Favorable...... 34%
Unfavorable ...... 44%
Not sure ...... 22%

Q7 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of the Republicans in the North Carolina
Favorable...... 34%
Unfavorable ...... 53%
Not sure ...... 13%

Q8 Generally speaking, if there was an election for
the state legislature today, would you vote for
the Democratic or Republican candidate from
your district?
Democrat ...... 45%
Republican...... 41%
Not sure ...... 14%


Posted 6:05 pm, 05/08/2013

8% on income
2% on food
9.25 on every thing else bought

If you add in property taxes and car taxes and the ever going personal property tax its some were around 28%

So I would say this area needs to try something else.
I can say the sales taxs is one of the highest I have ever seen.
I can say the state income tax is about the highest I have ever seen
This is the only place I have ever payed 2% on food. Thats just unacceptable

Ad the idea being property taxes are low? They are not .


Posted 6:05 pm, 05/08/2013

With 49% approving and 36% disapproving of job performance, Pat McCrory continues his slide in Public opinion.

Also, public opinion of Republicans as a whole running state government is roughly reversed with just 38% approving and 52% disapproving.

Just 20% of voters approve of the job the General Assembly is doing in Raleigh, while 56% are opposed.

Democrats lead the general state legislative ballot 45% to 41% against Republicans and this number is growing as more and more North Carolina voters withdraw their support of the republicans......stay tuned......CHANGES-ARE-A-COMING.....

I am Mr Bush

Posted 5:50 pm, 05/08/2013

Ending the "First $50,000" exemption for Small Business is going to ruin a lot of people in wilkes county.

Taxing Social Security

Taxing Medication 350% more

Taxing Food $350% more

Just so the rich get a better tax break.


Posted 5:19 pm, 05/08/2013

if you dont like it just get out


Posted 5:15 pm, 05/08/2013

If the Little Guy still carries his pager, I suspect it is going off right now with frantic 911 messages


Posted 5:10 pm, 05/08/2013

You can always move to NY.


Posted 5:09 pm, 05/08/2013

NG gets the award for dumbest statement of the day.


Posted 5:04 pm, 05/08/2013

The governor won the election by a landslide.

He knows better then local Liberals how to decide taxation issues.

Also, the people of North Carolina support the Gov..


Posted 4:57 pm, 05/08/2013

So the plan ignores a consumer-driven economy. Would it be considered.Socialism then?


Posted 4:55 pm, 05/08/2013

People voted for McCrory because he promised to fix the broken state government and the tax system He is just doing what he promised.

He promised to fix the broken tax system. Fix would be the key word here. Fixing something typically is not done by making it worse.


Posted 4:53 pm, 05/08/2013

Liberal logic? Interesting concept.

Here is a bit of reality for you and your fellow economic ignorant. Our economy is driven by consumer demand period. Not really complicated. Discouraging consumer spending is a bad thing because that is what drives the economy. Again not that complicated.

Under this proposal those must and those who do spend all their income will see an increase in total taxation. Thus they have less money to spend. The cut in income tax will be more than off set by the expanded sales tax.

Follow this yet? The people who spend all their money have less to spend in an economy driven by consumer demand.

Meanwhile those who would see a tax benefit from this change are those who are not in a position to spend their entire income in a year. The net effect is such an idiotic plan is the reduction of consumer demand And so far I am just dealing with the tax side of the proposal itself.

In addition to the tax effects expanding the sales tax increases the overhead for many business mostly small business like say your local mechanic who will likely pass that increase along with the new sales tax onto consumers.

Guess what in an economy driven by consumer demand the less demand the fewer jobs needed to produce the goods and services to meet that demand. This should be obvious even to the most ignorant twits on the planet. The less demand the fewer jobs the fewer jobs the less demand. This is basic economic fact.

Just like many other moves by our oh so useless GOP state government and the democrats that held office before them this proposal is divorced from economy reality.


Posted 4:43 pm, 05/08/2013

Everyone knew the State government and our tax system was screwed up.

People voted for McCrory because he promised to fix the broken state government and the tax system. He is just doing what he promised.


Posted 4:36 pm, 05/08/2013

Liberal logic from knight1b "Don't work"

That seems to be the Obama economic strategy. "Don't work"

george h w b

Posted 4:34 pm, 05/08/2013

I haven't read all the bill yet, but the part about wanting to tax social security pisses me off.


Posted 4:31 pm, 05/08/2013

Ignore them NancyGrace......Liberals have no common sense......they just don't get it


Posted 4:29 pm, 05/08/2013

Don't like income tax? Don't work and stop your whining. That rather idiotic logic works both ways you know.


Posted 4:23 pm, 05/08/2013

Don't like sales tax?//

Don't buy.

Stop your whining.

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