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Impeach Trump

Impeached Sparkling Water

Posted 12:25 pm, 12/19/2019

I said it, Rose.

Your thread was just too powerful for me.


Posted 11:55 am, 12/19/2019

How many times over the life of this thread has some Rumplicker said there would be no impeachment? Well sorry for your loss, Rump is impeached and you have a nice plate full of crow to eat. Now we must pray that the Senate does the right thing and removes Rump from office 😏😏😏😃


Posted 2:13 am, 12/19/2019

Praise the Lord, Rump is finally impeached 😏😏😏😃 Now maybe some Senators will realize if they don't convict The Don for his crimes, they will be booted out in 2020. Pray that God removes this demon from the White House!


Posted 10:46 pm, 12/18/2019

Trump is impeached. He will go down in history as being impeached. The senate may let him stay in office but he is still impeached. Don't just assume the senate will let him off. The GOP senators still have to run for office. If they let a criminal go, they may not get reelected.


Posted 10:45 pm, 12/18/2019

Let me tell you what is going to happen going forward.

Trump will win reelection greater than the last time.

Lots of obama people are going to be indicted, and the next four years will be spent showing the country the real reason the dems have been after Trump since he first announced he was running,

You dolts are in for loads of misery.

And did you see what Bill Barr said to Martha McCallum this evening? You should listen to that so you'll have an idea of where this is really going?

Meanwhile, Trump will still be president, you'll still be crazy.


Posted 10:43 pm, 12/18/2019

Has to go through the senate from what I heard.


Posted 10:40 pm, 12/18/2019

So? Only you fools are fooled.


Posted 10:39 pm, 12/18/2019

Hey singer, Trump was impeached.


Posted 10:38 pm, 12/18/2019

Considering that there's not much left of your brains, it shouldn't surprise me that you are celebrating what amounts to nothing.

You act like what happened today really mattered. I think it only mattered to people like you if it mattered to anyone.

People paid no attention. Everyone already knows it's nothing. It's all phony.
Trump voters are laughing. We know this is deadly to all you hold dear next nov. Right now, you don't believe that. You're so dumb you're celebrating and patting each other on the back. Within a few months, you'll know better.

By the way, did you see and hear what Bill Barr had to say tonight to Martha McCallum?

Trump was having a great time with 10's of thousands of voters in Michigan. And more people watched Trump's rally than that mess going on with democrats.
It was a great rally. And Trump was so funny. He was on a roll joking about 'crooked Hillary"..had the audience and me in stitches.

Incredible Rally tonight in Battle Creek Michigan!

20,202 voters identified (92.2% from MI)

15% haven't voted in last four elections, WOW!

15% have voted in only one of the last four elections

17% Democrats

Dems play theater while @realDonaldTrump is winning!


Posted 10:35 pm, 12/18/2019

Impeachment is our friend. It eliminates would-be dictators like Trump ROTFLMAO


Posted 8:48 pm, 12/18/2019



Posted 8:42 pm, 12/18/2019

Now if only.the cowardly Senators do their duty and throw the book at him.:))))


Posted 8:40 pm, 12/18/2019

Finally, impeachment. God bless America!


Posted 7:33 pm, 12/18/2019

Impeachment should come any minute now. Then.after the Senate trial we will flush any Reich Wing Sniffers who fail to convict the bastid ROTFLMAO


Posted 6:01 pm, 12/18/2019

Impeach the mofo save America


Posted 5:09 pm, 12/18/2019

It's not like the dims haven't been schlonged before.


Posted 4:23 pm, 12/18/2019

Today is the day we take America back.
Today is the day we impeach a want to be dictator.

granny smith

Posted 3:47 pm, 12/18/2019

Only Five more years of Impeachment left


sparkling water

Posted 2:40 pm, 12/18/2019

Wellnow, that's gonna be a while yet.

If y'all stop clenching so hard it won't hurt so much.


Posted 2:37 pm, 12/18/2019

the sooner he is gone the better the mans a

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