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It seems its legal for they mentally disabled to own guns!

Joseph T.

Posted 6:39 pm, 10/03/2012

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 5:17 pm, 10/03/2012

Joseph T. (view profile)
Posted 2:11 pm, 10/03/2012
Would you feel the same way if testing was required to exercise the rest of you constutitionaly protected rights
Yes I would feel the same, as long as the testing was done by Dr.'s that were vetted and the standards were fairly held across the board.

So you really would be ok with being required to take a government mandated test before you could exercise you right to free speech or your right to practice religion or your right to vote. Think about that very carefully since if that were to happen it would be a short time before you would have to pass some kind of test before you could do anything. You know there are countries where these type of things happen now maybe you should move to one of them instead of wanting to trample over everyone rights just so you can feel safe.


Posted 6:38 pm, 10/03/2012

Contact Jason, i give him permission to tell you my username. i only started posting around may of this year. i have only lived here since 2010. By all means call the authority's !

You will be the one made to look like a paranoid delusional fool!

I have never threatened your family! You are the one who threatened me with your comment about going to church with you and Umpire! Meaning you carry a concealed weapon at church!


Posted 6:30 pm, 10/03/2012

I think Frank France should read Roberta Sparrow's book.


Posted 6:13 pm, 10/03/2012

Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?

In logical world crazies shouldn't have weapons, but in our world all the people that have weapons are crazy.


Posted 6:03 pm, 10/03/2012

aint that a beyotch

Frank France

Posted 5:59 pm, 10/03/2012

Dude, you sent me dozens of threatening PM's. You assumed you knew who I was and you threatened my family.

Seriously uncool.

Don't come on here and lie and say that you are not a car salemen or a stalker.


Posted 5:18 pm, 10/03/2012

And Frank France, I only sent 2 messages to SMK, so right here you are admitting YOU are the one with all the alternate screen names.


Posted 5:17 pm, 10/03/2012

Joseph T. (view profile)
Posted 2:11 pm, 10/03/2012
Would you feel the same way if testing was required to exercise the rest of you constutitionaly protected rights

Yes I would feel the same, as long as the testing was done by Dr.'s that were vetted and the standards were fairly held across the board.


Posted 5:13 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank France (view profile)
Posted 2:22 pm, 10/03/2012
No it's no insulted. If I wanted to insult trutherseek, I would have said that he was a mentally disabled local car salesman who has many previous usernames on GW, such as serching4U or wowsers.

I have gotten many mentally psychotic ranting PM's from these usernames in the past and I am seeing a pattern here. After a while, I think I can recognize him no matter what username or profile he decides to go with.

Sorry to disappoint you SMK , I was not at home. And I am not a man, have never sold used cars, have not posted anything to you using other user names, and by the many PM' s I sent you, do you consider 2 the same as many? You posted the first one on here about a week ago, and I posted the one you sent me back and my reply to you. Jason removed the posts. Since you think so highly of yourself, get one of your coworkers to give you an assessment where my medical education tells me they will find narcissistic personality disorder. Dr. Kapuchinski wrote a very good book about PID's. Your time would be better spent reading that , than wasting your time on Ann Coulter!


Posted 5:12 pm, 10/03/2012


Posted 5:07 pm, 10/03/2012

Rise you do know the small round end points away from you right?


Posted 4:55 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank is back!


Posted 4:13 pm, 10/03/2012

hmm, maybe i misinterpreted your point as generalizing and stereotyping then.


Posted 4:09 pm, 10/03/2012

Of course not Daniel P, and all killers are not insane, that was not my point.


Posted 4:04 pm, 10/03/2012

having big rooms full of guns does not mean a person has any mental issues... people collect all sorts of things. are comic book or card collectors mentally disabled? what about quilt collectors? ooo, scary folks there....


Posted 4:03 pm, 10/03/2012

Gillian It's because most of them , Maybe all , are the same person . They enjoy tag teaming and name calling.


Posted 4:00 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank France (view profile)

Posted 3:28 pm, 10/03/2012

Gillian is Truth Seeker. he sells cars.

While I am a seeker after truth, I am not TruthSeeker911.

I'm not your used car nemesis either.

Don't kid yourself that we're all the same person.


Posted 3:57 pm, 10/03/2012

Not big guns but big guts, your in a big world of the america. It's not gonna be safe much unless the law does the job, they supposed to be locking these dogs up and putting them on a short leash to have them behave yet it's really going down ****. How about we go back in 1800 and do there punishment.


Posted 3:54 pm, 10/03/2012

It is scary Truthseeker , and it seems the mentally disturbed are the ones who think they need a room full of big guns for everyday use.


Posted 3:53 pm, 10/03/2012

So if ever obama become president does that mean we won't be able to keep our shiney friends. Also the decloration of indepedence stated we would have the right to bare arms so how the **** can 1 man change history like that?

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