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It seems its legal for they mentally disabled to own guns!


Posted 8:29 pm, 10/05/2012

SMK, in a situation where someone is blatantly trolling and harassing you, Jason will put a stop to it. But, by feeding it both ways, it doesn't end, and both parties end up looking like trolls. Just sayin'.


Posted 8:22 pm, 10/05/2012

This really is getting ridiculous. I've last posted on this thread 24 hours ago and I'm at fault?

There are no less than a dozen liberals user names berating me on this thread.

While I love a good debate and I am willing to argue with any one. I don't go around calling people A Hole or whatever the smut talk of the day happens to be. I'll taunt people as well as the rest of them but you folks don't know where to draw the line.

I disagreed with thr 911Truther on another thread, this was followed with comments about me not being a credible doctor, followed by 911trutheraccusing me of being a chiropractor who asked help from, followed by threatening to sue me for giving her this alleged help, followed by comments of how I prescribe herbs and then make people by these herbs from a store that they believe me to own, followed by 911truther given someone medical advice on another thread and the original poster being warned that 911Truther uses alternative medical treatments so I recommend consulting an actual doctor and not talking it over with the truther. I thought that a pretty good jab, but 911Truther's pride got the better of her and she followed suit with with the nasty PM calling me a cancerous **** that she will find out who I am and that she acting as Karma will be a *****.

I have never sent anyone a threatening PM, I am always polite to people that are polite to me even if they disagree with me.

The problem with letting this kinda of crap "just go." and not responding to these trolls is that they do not go away. The last time this happened (and I do believe that rtuther is the same person), I could not post anything without it being followed by someones alternate username insulting me as a result of my posting.

Go back and count how many user names on this thread are suspected of being a liberal's puppet and tell me who is bashing who?


Posted 8:05 pm, 10/05/2012

Truthseeker, I have missjudged you. SMK is the one that is keeping the gun posting going. Sorry.



Posted 7:43 pm, 10/05/2012

The quickest way to end the fun for a bully is to ignore them. Each of you, by continuing to feed into this BS drama, is keeping it going.... and loving every second of it. If you truly want it to stop, stop replying to it. Pretty simple, huh?


Posted 7:21 pm, 10/05/2012

Quack , Truthseeker is a good and truthful person , please don't blame SMK'S bad attitude on her.


Posted 7:17 pm, 10/05/2012

Sorry quack, but you are mistaken. SMK started it ! The whole reason I sent a pm in the first place was he was trolling every post I was making slamming me. He posted the threat to me in one of the threads. I tried following Jason's advice and keep arguments to PM'S . That's why I sent the first one because I was tired of him following me around slamming me, even when I offered to talk to a woman who was experiencing problems with ovarian cysts, he had to pipe in there trying to denigrate me. He decided the next morning to make the PM'S public. Jason removed that thread. So before you accuse me of staring it, please know I didn't send the first one out of the blue for no reason.


Posted 6:30 pm, 10/05/2012


Why bring up about a Dr. that has a gun permit to carry a gun to Church. Wowser had this attack going for months and now you bring it back up? Why?

He does not practice medicine in Wilkes so you need to stop your attacks.

Yes, SMK can be very mean toward you but I ask who started it. You did.


Posted 6:12 pm, 10/05/2012

Agrajag (view profile)

Posted 5:05 pm, 10/05/2012

Did kenc invent 2 new sock puppets (Metal and Fleece) just to trash talk SMK? Hmmmmmm.
Sounds like a nasty troll puppet to me. Look out fellas Kenc may have a gun and she is certifiably mental, paronoid and assumes mutiple but similar trashy personalities.


Agrajag / Fins , want's to start a fight with me , as usual .


Posted 5:41 pm, 10/05/2012

guns for the mentally ill yay!


Posted 5:25 pm, 10/05/2012

He's a retard. He shouldn't have guns.


Posted 5:23 pm, 10/05/2012

Fleece (view profile)

Posted 5:00 pm, 10/05/2012

Loser has nothing better to do than come on here and pretend that he has friends. What a real **** head ! Would someone please tell me who this is so I won't make the mistake of going to him?


Posted 5:05 pm, 10/05/2012

Did kenc invent 2 new sock puppets (Metal and Fleece) just to trash talk SMK? Hmmmmmm.

Sounds like a nasty troll puppet to me. Look out fellas Kenc may have a gun and she is certifiably mental, paronoid and assumes mutiple but similar trashy personalities.


Posted 5:00 pm, 10/05/2012

Loser has nothing better to do than come on here and pretend that he has friends. What a real **** head ! Would someone please tell me who this is so I won't make the mistake of going to him?


Posted 4:48 pm, 10/05/2012

kenc (view profile)

Posted 2:19 pm, 10/05/2012

However JeanV, and moreover , SMK has numerous screen names in attempt to make himself credible.

i agree....what a sick no life POS


Posted 4:22 pm, 10/05/2012

That's why NancyGrace wants/has a gun!

Mr Stick

Posted 3:53 pm, 10/05/2012

He can't possib;e have a wife or a mistress ... who would have him ?

fake user name mistress.


Posted 2:19 pm, 10/05/2012

However JeanV, and moreover , SMK has numerous screen names in attempt to make himself credible.


Posted 12:58 pm, 10/05/2012

You know, SMK, if you want to push the idea that you're cheating on your wife with another GoWilkeser, that undercuts the uber-Christian image you've been feeding us.

But do carry on in that manner if you must.


Posted 11:16 am, 10/05/2012

It's amazing how he always turns these threads about himself. He must love the attention. What an ego ! Someone tell me what kind of doctor he is, so I know not to go to him.

Jean V

Posted 11:03 am, 10/05/2012

I very well might be. You don't think he's in a relationship?

At any rate, there air there would be fresher than the vulgarity coming out of your mouth.

Again, you are certainly no lady, whether or not you have a v*gina.

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