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It seems its legal for they mentally disabled to own guns!


Posted 8:31 pm, 10/04/2012

I want to know just which one of you Bas-Azzzz Lib-turds are going to march you butt over to a Drug Dealers house, or to some Crack house and take their guns from them First.

Which one of you SuperBad Libturds are going to march into the Bronx in New Your and take all the Gang Bangers Guns away.

Which Group of Super Brave Chest Pumped Out Wilkes Lib-Turds are going to march right on down to downtown L.A. and tell all the Bloods and Crips you are there to take their guns, so hand them over right now or its going to get ugly.

Let see which of you Ultra-Left Wing Whacko Lib_Turds are gonna do this brave deed.

Come on now, dont be shy.


Posted 8:26 pm, 10/04/2012

Yea SMK comes off as a condescending ahole.

Tell him you got a piece too..and your not stupid enough to register it.

Like Kat Williams said "You think I'm gunna shoot someone..WITH MY GUN?"


Posted 7:06 pm, 10/04/2012

Bullets what about bullets can we restrict the crazies from getting bullets?


Posted 6:43 pm, 10/04/2012

Sorry folks, you cant stop people from owning guns. If someone want a gun, nothing you can do from stopping them from getting one. All gun laws do is restrict the responsible gun owners from getting firearms. No proof that any gun law will stop someone from getting a gun.


Posted 6:39 pm, 10/04/2012

Go Girl !!!!


Posted 6:27 pm, 10/04/2012

Know= NOW


Posted 6:20 pm, 10/04/2012

How did I threaten you? You are the one who threatened me! And if I make an appointment at your office you won't know it's me, but my husband and son will come with me to make sure I am safe.

The anger is because you decided to start trolling every comment I posted. Because you use 20 + user names, does not mean you can project your own behavior onto every other poster.

I sent 2 pm 's to you. I'm sure that law enforcement will be able to verify that. I don't need you to " clear" me to get a gun.

I think " your tone" is vile! I really don't care what you say about my politics, but you crossed the line with your veiled threat that you have a concealed carry permit, take your gun to church, and then invite me and umpire to join you. Did you think I was too stupid to find out what you were talking about?

I am almost 49, I am a mother who lost a daughter 3 years ago, am I angry? He'll yes! And you are a sick, twisted, small minded little man that tries to demean people who dare to disagree with your snotty condescending attitude. I'm sure this will get deleted, but I am asking you know to stop with your insanity, leave me alone, and I will do the same!


Posted 6:18 pm, 10/04/2012

No NO Truthseeker it wouldn't be safe ! The ones who count , know you're a lady .


Posted 6:03 pm, 10/04/2012

What you say and what you are are two different matters entirely.

But if you would like to meet me and my wife for lunch sometime maybe you can prove me wrong on the boy/girl matter, but it will take a lot more than a talk over lunch to prove to me that you are mentally stable.

I'm serious about that. The amount of hostility that you portray while you write makes me wonder. And your nasty PM alone is a reason to not allow you to have a gun. I can't say that I have ever threatened any body such as you had. Don't know what you look on the outside but you definitely are not pretty on the inside.


Posted 5:56 pm, 10/04/2012

I think the next several months should be interesting, since I have repeatedly told you I am a woman, and you refuse to believe me, I guess I will have to make an appointment so I can prove to you I am not who you think I am.


Posted 5:50 pm, 10/04/2012

I do not have a dog in this fight... and I know this is completely off topic...

However, with that being said, I noticed that SMK referred to Truthseeker as "Wowsers".. That is laughable at best! Wowsers was an illiterate, babbling fool... you know he could not spell half those words in Truthseeker's last post alone!!!


Posted 5:44 pm, 10/04/2012


Posted 10:36 pm, 10/03/2012

It's not your political opinion, that is so offensive. It's your bigotry, intolerance, arrogance, ignorance, hatefulness, paranoia, the list could go on and on, and you saying that you are governmentally sanctioned to determine who can own a fire arm is laughable. Seriously get help for you narcissistic personality disorder!


Unfortunately for you, none of those characteristics will get a medical license revoke.

There is no better compliment from a libtard than to be called a bigot, or uppity or ignorant or paranoid.

Wowsers, being as an ardent gun rights activist as I am, I have never kept anyone from owning a firearm, but if you came to me and the police asked for your records, i would make sure that I let them know that I didn't think that you were stable in my medical opinion.

And if I say so, it will take at least 1 psychiatrist and probably another to agree with you that you are sane (good luck with that.) Additionally you would probably need an attorney to obtain a gun. It wouldn't be vindictive, I really don't consider you mentally stable.

But you all miss my point about knowing other people's politics and religion.

If you give someone else the power to determine if you are sane enough to own a gun, then you are privy to what men like might say about you.

So before you bust my balls about it, you might want to reconsider your stupid thread. unstable people need 24 hour supervision, they do not need to have a law saying that they can not own a gun because they can very **** well get one as you know.

Logic says, just as a criminal can get a gun, so can you, even if you are insane. So the answer is not a law "preventing" the mentally ill from owning guns, but to actually protect society from the mentally ill that are a threat.

I have had many psychotic patients. Most of them self elected to not own guns, a few were actually justified and stable enough to own guns, and a few were criminal and got guns despite prior convictions for violent crimes.

Sniffy the Liberal

Posted 11:08 pm, 10/03/2012

VIOLATION is SMK brewaking the rules of his medwical lecinsure !


Posted 10:38 pm, 10/03/2012

I'm new here, please define vilation to me please.


Posted 10:36 pm, 10/03/2012

It's not your political opinion, that is so offensive. It's your bigotry, intolerance, arrogance, ignorance, hatefulness, paranoia, the list could go on and on, and you saying that you are governmentally sanctioned to determine who can own a fire arm is laughable. Seriously get help for you narcissistic personality disorder!

Sniffy the Liberal

Posted 10:03 pm, 10/03/2012



Posted 10:02 pm, 10/03/2012

New guy! ! How bout someone that got "Baker Acted" and ended up in a "facility" for a weekend because they lost control for a minute? Are they mentaly disabled? Maybe they deserved it, maybe someone helped them in there. Never the less, they spent time in mental institution. How easy is it to get a 9mm for this person? Probabaly not going to happen, right? If the system works so efficiently for a short term "crazy", how can someone "officially" diagnosed with a mental deficiency obtain a license for a firearm?


Posted 9:17 pm, 10/03/2012

Maybe someone from here, http://www.ncmedboard.org/ should be made aware of your behavior on GW. I'm sure someone would be interested in how you conduct yourself.


Posted 8:58 pm, 10/03/2012

A patient's political NOR religious preference should be in question. It's only their mental status.


Posted 8:52 pm, 10/03/2012

psyops (view profile)

Posted 6:43 pm, 10/03/2012

Gillian we had this same conversation a long time ago. Do you remember?
What ever happened to wowsers? He disappeared around the same time as SMK, MR Liberal, and Frank.

I agree frank, I think wowsers came back as Truthseeker and was formerly, SearchingforU, the missing link, and several other previous usernames who got the boot and a few of the libtards on this page.

in reality, there really aren't this many libtards in Wilkes County. I think it's just one man with a transgender identity disorder.

Mentally disabled, as far as people on this thread, I believe I am the only official government sanctioned and licensed person to declare who is mentally competent to have a gun and I am releasing about 1 set of medical records a week to law enforcement in order for people to obtain permits. And I know my patients politics and religion too ;-)

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