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It seems its legal for they mentally disabled to own guns!


Posted 3:52 pm, 10/03/2012

BR doesn't own any guns, calm down guys.


Posted 3:46 pm, 10/03/2012

Yeah!!! I new it, how the **** can I be so freakn right, let me have this glory for a moment moving!!!! "Sperman Pose"


Posted 3:43 pm, 10/03/2012

BlackRose: "...Yet anouther liberal wanting to take away gun rights most likley..."



Posted 3:39 pm, 10/03/2012

Since 1968, federal law has prohibited the sale of guns to anyone declared mentally unfit. But first, a court has to decide someone is unfit�a very high standard. Then, the resident's state is supposed to supply the mental-health records to a Federal Bureau of Investigation database, created in 1998 to help carry out background checks of would-be gun buyers.

In black and white, unless my mental is high standard I don't think im a phycotic person willing the murder the innocent. Yet anouther liberal wanting to take away gun rights most likley.


Posted 3:36 pm, 10/03/2012

That shot was not my fault famouse, I got nocked into the shoulder bone when someone ran into me during the class. Also I would not I'm the person to misfire on purpose unless I had poeple breaking in my house. I was appointed a gun because I dectited to learn the saftey and the features of owning a gun. Yet I paid for it all and didn't break a sweat. Now for your question, poeple that have a mind that they can't control like on agressetion for killing poeple now that's the kind yha wanna worry about. There life is not mine to take unless that tried to kill me yet I still don't think I would kill anyone maybe a shot to the leg. Hence why I didn't join the military.

Frank France

Posted 3:28 pm, 10/03/2012

Gillian is Truth Seeker. he sells cars.


Posted 3:08 pm, 10/03/2012

What is this a problem, they give them cars to drive, knifes to cut steak with and better yet, they give them computers where they can really cause some damages!

He He he.....

**** Check out GoWilkes you can see a lot of mentally disabled people and challenged too!



Posted 2:41 pm, 10/03/2012

they had to lie when they filled out the form 4473? when they purchased the fire arm. otherwise the gun shop more than likely would not have sold it to them.


Posted 2:38 pm, 10/03/2012

Miller, I agree with you.

Someone likes to throw out statements about car salesmen like that is something beneath him. Then try to cover up the obvious. Personally I'd much rather have dealings with a car saleperson than a crazy doctor wanna be.

Funny how eager Frenchie is to accuse others of using multiple screen names when he/she/it has around 2 dozen of its own. Speaking of mental disorders, can you say split personalities?

SMK/redzone/Xerox/FrankFrance/hateyourtone, etc., etc. and so on.


Posted 2:26 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank is smk?...oh wow


Posted 2:25 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank France is SMK. He's a doctor.

Mindboggling, eh?


Posted 2:24 pm, 10/03/2012

Oh...sorry. i misunderstood

Frank France

Posted 2:22 pm, 10/03/2012

No it's no insulted. If I wanted to insult trutherseek, I would have said that he was a mentally disabled local car salesman who has many previous usernames on GW, such as serching4U or wowsers.

I have gotten many mentally psychotic ranting PM's from these usernames in the past and I am seeing a pattern here. After a while, I think I can recognize him no matter what username or profile he decides to go with.


Posted 2:16 pm, 10/03/2012

Frank...i am not a car salesman, but why on earth would you say that about someone and mean it as an insult? What do you do for a living?

Joseph T.

Posted 2:11 pm, 10/03/2012

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 1:18 pm, 10/03/2012

I do think there should be some type of psychological testing required. By the time things happen to draw attention to the person with problems, it is to late, like the Colorado shootings. Everything he did was legal, but in hindsight he shouldn't have been allowed to buy guns.
I'm not against guns, just don't like cuckoo people owning them.

Would you feel the same way if testing was required to exercise the rest of you constutitionaly protected rights

Frank France

Posted 2:06 pm, 10/03/2012

Truthseeker strikes me as a man who sells cars for a living. Does anybody else get that feeling or is it just the Thorazine talking ?

Frank France

Posted 2:01 pm, 10/03/2012

You know, 9 out of 10 doctors consider liberalism to be a mental disorder.

Maybe we could just keep liberals from owning guns and then we could all sleep at night.


Posted 1:58 pm, 10/03/2012

No, moving, to me, if a person ever needed to be committed against their will I wouldn't think they would EVER need to have a gun. I thought it was a little crazy myself.


Posted 1:48 pm, 10/03/2012

Miller, would you ever feel good about that person being issued a permit? Even if a considerable amount of time had passed since the commitment?


Posted 1:47 pm, 10/03/2012

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