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It seems its legal for they mentally disabled to own guns!


Posted 10:27 am, 10/05/2012

You too, Jean. Because if you are not SMK (and we both know you are), you must be his mistress since you've always got your nose up his ***.

Jean V

Posted 10:24 am, 10/05/2012

And he returns the favor well. Next time you post from a puppet to laugh at you own jokes, make it less obvious.

At any rate, unlike SMK, I have little desire to educate the uneducated liberal masses, who I think are deaf and dumb to reason and prone to lash out and attack a man of value.

He, however, holds hope out that free women want what is truly best for their families and for America and he doesn't send people PMs calling them nasty names and threatening them like he has received from you and your puppets in the past.

You have a wonderful day. Try to conduct yourself like a lady today.


Posted 10:11 am, 10/05/2012

Yes, your relationship has been made clear in the past. You're yet another of Sniffy's sock puppets, Jean. You exist only to pat himself on the back.

Jean V

Posted 10:07 am, 10/05/2012

I agree with SMK, the stupidity from you all is out of control. It's like the Lord of the Flies with you children. He hasn't attacked you and yet you have threatened him and his family on numerous occassions. Somehow you think he doesn't have any family, friends or business acquintanecs (and even patients) that might just agree with him and post on his behalf. And "ladies" (if there is actually more than one of you which I serious doubt too), there is nothing feminine about you. Additionally, I think it has been made ovious in the past who I am in relation to SMK. He is not I, but we know each other fairly well. He is a better man than you are.


Posted 9:55 am, 10/05/2012

Truthseeker911 (view profile) Posted 9:17 pm, 10/03/2012

Maybe someone from here, http://www.ncmedboard.org/ should be made aware of your behavior on GW. I'm sure someone would be interested in how you conduct yourself.

Half of u all that are posting needs a evaluation


Posted 9:47 am, 10/05/2012

JeanV , after reading SMK's posts and attacks on people who don't agree with him that's ;laughable !


Posted 8:39 am, 10/05/2012

There's nothing manly about you, SMK, signing in under a woman's name to continue your attacks against Truthseeker.

Jean V

Posted 6:11 am, 10/05/2012

If you are really the lady that you claim to be, you really should apologize to SMK for your nasty letter and for your attacks on him on line.

He really is a very forgiving man and you probably would actually like him, but there is absolutely nothing lady like about the way you are behaving.


Posted 11:26 pm, 10/04/2012

Is there really someone out there calling people "Libtards" because of their views on gun control? Don't think for a second that the same packin' crip out in LA won't sneak in your back door a slash your neck while you're asleep to relieve you of your IPhone. Your 44 didn't do you much good under your pillow now did it? Continue to bleed while you cry about taking the criminals guns away.


Posted 11:03 pm, 10/04/2012


My milkshake brings all the tards to the yard.


Posted 10:52 pm, 10/04/2012

I hope this weirdo doesn't own a gun. Look out you #$#%$ kids!!

Mr Stick

Posted 10:50 pm, 10/04/2012

As a man with many tats and only one tooth.

I am highly insulted.


Posted 10:44 pm, 10/04/2012

Wow, the truth shall set you free and expose liberals as major A HOLES.


Posted 10:43 pm, 10/04/2012

I'll walk into any of those place right behind you SuperDoc. You da man!!


Posted 10:27 pm, 10/04/2012

gr8not2bu (view profile)

Posted 8:31 pm, 10/04/2012

I want to know just which one of you Bas-Azzzz Lib-turds are going to march you butt over to a Drug Dealers house, or to some Crack house and take their guns from them First.
Which one of you SuperBad Libturds are going to march into the Bronx in New Your and take all the Gang Bangers Guns away.

Which Group of Super Brave Chest Pumped Out Wilkes Lib-Turds are going to march right on down to downtown L.A. and tell all the Bloods and Crips you are there to take their guns, so hand them over right now or its going to get ugly.

Let see which of you Ultra-Left Wing Whacko Lib_Turds are gonna do this brave deed.

Come on now, dont be shy.


Are these the only people who have guns ? I don't remember any liberal saying they were going to take anyone's guns.



Posted 9:42 pm, 10/04/2012

SMucK, go pick on the possom you ran over today, maybe he'll listen to your rambling


Posted 9:27 pm, 10/04/2012

Why Karma Is a *****.

By Laura Leu

It�s that time of the month.

Someone made a joke about its mom.

It didn�t get enough sleep.

You forgot its birthday.

It�s grounded on prom night.

It worked a double shift.

It�s Lassie.

A telemarketer called during dinnertime.

It wants to prove that it�s an empowered female.

It�s on its last nerve.

It cleans, it cooks, and for what? No appreciation!

It�s the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy after someone called it a *****.



Posted 9:24 pm, 10/04/2012

How easy is to get a medical license now? Just sayin!!


Posted 9:12 pm, 10/04/2012

I apologize in advance to Jason, but i see no way to stop you except post the truth since you are incapable of telling it! this is the exact conversation, in the order it happened. you are just like the lying republican politicians that take part of something and twist it to suit their own agenda.

SMK (view profile) 10:11 pm, 09/27/2012
You think you are funny? You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. You hide behind multiple screen names thinking you can say whatever you want but being online is not as anonymous as you think. You and your kind are a cancer on the earth. Watch out for karma **** cause just like me, she's a *****!

SMK (view profile) 11:26 pm, 09/27/2012
Wow. Impressive language. You must have passed the 3rd grade ? Wilkes County Elementary School drop out? High tattoo to teeth ratio ? Hey... I got an idea... tell us about the truth behind 911. You don't need to hide beind multiple screen names and you don't need to threaten me with you being... as you say in your own words "a *****. "

You are not welcome to contact me again.

This will serve as an official notice. I am public on GoWilkes. Everyone knows who I am... but you... YOU are not as anonymous as you think.

Forget about Karma. Fear the Lord. Vengence will be his.

SMK (view profile) 8:25 am, 09/28/2012
Well you obviously don't know as much as you think, or you would not have thought I was a man, and you would have known I am not a product of Wilkes.

I don't have tattoos, I have all my teeth, and have never been on public assistance. If I would have intended my screen name to be in regards to 9/11 that is how it would have been written. Being such an
"esteemed" Dr. , you should be familiar with the 911 emergency system.

I believe there is an option to ignore posters, since I am new to GW, I will have to familiarize myself with the feature, I suggest you do the same.

Since I apparently am not up to your advance intellectual level, would care to explain what the **** your "official notice" is supposed to infer?


Posted 8:56 pm, 10/04/2012


Posted 6:20 pm, 10/04/2012

How did I threaten you?

I posted you threat twice and it was twice removed. Once naming you and the second time posting the threat for others to see, both times it was taken down because apparently it is against policy to expose someones threats. I would think it would be against police to expose someones identity, but since you state you known who i am and that you are a .... what was that word you used to describe yourself ? Well anyway, you said I was a cancerous **** and you knew who I was and "I better watch out."

Sounds premeditated to me.

At any rate, I would register as a patient because then I would document it as I see it and medical records go national within the next few months (unless you choose to opt out. And If I write something about you in the medical record, you are unlikely to be allowed to posses a gun or bullets.

How do you like them apples?

Still want to tell mentally disabled people they can't own guns? Be careful what you wish for because as I said earlier, it will not be you defining mentally disabled, it will be people like me.

So just except the fact that you are wrong and that I can not keep crazy people who threaten me with grave bodily harm from owning guns and I'll take measures to protect my self, my staff and my family.

These threats are only part of the reason why I do not believe you are a woman (because they are so un lady like and so much like two other users names who once threatened me.

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