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It's Saturday, and Hillary still has more votes than Rump

tater chip

Posted 3:49 pm, 03/08/2020

The Democrats who impeached him this year will be sitting at home next. Year cause none of the will be Elected for another term


Posted 12:14 pm, 03/08/2020

Popular vote.


You seriously didn't know that?


Posted 11:13 am, 03/08/2020

It's Saturday, and Hillary still has more votes than Rump

Could you please tell us where you found these statistics?


Posted 11:09 am, 03/08/2020

Singer, I think they replies show just how ignorant they are. Do you ever read one that isn't just plain .


Posted 12:34 am, 03/08/2020

Is Rump feeling butthurt?


Posted 11:30 am, 02/16/2020

But just like the rest of you Trumpers, I'm just sure you see it as normal behavior.


Posted 11:28 am, 02/16/2020

Do you ever read his Twitter? He's an angry angry man.


Posted 11:10 am, 02/16/2020

Rage tweets. That is funny.


Posted 11:10 am, 02/16/2020

Well he doesn't sleep. He rage tweets all night.

Republicans are getting ****y.


Posted 11:08 am, 02/16/2020

Hahah yes, i am sure he is losing sleep over it.

The dems are the only ones who cant get over the fact he was acquitted.

The reelection is gong to be epic.


Posted 11:06 am, 02/16/2020

Every time anyone looks they will see that Trump was impeached. Trump knows he was impeached and that history will constantly reinforce that Trump was impeached.


Posted 11:04 am, 02/16/2020

Lol. A win in what way? You are delusional if you think it had or will have any effect on anything in the future.


Posted 11:00 am, 02/16/2020

Trump was impeached, I call that a win.


Posted 10:58 am, 02/16/2020

Its 2020. Your girl lost. Get over it.


Posted 10:00 pm, 02/15/2020

singer, are any of those Evangelical women Trump's type? If so, better be careful, he might grab em by the ****.


Posted 8:14 pm, 02/15/2020

Here's what you're up against commies. And before you scoff, think back over the last four years, and how every evil thing the radical dems did against Trump has turned back on them and exposed the evil and their crimes. No matter how many threads you post here.. the people know what the dems did to this president and this country.
This happened today by 'coincidence"


Millions of American's pray for Trump every day. I dare say, some one is saying a prayer for Trump every minute of the day and night. People from many counties have said on site's comments they pray for the US president.
So far the only ones to suffer are the ones on the side of evil and darkness, and it will continue. Much more to come about the democrat demons of darkness.

As you continue to watch events unfold against the democrat party and the obama administration.,pay attention to how every time you think you've got Trump.. it's blows up in your face, and exposes some more corruption about a democrat.
A reminder... The impeachment farce to take down Trump... TOOK DOWN BIDEN, the only half sane democrat running. the only one with any chance at all against Trump.

Biden is finished,,, And Trump's campaign made millions,,, democrats and indies by the thousands attended his rallies,, and his poll numbers went up 10 points. His polices have created the best economy in the world, and all those other historic successes Trump has accomplished.
And all you have is telling lies on GW, and looking like the Anti America scum you are.

Don't you ever wonder why out of the hundreds of times your handlers in the media has promised this time is the time that Trump will be removed,, and it just falls apart again.. doesn't it ever cross you small damaged minds that you're just suckers being lied to again?

It's laughable, yet stunning how you fall for it every time. And you're never embarrassed that you're just plain dumb over and over.


Posted 7:14 pm, 02/15/2020

LOL, and you are still crying about Obama

granny smith

Posted 5:36 pm, 02/15/2020

That was the 2016 Election and people like Rose and the rest of the Democrats can't get over it Rose has been crying ever since

Acquitted Sparkling Water

Posted 5:08 pm, 02/15/2020

I'm starting to love Saturdays.


Posted 5:04 pm, 02/15/2020

It's Saturday and America is still the greatest nation in the world !!!

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