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Just Curious


Posted 10:08 am, 08/28/2012

How many of you men have carried a rapists child or any child for nine months ??


Posted 10:05 am, 08/28/2012

Takers (view profile)
Posted 9:49 am, 08/28/2012
Sure it is and who make you the authority it wasn't. You lost the debate. And you are right

Forcing a woman to carry a child, raise the child, etc is in NO way comparable to taking antibiotics.

there are 2 live at stake. If a woman only has 9 months to help another human and you depend on antibiotics for a lifetime when problems arise on my dime then truly there is no comparison.

Only 9 months, and then what? Why don't you put your address on here and we will have all of the babies and children currently in foster care dropped off for you to TAKE care of. On second thought that would be a fate worse than death!


Posted 10:03 am, 08/28/2012

Goddess !!!

this n that

Posted 10:02 am, 08/28/2012

Truthseeker, are you dense? You don't get much poorer than the way Parton grew up, and look at how she proves momo's point. But I could point out dozens who grew up dirt poor and built an empire.
And,,, who knows,,, perhaps the person who was destined to find the cure for cancer has been murdered before they were born.

Please don't suggest that it's o.k. to kill babies because they would grow up in a poor family.



Posted 10:00 am, 08/28/2012

Under no circumstance should another human being have the utlimate control over my body, especially politicians who know nothing of me or my situation or situations should they ever arise. Those decisions should be left entirely up to me and those I designate to make in the off chance that I am unable to.


Posted 9:57 am, 08/28/2012

Lie Takers, if it makes you feel better. Are you sure you know what pro life means ? Does God love you when you lie ?


Posted 9:57 am, 08/28/2012

Takers how is it on your dime. I have insurance. Once again you make no SENSE!


Posted 9:53 am, 08/28/2012

Now kenc and goddess want to kill humans for what their parent(s) did. You are killing a baby period. Now what if you were murdered at the hand of scissors to the back of the head for a crime your parents committed and use the same attitude at you? Now that's just plain thinking huh?


Posted 9:49 am, 08/28/2012

Sure it is and who make you the authority it wasn't. You lost the debate. And you are right

Forcing a woman to carry a child, raise the child, etc is in NO way comparable to taking antibiotics.

there are 2 live at stake. If a woman only has 9 months to help another human and you depend on antibiotics for a lifetime when problems arise on my dime then truly there is no comparison.


Posted 9:49 am, 08/28/2012



Posted 9:48 am, 08/28/2012

Women want the right to live their lives without men who don't believe rape exists running their lives. Wake up women. Realize that if these men had to carry the child of someone who had violated them, abortion would definitely be their choice. The republican platform would be very different.


Posted 9:46 am, 08/28/2012

this n that (view profile)
Posted 9:03 am, 08/28/2012
Please don't suggest that it's o.k. to kill babies because they would grow up in a poor family.


What the lleh does dolly Parton have to do with anything?


Posted 9:42 am, 08/28/2012

Forcing a woman to carry a child, raise the child, etc is in NO way comparable to taking antibiotics.


Posted 9:38 am, 08/28/2012

kenc said'

Wake up women, don't let the repubs take away your freedom, they don't value your lives, they want to control you.

and women want the freedom to murder unborn children..


Posted 9:37 am, 08/28/2012

Sure it is would you be able to recover without antibiotics? You are ignoring a clear comparison.


Posted 9:34 am, 08/28/2012

Your analogy makes no sense takers, if I were incapable of recovering and had to live with life support, by all means pull the plug. Too many times medical advances keep a body breathing for no other purpose than financial gain. Take any viable organs and give someone else a chance at life.


Posted 9:33 am, 08/28/2012

I am pro life, a better life for the babies already born. An egg is not a baby. Repubs want to force women to work, and in many cases child care costs assures them that they can never have a good quality of life. Let them stay at home for a little while and take care of their babies. The holier than thous don't really care what pro life means, they don't mind taking food out of the mouths of babies, they mouth the words, not because they care, but because they think it makes them seem caring.

Wake up women, don't let the repubs take away your freedom, they don't value your lives, they want to control you.


Posted 9:27 am, 08/28/2012

We are all dependent before birth and after. That reason you gave is not a reason for anything. If you were on life support in the hospital should we disconnect you? How about medicine? should you not take it? I bet you have yet you see you are not capable of sustaining life and will depend on an outside source to keep you. today show up at the hospital in the name of choice that they are erroneously keeping people alive.

Oh and yes it is no less human.. an adult is neither a baby yet human.


Posted 9:21 am, 08/28/2012

Because what you are calling a baby, isn't a baby yet. It is not capable of sustaining life until sometime after 22 weeks. And no I don't think abortion should be used as birth control, but I do believe it is a decision between a woman, her doctor and her God. Not anyone else. And no I have never had one, but have known women who have, and it was a heart wrenching decision they had to make. Their bodies, their choice ! If men were the ones who had to carry the baby, I would love to see how quickly all of this right to life would change. The women would be begging the men to not kill their baby, and the men would do exactly what they want.


Posted 9:19 am, 08/28/2012

Well ..you believe in murdering a human that is your choice before a Holy God. Any human killed for the rights of another person is a choice whether it is in the womb or out. You are equal with Hitler slaughter for the sake of desire and convenience.

It will be better that millstone hung about your neck than offend one of these little ones. I pray you repent before that day when you stand without possessions, without title, without excuse before the one who created you and the unborn as well.

May the Living God have mercy upon your soul.

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