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Just Curious


Posted 1:41 pm, 08/28/2012

i know ain't ya glad reddit is a lot harder to navigate


Posted 1:36 pm, 08/28/2012

hey Satan this isn't Reddit.com


Posted 1:31 pm, 08/28/2012

Hepsibah (view profile)Posted 1:26 pm, 08/28/2012
myc: I'm glad things turned out good for you....and I'm glad you were able to have a choice! The government should NOT be in the business of deciding who has babies and who doesn't.
and that is the point


Posted 1:30 pm, 08/28/2012


Posted 1:26 pm, 08/28/2012

myc: I'm glad things turned out good for you....and I'm glad you were able to have a choice! The government should NOT be in the business of deciding who has babies and who doesn't.


Posted 1:22 pm, 08/28/2012

people make hard decisions everyday. both of my children were conceived while on the pill, my wife(then girlfriend) and i chose life, and i wouldn't have it any other way. but the fact that we had the right to choose was just that. some people just are not ready and even though they take precautions(contraceptives) they don't always work.


Posted 1:21 pm, 08/28/2012

Find out who in your family is doing it and then call them murderers.


Posted 1:21 pm, 08/28/2012

cuke: Great idea! Judgment should always start with one's own family!


Posted 1:21 pm, 08/28/2012

I'd argue with anyone that abortion is wrong. Just so happens you guys are the ones lobbying for it on here, so...


Posted 1:19 pm, 08/28/2012

The pill, in essence, keeps the fertilized egg from attaching to the placenta which kills the fertilized egg making it abortion. Why not start with your family on this matter?


Posted 1:16 pm, 08/28/2012

I don't use it and haven't. I don't ask my family members stuff like that. Why are you so interested?


Posted 1:15 pm, 08/28/2012

mommo have you or anyone in your family used the birth control pill?


Posted 1:04 pm, 08/28/2012

But, most on here for abortion are not fighting for the rights of only those that have been raped or molested. They are fighting for women freedom to have abortion for any reason. They don't want the right to choose abortion for any reason to be taken away. I just can't justify taking innocent life and calling it a right.


Posted 1:01 pm, 08/28/2012

if you think abortion is murder then you don't do it. I think it is horrible to force a woman or child to carry a child that was forced upon her. i wouldn't want my wife or daughter to carry a rapists baby and i wouldn't force you or your kin to either.


Posted 12:59 pm, 08/28/2012

That's the reason for the Catholic doctrine against birth control pills. They keep the fertilized egg from attaching to the placenta. Their belief is that EVERY conception MUST result in BIRTH.

Even more obtuse in their doctrine is that they "ban" condoms because condoms keep the sperm from reaching the egg, thus PREVENTING conception!

Either way, the woman is screwed.


Posted 12:57 pm, 08/28/2012

True Heps, Birth control , abortion, the morning after piill , are used by the so called religious right , as well as by other people, but god gave the gift of judging to the religious right only.

If the women of this world don't wake up, there are a lot of other freedoms that can be taken away.


Posted 12:54 pm, 08/28/2012

The pill, in essence, keeps the fertilized egg from attaching to the placenta

I wonder if mommo or her mommo or anyone in mommo's family ever used the pill


Posted 12:54 pm, 08/28/2012

so what's good for me is right for you?

Not sure where your going there. The best way I know to answer that is right is right and wrong is wrong. If I see abortion as murder and morally wrong, then it's wrong for me and you.


Posted 12:49 pm, 08/28/2012

kenc: I'm sure you know that some people hold abortion to be so UNTHINKABLE (example: the Catholic Church) that they even "ban" birth control pills. The pill, in essence, keeps the fertilized egg from attaching to the placenta. That's the same function as the morning-after-pill. The morning-after-pill is used for up to 72 hours after sex. After that, other drugs can be used to expel the egg from the placenta.

Surgical abortions are less used. That's where I would consider DRAWING MY LINE. I still think they should be legal to save the life of the mother.


Posted 12:49 pm, 08/28/2012

mommotwo (view profile)Posted 12:41 pm, 08/28/2012
Good point Kenc. There's a line already drawn. What we must do is pick a side and stay there. That's why I have to say abortion is morally wrong and no baby should be slaughtered for anyone else's convenience. I can have compassion for those on the other side of the line, but I shouldn't cross it.
so whats good for me is right for you?

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