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Just Curious


Posted 12:41 pm, 08/28/2012

Good point Kenc. There's a line already drawn. What we must do is pick a side and stay there. That's why I have to say abortion is morally wrong and no baby should be slaughtered for anyone else's convenience. I can have compassion for those on the other side of the line, but I shouldn't cross it.


Posted 12:36 pm, 08/28/2012

Yes we do, but we have to draw a line between stupidity and knowledge.


Posted 12:28 pm, 08/28/2012

I have to believe that we have a obligation to protect innocent babies and punish criminals.


Posted 12:27 pm, 08/28/2012

What you are calling a medical procedure is taking an innocent baby's life. That one is not in the gray area. That's pretty clear.


Posted 12:24 pm, 08/28/2012

so, that does clear up a little about you mommo...

you don't know if the death penalty is right or wrong...so how the Hades do you know that the right to a medical procedure for someone else is right or wrong...


Posted 12:21 pm, 08/28/2012

It does stop one criminal from committing anymore crimes. Again, I'm not saying death penalty is right or wrong.


Posted 12:18 pm, 08/28/2012

A death sentence would stop one rapist. If the death penalty deterred crime, surely there have been enough over the years to stop it altogether.


Posted 12:11 pm, 08/28/2012

If we had the death sentence for rapists, we could kill the guilty party instead of the innocent one. It would really decrease the amount of rapes.... Win, win...


Posted 12:05 pm, 08/28/2012

wrestling grandpa: You brought up am important point: some people just can't accept another person's decision.

If a grown woman WANTS to have a rapist's baby, then that right should NOT be taken away from her!

Young girls shouldn't be forced either way.

What is really morally CORRUPT is to condemn others for their views and decisions about it.

this n that

Posted 12:03 pm, 08/28/2012

myc1034 (view profile)
keep in mind the justice system isn't 100% so yes the death penalty has killed innocent people.
For once, you are right.
Which is why I am not pro death penalty, except in cases that no proof in a court is needed.

To me, a trial is who is the best "showman" in the form of a lawyer, who was rejected as an actor, and the court room is the only forum he has left to show off his acting abilities, or lack there of.


Posted 11:58 am, 08/28/2012

That's not my definition. My definition of murder is the taking of innocent life. I don't believe war to be murder either. It's ugly and I really can't say right or wrong, but I don't believe it to be murder unless it kills innocent civilians. I'm not the one trying to have it both ways. I'm for protecting the innocent- not the guilty.

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 11:58 am, 08/28/2012

there are those who will not accept another one's decision...they believe all should think like them and no other way....well when we raise children to think we do it with the understanding decisions made for them may not what we agree with but its their decision and they must live with the consequences....I would no more tell my sister of child bearing age that she is required to carry a babies she did not plan on and was raped....like wise a Mother and only a Mother knows the changes the body goes through and must respect the other persons decision...so these men who are pushing these laws will never understand what they are doing....to tell a teen ager who has been raped that she must carry the baby is just plain stupid....is how I see it....

Busted Flush

Posted 11:56 am, 08/28/2012

Republicans have ALWAYS been pro life....right up untill the time the baby is born...after that, not so much.


Posted 11:54 am, 08/28/2012

mommotwo (view profile)Posted 11:47 am, 08/28/2012
I believe murder is the taking of INNOCENT life. Death penalty wouldn't equal murder.

Folks if this isn't your typical KJV version of xianity you are either dumb, blind or just down right stupid.

by your definition mommo...

When mans blood is shed by man....under any circumstance...including abortaion..it's murder...you can't pick and choose which sin it is...murder is either abortion or the death penalty...

you can't have both ways darling!!!!


Posted 11:53 am, 08/28/2012

keep in mind the justice system isn't 100% so yes the death penalty has killed innocent people.

this n that

Posted 11:52 am, 08/28/2012

then what are your thoughts on the death penalty mommotwo?

Trying to connect the act of abortion to someone who has committed a violent crime, and found guilty by a jury, and sentenced to the death penalty, to the act of ripping an unborn "innocent" baby from the womb, is just beyond stupid.


Posted 11:50 am, 08/28/2012

Mommo, you are the real McCoy. I can tell that what you post is coming from the heart, not merely a Christian belief as some would try to make out.

They always bring up the worst case scenarios, the 'what-ifs' to justify making the murder of innocents legal.

There is a better way and I am not even sure what that might be but one immoral act does not justify another one, like you said.

I don't care what religion you claim, don't care what color you may be, don't care where you come from or what your first or last name is and it doesn't matter. Like I said, you are the real McCoy.


Posted 11:47 am, 08/28/2012

I believe murder is the taking of INNOCENT life. Death penalty wouldn't equal murder.


Posted 11:46 am, 08/28/2012

so one immoral act (murder) justifies another immoral act (murder)

mommotwo (view profile)Posted 11:15 am, 08/28/2012
I don't have the illusion that we live in a moral society, I just can't justify one immoral act because of another.


Posted 11:37 am, 08/28/2012

The Republican platform, the statement of what the party OFFICIALLY STANDS FOR, opposes abortion for ANY reason, including rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. thus, a 14-year-old girl who gets pregnant after being a victim of statutory rape (a serious crime) or incest would have no recourse but to carry the child to term, no matter the consequences to her or her family. and when that child is born, the party wants to cut spending available for infant nutrition, child care and medical care.

(The party platform also says the only government family-planning tool that should receive tax dollars is the teaching of abstinence.) So much for reproductive education.

This election is particularly important. Unless a return to the dark ages is desired, that is!

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