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Lost / Found Pet


Posted 6:06 pm, 11/23/2017

Oops please PM to claim. : )


Posted 8:48 am, 11/23/2017

Found two sweet little terriers. Cute as can be! Please call to claim. They are between 7-8 weeks old. Please claim, I do not hope they were dropped off.

Dixie Cup

Posted 10:56 am, 11/21/2017

missing orange stripped male cat in Mulberry off Ruritan Park Road. If seen please send message. He is 3 years old and neutered. Reward offered.


Posted 10:13 am, 11/18/2017

Hey, the kids enjoy the holidays as well! If we feel lost or are lost it is nice to know somebody is looking for us!

[email protected]

Posted 4:50 pm, 10/29/2017

I am missing a brown and white chihuahua in Rock Creek area


Posted 4:45 pm, 10/29/2017

Black pitbull/bluetick mix missing on Bethany Ford Rd.... Please pm sgtkracka if u see this dog.... Answers to "blue"


Posted 12:25 pm, 10/29/2017

Sunday morning/afternoon 12:15 saw short haired brown dog trimmed with white does have brown tail running along Woodland Blvd in Wilkesboro in direction of St Paul's church looked lost, a dog on a mission. Stocky and appears in good health, no collar. I hope owner sees this and can find him, he is well cared for but lost, maybe during storm earlier this week. He has short legs.


Posted 12:23 pm, 10/29/2017



Posted 12:48 am, 10/29/2017

Black color pitbull/bluetick mix went missing on Bethany Ford Rd.... Please pm sgtkracka if you see this dog..... Answers to "blue"


Posted 10:59 am, 10/16/2017

wholesalejewelry17 (view profile)
Posted 10:52 am, 10/16/2017
There's a large black and white dog that is hanging around my mom's on Yellow banks above the bridge. He's been around a week today. If anyone knows who he belongs to please help him get to his owners. I do not wanna have to call the pound, and we certainly don't want it getting hit by a car.


Posted 8:11 pm, 10/10/2017

Thank you for the kind words. I thought your profile name was familiar, and in checking my messages, we conversed some about his situation back right after we found him.

I think that is partly why I want to find something about him...to know how old he is, etc. I don't think he is nearing the end of his life any time soon, but his physical deformity does seem to be hindering him a bit more now than it did when he came to us. For all I know, he is no older than our other dog of the same breed, but he may very well be. I just wish I knew.

I agree with you, that whoever had him before, has probably forgotten him...especially if they were the ones who mistreated him. There is still that nagging question in my mind, if maybe he had someone after the initial owners, who may have cared for him. The only thing that keeps bothering me, is the fact he was microchipped. I simply cannot make that compute, why someone who didn't care for him as a pet, would go to that trouble of having him chipped, but then not ever enter their contact information.

I'll say this...I've never once regretted that he stayed with us, even though I would have given him back, had an owner come forward and been able to convince me that his deformity and his initial fear of people, was not their doing. But I believe God meant it to be.


Posted 12:13 pm, 10/08/2017

Can't help you with the pups history but that is such a sweet story. Thank you for caring and giving your love. If he is failing at least you gave him some quality of life in his final years. Thank you for caring. The people that had him, I am sure, have long forgotten him. Your precious pup to watch over.


Posted 2:20 pm, 10/06/2017

I have not visited this thread, since back in 2013. My reason then, was because my dad found a small-breed male dog in the vicinity of Holland Clothing, on Highway 268. My wife and I took this dog in, because we already had one of the same breed, and thought we would keep him until we were able to find his owners.

We did everything humanly possible to find them...flyers, contacting all of the local veterinarians in Wilkes County, and posting on this forum. As a result of posting here, I got many calls from people who were missing a small dog, of various breeds, but none for the particular breed of the one my dad found. Basically, no one ever contacted us about the dog we had in our possession.

We took him to a local veterinarian here where we live (not in Wilkes Co.), and a microchip was found, but the owners had not ever entered their contact information online, so it was useless. But after the vet examined him, it became apparent that he had not been treated well by someone in his past, whether it was his current owners, or someone previous. He would flinch and make a frightened noise, any time someone even moved their hand suddenly, without even thinking or doing it in his direction...just any sudden movement, especially if he was on your lap when you did it.

Furthermore, he had a physical characteristic, which led the veterinarian to tell us that he was likely kept in a cage for most of his life, and severely neglected. They believe he was used as a breeder for a puppy mill, and simply abandoned when he got older. They estimated his age at the time, to be 10 years old. That was just an estimate, and we have had him for 4 1/2 years now, so we are not really even sure how old he is. But the veterinarian felt he had not had a good life. At that point, we decided to make him part of our family, and never search for the owners again. He has been in our family for 4 1/2 years now, and is by far, the most loving, affectionate, and yes...I believe appreciative of having a good home, pet that we have ever had.

But now, he is showing some signs of aging, and my wife and I have started to wonder about his history. Perhaps he was mistreated by a previous owner, but maybe somebody else had him afterwards, and loved him. We have often wondered if there is somebody that he thinks about, and loved, and would like to see again. What was his name before we called him Pierre? I know we would never give him up at this point, but we just started thinking how we would feel, if a dog that we cared about, got gone and we never knew what happened to it. Did it die alone, cold and hungry, or did it end up with a good family? We love him, and he loves us, but still the questions...

I have to believe that with all of the effort we put in to finding the owner, that he very likely was simply abandoned and left to die, since nobody ever came forward who could give us a description of him...his breed, physical characteristics, etc. He is a high-dollar breed, and had he been someone's pet, you would just think they would have...even with his deformity.

But I just thought I'd post this one more time, to see if anyone happens to read this, who lost a dog during that time period and always wondered whatever became of it. We do not believe he is ready to pass away in the near future, but we do see signs of his starting to slow down a bit, and his deformity is giving him a bit more trouble than before. Its hard to even acknowledge it, as I have never had a dog who attached itself to me the way he has, or loved me enough to want to sit on my lap for hours each evening when I get home. I have never had a dog that changed my life the way he has. I guess that's why I just wanted to try once more, to see if I could find out anything more about his history.


Posted 4:17 pm, 10/04/2017

Found female chihuahua near the IGA on 268. Justice trailer park. 336 902 8294. Pic in classifieds lost found pets.


Posted 12:00 am, 09/30/2017

Glad she was found!


Posted 10:58 am, 09/23/2017

Kenner has been found!!!!!! She is safe and well. Thanks to everyone who helped bring her home.


Posted 1:01 pm, 09/21/2017

lost female chihuahua in State road area. she is blond and white and mature. her name is Kenner. Last seen on West Forest dr in State Road.



Posted 12:17 pm, 09/10/2017


Posted 3:16 pm, 09/08/2017

Found male, German Shorthaired Pointer at Central Will's Middle School today. Friday, September 8th. Please Contact Lisa Thomas with any information as to who the owner is. He is Young, friendly with people and other dogs. In fact he is afraid of my dogs.


Posted 8:22 pm, 08/31/2017

I've lost my black and white female husky with pink collar her name is Millie but she doesn't come to it very well. If you see her please call me 3354522617

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