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Men who beat their wives and children


Posted 5:28 pm, 08/11/2009

I don't buy the helpless victim theory. I'm sorry for anyone who is or has been in a domestic violence situation. It's horrible. But you can bet, I'd be living under a bridge somewhere before I'd allow a man to abuse me OR my children. Especially my children. I understand that it isn't that easy for some women, but I know too many who have gotten out to buy into the line of thinking that it can't be done...


Posted 5:25 pm, 08/11/2009

I have been in the situation. I was in a relationship where I was abused. I was barely grown, and this guy got his kicks out of beating the crap out of me whenever he felt the need. I would wear long sleeves to work, to hide the BITE marks he would leave on my upper arms, back, etc.

I made the choice to get out of that relationship. I stayed too long, but ultimately, I got out. If there had been children involved.... him laying his hands on my child one time, would have been the only time it would have taken in order for me to pack my things and leave.

There are many organizations that will help someone in an abusive relationship. I know that people may not like to hear this, but SOMETIMES, victims feed off of being a victim.

So, coming from someone who HAS been in an abusive relationship, I ask again.... why in the world would a mother sit back and allow ANYONE to abuse her children?


Posted 5:25 pm, 08/11/2009

Abusive men normally turn the woman's own family on her and try to make her look like the bad one in the situation, when it's actually the other way around. It's hard to see the truth of the situation sometimes.


Posted 5:19 pm, 08/11/2009

Adding to YODA's post - the first thing these types of men do is to incapacitate their victims (spouses/girlfriends) Children are, naturally, incapable to begin with. It is nearly impossible for a victim of domestic violence to respond, run, escape or otherwise function as a free person. They are, in essence a prisoner. People don't seem to understand this and apparently, like the jerk who beats up on a woman, those who stand self-righteously saying, "I'd not put up with that" maybe it makes them feel big to say that. However, they know little of what they're speaking of unless they've been in the situation.


Posted 5:09 pm, 08/11/2009

Abusive people remain in abusive relationships a lot of times out of fear of leaving. Where do I go? How will I live without money? I am not worth anything. I am not worth anyone caring enough to help me. Who can I trust, no one!! These are some of the questions victims go through because the abuser often more than not, drills into their victims a feeling they cannot survive without them. That they are not worth anything. And often, the victim comes from a family of abusers, thus feeling this is normal. It is very sad but unfortunately it happens everyday and is often hidden.


Posted 5:01 pm, 08/11/2009

because he's a very very little person...

and yes, I can believe he goes to church....LOLOLOL!!!! what a joke all the way around...


Posted 5:00 pm, 08/11/2009

He's an INSECURE LOSER!!!! Were she live I will give her one of my CAST IRON skillets


Posted 5:00 pm, 08/11/2009

It happens every day, but this is my question.... ( not bashing victims of domestic abuse, just a serious question )

Why in the name of everything holy would a woman stay in a relationship where she is being abused? Even worse, how could a mother keep her children in a situation where they are being abused? You're only a victim if you allow it to happen.


Posted 4:57 pm, 08/11/2009

I hope that is what happens to him---he definately deserves it. He's a selfish know it all grown man that gets his kicks from beating his family and its sad. I hope eventually someone will put this man in his place. Can you believe this same man goes to church?


Posted 4:55 pm, 08/11/2009

I have to say, most men that I know would make sure he had someone "his own size" to pick on.


Posted 4:53 pm, 08/11/2009

Bragging to people about it might get him put in jail....he better watch his mouth or someone might shut if for him and give him a taste of what it feels like....


Posted 4:52 pm, 08/11/2009

Some men think it make them look more macho since they can beat someone up. In their eyes it doesn't matter who they beat up either.


Posted 4:49 pm, 08/11/2009

Why would a grown man want to beat his wife and his child and then go brag about it to other people? Is that sick or what?

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