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Men who beat their wives and children


Posted 8:43 am, 08/12/2009

I've been there. I did leave though. The physical wounds heal. The mental and emotional wounds don't heal so quickly. Every time I look at this thread I still get flashbacks and it's been 5 years since I left. My ex husband left scars that I'll never forget. He's changed me forever. I do forgive him, but it's not so easily forgotten.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 8:22 am, 08/12/2009

If a certain group was still organized as they once was this crap would not happen but once. But then at that time the LEOs did not interfer with the schooling of POS.


Posted 8:11 am, 08/12/2009

Yep, I beat my wife again last night....I beat her to the kitchen, I beat her to the bedroom, and I beat her to sleep. I would have beaten her to the bathroom, but we each have our own.

As for actual physical beatings inflicted by either men or women, if someone's relationship gets to that point, returning to anything closely related to normality is extremely slim. I have read that the abuse only worsens with time, up to and including death.

If it happens, even once, get to the nearest hospital for treatment, contact the authorities (which the hospital will do), have a restraining order issued, document any and all injuries with photos, and get out of Dodge.


Posted 2:03 am, 08/12/2009

first of all women dont let a man put you in any abuse nobody needs that **** with the world like it isand who ever beats their wife and kids are a SORRY ****!!!! and i tell anybody that to their face because thats bull**** and they aint nobody to respect no way


Posted 1:56 am, 08/12/2009

Candy, right with you on physical scars. My jaw was broke twice. Don't remember how many times I was seen in the ER. I was LUCKY. I lived. Violence may not be the answer, but I can understand why people snap and kill their abuser.


Posted 1:49 am, 08/12/2009

Please people, treat each other nice. Violence is never the answer. Like I said I have physical scars. Please think about that the next time you even think of raising a hand or using verbal insults to the ones you "love." Speaking insults can be just as hurtful and damaging.

It is so very easy to judge looking from the outside cherr you are right. I learned that lesson so very well. Another lesson I learned very well was that the abused thinks they deserve it and they have no way out. If I start talking about the children involved it would take up a whole other page.The women that stay are afraid of being alone. Google the "abuse cycle."

Sorry for being so long winded. Sore subject.


Posted 1:31 am, 08/12/2009

We are all worth a whole heck of a lot more than the abusers lead us to believe.

Thank you cherr.

Bad memories, but lessons learned. That is what matters. We learned.


Posted 1:22 am, 08/12/2009

I agree Candy, men are also abused and women that are abusers are also POS folks. Abuse happens to all social classes, race, religion, sex, it is a true non descriminator.

I just wish that people that SEE abuse happening would ACT. People need to speak up, show up, and let the abuser know that it is NOT OKAY to put hands on someone. If it happens in front of you, stop it if you can. Call the cops, DSS, tell a friend, a co-worker, get the abused some help.

And to those being abused. YOU are worthy of a life without the drama, the hitting, yelling, abuse. Get out if you can, make an escape plan, let others know what is going on.


Posted 1:12 am, 08/12/2009

cherr I can appreciate what you are saying as I have been through a lot as well. I have scars to prove it.

On the flip side, who is speaking for the men that are abused by their women? The men are more reluctant to speak up.

Abuse? Useless and just wrong.


Posted 1:10 am, 08/12/2009

A man that would do that is not a "grown man" at all. He is an insecure mouse who preys upon those that are physically weaker than him. Also, I am surprised that it hasn't gotten back to the cops what he is bragging about. He needs to be somebody's punching bag in jail or prison. That might make a "grown man" out of him.


Posted 1:04 am, 08/12/2009

I was in not one but several abusive relationships.
The first was when I was in a little girl. I learned from my family that I was a worthless piece of crap. So when my first hubby hit on me, it was "normal". When he went to hit my son, I finally left. This was before women shelters. The second hubby was a wonderful man as well. He was emotionally, physically, mentally and financially crippling to me. The military turned a blind eye, even though I was one of theirs as well.

After a lot of therapy and support, I have gotten to where I know I am NOT worthless, and I deserve better. I still have moments of doubt and a lot of insecure times.

It is HARD to earn self respect, feelings of worth, and feelings of safety.
It is HARD to look in the mirror, see the scars left behind, look at your children and see the mental scars left on them because you were too scared or unable financially to leave someone.

It is easy to JUDGE looking on the outside.

Blaming the victim does not help.
It has been said on here before that "I would never take that" or "he has to sleep sometimes." It is also easy to say that.

The male is not a man. ANY male that puts his hands on a woman or child is NOT a man. Just a worthless piece of bullying crap.


Posted 12:43 am, 08/12/2009



Posted 12:32 am, 08/12/2009

Sorry people but, the offender would take awhile to make it to the hospital. With a broken knee and a broken nose and oh yeah, your elbow is hanging funny? Ooops!
I learned very early and very seriously. I may be small but do not mess with my family, my babies, me or my animals. EVER!

Bottom line, nobody has the right to abuse another whether it be a man or a woman doing the abusing.


Posted 12:14 am, 08/12/2009

I`m with you all the way stress, and spades, a pc rambo I`m not but I see somebody do some crap like that, you can bet your a** I WILL do something about it, have before and will again. Ask the idiot about his broken jaw, cracked shoulder, and 3 broken ribs.


Posted 11:16 pm, 08/11/2009

i have always said if a man ever beat me .he has to go to sleep sometime and if one ever beat my kids he would DIE


Posted 10:21 pm, 08/11/2009

It takes a poor excuse for a man to beat a woman or a child...when a woman gets out of a relationship she needs to get councilling before another relationship because she is more than likely go into the same type of relationship...

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 8:41 pm, 08/11/2009

Want to find out if Im a PC Rambo let me see you put your hands on a woman or Child in any other than a corrective way with the child. We will have a three legged race to the Hospital to get my foot cut out of your rearend.


Posted 8:32 pm, 08/11/2009

I could not beat up a man (well, maybe a little puny one) but I would point and laugh if a no-good-wife-beating-sob got what was coming to him!!

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 8:30 pm, 08/11/2009

LethalDragon- It is a surprise that we agree on anything. But we do on this.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 8:29 pm, 08/11/2009

Spades- Dont test your thoughts on me. It will hurt your feelings.

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