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Men who beat their wives and children


Posted 6:36 pm, 08/11/2009

Nor does it include murder but that seems to be accepted as long as the victim was an abuser themselves.

Using physical violence to stop abuse is self-defeating, it would seem....


Posted 6:36 pm, 08/11/2009

Some men swear that women deserve to be hit, no matter what they do and they can't do anything right in the man's eyes. It's pretty sad!


Posted 6:34 pm, 08/11/2009

Love does not include abuse!

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 6:26 pm, 08/11/2009

If old Luther was still alive he would not do it but once, and let him find out.He had no tolerance for Drunks. There was a man that lived in our community that got paid on Friday and would lay drunk till Sunday. He would blow his pay check with 4 little children in the home. He was paid a visit by a few of the locals, and taken into the woods. They tied him between two trees and stripped him to the waist, I will never forget the sound of that Cat of 9 tails as long as I live.I live there for 7 more years and returned to visit often. I never heard or seen that man when he looked or acted like he had taken a drink.


Posted 6:17 pm, 08/11/2009

Stress, what your grandfather did is what all real men should do to those pathetic pos's who think they are so big and bad! ANY male of legal age (can't really call that an adult!) who would beat a woman or child should be given a public whipping on first offense, castration with rusty knife on second offense, and death penalty on third! A bully never outgrows it, apparently!

Something I would like to add here. Abusers target women who have very low self-esteem. They have radar for these women who grew up thinking that they were not worth very much. Oh, they will be sweet to her and treat her great --- until they get marries or moved in together. THEN they drop the pretense, and strat tearing her down further. He will make sure that she believes that SHE is the POS, and she is worthless, and he will isolate her from her family and friends, and he will use her to take out all of his many frustrations at having to be an adult and responsibility. Everything that goes wrong in his world is HER fault, and he will NEVER allow her to forget this fact. Unless she can get out, she may very well die by his hands. If she does escape, and gets so far away that he cannot find her, then he will begin tracking another victim....


Posted 6:16 pm, 08/11/2009

All I can say to that LOSER touch one hair on my childs head not to mention mine an he will be in serious need of a DOCTOR his self cuz he won't be getting up !!!


Posted 6:12 pm, 08/11/2009

I would love to see a man try to beat me and my children. I would kick his arse up around his sholders.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 6:12 pm, 08/11/2009

Thats not all that went on in the good old days before the Civil Rights Movements.Any of you remember when a MAN would call another down over any kind of Foul language used in front of his wife or other Ladies??How about not putting up with a sorry **** man that would not work and take care of his family??Rather you like or hate the Klan they did more than run around burning crosses and shouting the N-word.


Posted 6:03 pm, 08/11/2009

Awwh, the GOOD OL' DAYS!!!!

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 5:59 pm, 08/11/2009

You know things have changed in the last 45 years , some times not for the better. About 45 years ago I saw my Grand Father go to a man house drag his butt out and stomp his butt for hitting his wife.. She was in no way kin to us. It was something men didnt put up with. Progress sometimes I wonder if its not regress.


Posted 5:57 pm, 08/11/2009

this dude is a punk who needs to be knocked down to his knees. after that let the fun begin on his face & kidneys. do you know someone who can do this to that sorry sack of $ # I T??? if not take some voluteers to do it. but just dont tell anyone what you've got planned... SSSHHHH & the kids too?? OMG what is wrong with people??? i grew up in that environment & i'm still actively lookin for him.. I pray to god almost everyday that this dude lives long enough for our paths cross again. good luck & stay strong


Posted 5:50 pm, 08/11/2009

There are so many people out here who have no idea what the meaning of the word LOVE means. Either for themselves or someone else. Such a pity. Love is learned, taught, and shown while in the womb. That is a deep subject if one thinks about it. Actions mean so much more than the words. I LOVE YOU!!!

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 5:50 pm, 08/11/2009

Coward is the correct word not Man.

george h w b

Posted 5:46 pm, 08/11/2009

Any man who beats his wife or kids (other than discipline for the kids) is ONE SORRY ****.


Posted 5:43 pm, 08/11/2009

You are exactly right Stress and piss on their self to boot....

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 5:37 pm, 08/11/2009

I sorry folks, the one who done this is not a man nor will he ever be. Please dont mistake him for one. He would cower in front of a man.


Posted 5:36 pm, 08/11/2009

Manic, very good point. My situation did not involve children thank goodness. My situation was mostly "MY FAULT" which is a lot of times the way a woman or man looks at themselves. I also stayed too long in my first marriage. If not for my desire to get the heck out and some very dear, loving friends who helped me, I may have not gotten out when I did. If I had a child in that relationship, I would have left at the very first instance of my child being in danger. And I considered (and still do) myself as a strong woman. Not all women feel they are strong enough due to their low self-esteem. Each situation is totally different. The first beating, I forgave. The second, well, let's just say it hurt me enough to not allow it to happen again. And it didn't. I was one of the lucky ones. Some are not as lucky.


Posted 5:36 pm, 08/11/2009

When I was a child, my father put his hands on my mother ONE time.

She packed us kids up, drove to the police department, pressed charges against him, took us to a friends house, and that's where we stayed for a few weeks.

When we went back home, my dad never laid his hands on her again. Like I said... you're only a victim if you allow yourself to be one.

If a stranger walked up and punched you in the face, would you stand there and allow them to do it?? If not, why do you feel that it's any different to allow someone who supposedly " loves " you to hit you?


Posted 5:32 pm, 08/11/2009

Everything said here is true I was the victim....My husband(then) beat me so bad he knocked 2 teeth out.broke my nose and jaw I literally looked like a monster.My brother Hal caught him out one night and hit him one time and he rolled up in a fetal position and pissed all over his self....I wished he would have beat the living crap out of him....but like he said he would beat on a woman and fight like a wussie when it came to a man....lol


Posted 5:29 pm, 08/11/2009

You are so right Schoolmarm. Experienced in this area personally, the emotional abuse, along with the physical abuse is very demeaning to the victim. It takes away all hope of caring or loving. ONLY when they reach the bottom of the pit, can they look up and see the light. But it can be done - with time and help. And may I also add, it doesn't just happen to women and children, it happens to men also, in lesser cases, but still happens just the same.

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