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Methadone Clininc


Posted 6:41 pm, 03/26/2019

i just finished sending you a reply Marie...should be in your inbox


Posted 5:43 pm, 03/26/2019

That's right sgtk.. Did you get my Pm?..


Posted 5:38 pm, 03/26/2019

i wish willpower was enough michael. ... but asking an addict to quit on willpower alone is like asking you to take 2 ex-lax with a strong pot of coffee and then willing yourself not to use the bathroom.


Posted 5:29 pm, 03/26/2019

michael:: You haven't got a clue.. Until you've walked in their shoes you know not how they feel.. You're just saying, well someone picked up the Flu. Sure they did, whether it be air-borne or direct contact with one with it.. They just can't walk away from it especially if elderly or toddler.. They going to need help as in an antibiotic.. Get It?


Posted 5:13 pm, 03/26/2019

I only know of one person who used a clinic, but in her case, she was able to successfully quit a devasting heroin addiction. I think it was a combination of things, but she became a counselor herself and was sober for over 30 years until her death of natural causes.
I was a very young woman at that time, and to my understanding, the clinics were experimental back in those days, but still...she was a success story, and lived a long fulfilling live after addiction.


Posted 5:10 pm, 03/26/2019

Making excuses for them don't help. Gumption that what it takes. You picked it up you can put it down. Most people can't leave the life until death because they can't get away from the surroundings to a different way to handle pain. Time it take time. Never give up on people you love.


Posted 4:57 pm, 03/26/2019

Michael i've seen a many of people who abused their meds and ran out before a refill.. Even ones abusing alcohol.. It's not just put it down and stay away.. These individuals were VERY VERY sick...


Posted 3:57 pm, 03/26/2019

I've had friends that was hooked on morphine and or types of pain pills doctor prescribed. Went through treatment that didn't stop them. They're dead now. Find a support system from people that love you. Only one way to quit. Its ruff getting away from it. That what it takes Put it down and stay away from it.


Posted 12:32 pm, 03/26/2019

mikey that's nonsense


Posted 11:41 am, 03/26/2019

Most are dead within 5 years. That's what them clinics are for. They're there to keep people addicted.


Posted 10:14 am, 03/26/2019

but that's a crazy argument to try and back up.....narcan doesn't keep them addicted.....it just keeps them alive and their addiction keeps them addicted


Posted 10:05 am, 03/26/2019

and the only way that narcan "keeps them addicted" is that it prevents them from dying so they can use another day. I guess that boils down to your humanity and what amount of value you place on the life of an addict.


Posted 10:03 am, 03/26/2019

i think that's just a negative spin you're putting on it...in 2007 i believe, Wilkes County was one of the top counties in the entire nation for overdose deaths.

After the implementation of project lazarus, the impact of Mountain Health Solutions, and the availability and education on use of overdose kits, we are no longer even on the radar.

Unless an addict is using with a chaperone watching over them, then they will not be able to help themselves with an overdose kit once the time came. Addicts in the middle of a nod usually don't want naloxone because it causes precipitated withdrawals and ruins their high. it is usually given to them against their will or without their knowledge and consent because they are not able to give it.


Posted 9:51 am, 03/26/2019

Sorry I wasn't trying to imply narcan gets one high, but that doctors pass out the pain meds like candy and back it up with narcan like its ok. In my opinion, the narcan only keeps then hooked because they know they have a backup when things go south.


Posted 9:47 am, 03/26/2019

hava---i wish you luck and if you or any other addict needs to talk, just message me.


Posted 9:45 am, 03/26/2019

hava---your statement about Narcan is off though.....it is the opiate blocker that pulls people out of overdose.....it does not get anyone high....just the opposite.....and it has no value to anyone seeking a buzz as there is no buzz or high associated with it.


Posted 9:44 am, 03/26/2019

Agree Sgt


Posted 9:41 am, 03/26/2019

in defense of the people who say the system is crooked, it is crooked, but not at the clinic level.....the crookedness started at, and ends with Big Pharma.

they mass-produced these drugs, and pretty much bribed doctors into prescribing them on a mass scale.

after years and years of this unchecked, unscrupulous profiteering on behalf of big pharma, the nation ends up highly addicted and big pharma ends up very very wealthy.....once the problem was given national attention, big pharma then begins mass-producing the drugs to wean you off......they've been f*^$#@! us from both ends.....so yeah, there is some crooked s*&^ going on but yall need to aim higher than the people working at the clinics....most of them are very caring and want to help. Big pharma is the problem.

However, to the addicts.....blaming big pharma, the clinics, your parents, the kid that stole your lunch money in the 3rd grade.....blaming these people will get you nowhere.....ultimately, most addicts got themselves addicted.....you have to take responsibility for your own lives, quit blaming other people for all your problems and find peace however you can. Yes, life sucks for everybody. People treat you unfairly, life treats you unfairly. Only you can decide to not let it destroy you.


Posted 9:39 am, 03/26/2019

The only thing I get on high on is liberal tears and currently there is a mass influx of those around here.


Posted 9:29 am, 03/26/2019

hava------if you can wean yourself down slowly from whatever street opiate you're on over the course of a couple months, or quit cold turkey on your own, that is the best option...

i'm assuming you're here because that isn't an option?
So if self-detox isn't an option then the clinic is going to be a much better option.

If i could give you advice, i would need to know something....

1. What is more important to you? Being able to experience a normal day without sickness? or is the "high" still important to you?
When i was going through it, i didn't care about the high anymore,,,,i was just tired of the daily madness and just wanted to have a normal day and be able to work without the daily pressure of finding drugs, and finding money to buy them. If you are just wanting to feel normal and have a normal day, then don't do methadone.....subutex is the better option because there is much less "high" to it.

2. Some people need more of that "high" to stay compliant in clinic treatment. If that buzz is still important to you, (no judgements if it is), then methadone is the better option because there is more of that high in my experience than there is with subutex.

if you decide on subutex, try to keep your dose under 8 mg....no human being on earth needs 3 subs a day, no matter how much heroin they were doing. There is a ceiling effect to subutex so getting greedy and asking for more will only cost you more money and you'll get no added benefit.

If you decide on methadone, then just do however much you have to do to stay in the clinic and off the street. In the clinic is always better, no matter which drug you choose.

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