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Pedo Rump to testify today about his rape charges


Posted 5:09 am, 05/26/2023

Fakey, YOU and Rump have something in common 🤣


Posted 10:27 am, 05/25/2023

That's Rump for you. And yet his brainlocked Rumplickers still support him, smh 🤣


Posted 8:44 am, 05/25/2023

Common sense doesn't exist anymore. Rape in a department store dressing room, Give me a break.


Posted 1:43 am, 05/11/2023

Rump still unrepentant about HIS constant lies. Are YOU unrepentant about trolling on Rump's behalf?🤣


Posted 6:21 pm, 05/09/2023

Ka Boom !


Posted 4:04 pm, 05/09/2023

One down, 25 more to go.


Posted 3:54 pm, 05/09/2023

The twice divorced man of the world, who has cheated in business, defaulted on debt, indicted for lying about a payoff for political purposes to a p**n star with whom he had an affair, currently undergoing a civil trial for an alleged rape, the instigator of the January 6th insurrection, a pathological liar and con artist who dabbles in conspiracy theories, advocates revenge politics. twice impeached for mind-boggling corruption. That guy just lost the civil trial and ordered to pay $5 million


Posted 3:49 pm, 05/09/2023

Hey fakerdumazzzzz, go ahead, hold hands with 168 as you announce the jury's findings. Step up your game and be brave.


Posted 1:51 pm, 05/09/2023

Hey rosetok, being a punctuation Nazi is so YOU. Glad YOU fell for the trap that was set.

Now, coulda YOU comment on the lies YOU abused to author this bogus thread?


Posted 12:47 pm, 05/09/2023

Quite funny to see Fakey's lack of punctuation in his rambling. LOL YOU go, Troll 🧌


Posted 12:42 pm, 05/09/2023

Hey all, tis quite fummy accounting the posts on the front page of rosetok's bogus thread AND seeing that the majority are posted by rosetok, its defender AND enabler AND others of their ilk all the while whining, complaining, squirming AND otherwise falsely accusing AND alleging the righteous of pushing the content.


Posted 12:30 pm, 05/09/2023

Poor 168 she's run out of original lines. Has to mindlessly repeat her useless drivel 🤣


Posted 11:48 am, 05/09/2023

Pore roseterd trump didnt show up like she hoped and even in the event the jury does rule against him he will not be incarcerated. Its a CIVIL CASE


Posted 11:00 am, 05/09/2023


Posted 9:07 am, 05/09/2023

Poor 168 and her hero Fakey continue to spit and sputter when they have no valid points to argue. Yes Rump was too chicken zhit to face his accuser, and his cowardice may lose the trial for him. But even with a guilty verdict, we can count on our ever-present trolls 🧌 to spin wildly to try to make the Orange Rapist look like a winner. YOU go, trolls 🧌


Posted 6:54 am, 05/09/2023

You're welcome ****.

Yes, I've noticed how easily umpire triggers you. Always has, always will.


Posted 6:29 am, 05/09/2023

Hey ****, since rosetok is too lazy to offer its congratulations AND gratitude, let me extend the thread's feelings for your voluminous but otherwise foolish AND tsudip comments YOU have made to lift the total to yet another milestone on our way to a million. Without your vapid AND vacuous contributions in support AND defense of the lies rosetok abused to author this bogus thread we woulda never have achieved the rarified status we all enjoy.

Keep up the good work!

P.S. Have YOU noticed how 'ol **** can take several weeks off from posting AND upon return offer comment up to speed in the current vernacular AND syntax of any thread symptomatic of following it on a daily basis?


Posted 1:04 am, 05/09/2023

Pore roseterd trump didnt show up like she hoped and even in the event the jury does rule against him he will not be incarcerated. Its a CIVIL CASE


Posted 12:59 am, 05/09/2023

A civil case

This is not a criminal trial, but a civil one based on a lawsuit.

Carroll sued Trump for defamation, claiming he lied about the attack and damaged her reputation in the process.


Posted 12:45 am, 05/09/2023

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