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Pedo Rump to testify today about his rape charges


Posted 1:12 am, 05/03/2023

Has there been any testimony about what year the alleged incident supposedly occurred


Posted 10:50 pm, 05/01/2023

Rump should fire his attorney 🤣


Posted 8:51 pm, 05/01/2023

Not yet.


Posted 7:13 pm, 05/01/2023

Now give a little lecture on how important even a single word is?
Bless your heart, hypocrite, know it all, holier than thou.

LOL and by the way I have not accused you or it of licking anything Have I ?


Posted 7:08 pm, 05/01/2023

You are a prime example of the adage that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.

That statement is probley the most factual post made in months on GW


Posted 6:23 pm, 05/01/2023

P.S. fakerdumbazzzz, thank you for the compliment. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!


Posted 6:22 pm, 05/01/2023

fakerdumbazzzzzz do tell us all about "......only made matters worse"? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen you say!!!


Posted 5:12 pm, 05/01/2023

Hey jokersuckin'jester'snadas, no amount of your accusations, obfuscations, personal attacks or outright denial can negate the fact that rosetok initiated this bogus thread with several lies in the title AND OP.

It has been called out for this behavior AND your steadfast defense AND support has only made matters worse.

YOU go, boy!


Posted 4:58 pm, 05/01/2023


Posted 12:16 am, 04/26/2023

You are a prime example of the adage that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.

168Amax (view profile)

Posted 3:09 pm, 10/27/2022

She does unspeakable things with her Trumpy bear. Poor thing

Now give a little lecture on how important even a single word is?
Bless your heart, hypocrite, know it all, holier than thou.


Posted 4:46 pm, 05/01/2023

Any updates on that Trumpy bear, or Rose being drunk? For you boyzz, it's perfectly ok to lie as you accuse Rose that the word charges is a serious offense.
Showcase your useless doublespeak for another 6 months, Rose still gets the last laugh.


Posted 4:10 pm, 05/01/2023

Pedo Rump to testify today about his rape charges Let's hope he shows up, and the victim gets to see him incarcerated.

Got plenty Karen.


Posted 3:43 pm, 05/01/2023

So what scumbag, do you think I care? With minor effort you could be posting 0% on the front page.

You go boy!


Posted 11:55 am, 05/01/2023

Hey jkollysuckiinjester, today's front page clearly shows YOU have authored almost 35% of the posts on rosetok"s bogus thread, leaving the remaining 65% to be split among the other three contributors @ 22 1/3% equity.

YOU go, boy!


Posted 11:43 am, 05/01/2023

Hey max, have you noticed that even though your little shadow threatened to "step up your game" it hasn't happened? Other than wash, rinse, repeat, you boyzzzzz got nuthin.

But we all know that.


Posted 11:34 am, 05/01/2023

Hey max, have you noticed how our zhitZ have really stepped up their squirming, spinning, twisting AND running game to the point of absurdity?

They will say anything to keep from owning their antics AND behavior on this, rosetok's bogus thread where it mongered several lies in the title AND OP.


Posted 7:19 am, 05/01/2023

Go ahead boyzzzz, post and justify another lie. Keep looking stupd.


Posted 12:34 am, 05/01/2023

Thanks Girl for you and Comrade daily trolling to keep the thread high. You two trolls blew it right past 2100 😀


Posted 12:14 am, 05/01/2023

Tell us all about those charges roseterde


Posted 11:54 pm, 04/30/2023

Seems that YOU and YOUR girl 168 keep arguing semantics. Why not just apologize for YOUR big lie on the election thread, and seek atonement 🙏


Posted 10:34 pm, 04/30/2023

Hey rosetok, why do YOU feel regarding 'ol nadajester, your staunchest defender, keeps arguing in circles about the legal definition AND usage of the word "charges"?

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