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People who think they are better than everyone else...ugh

Say Cheese!

Posted 7:52 pm, 12/04/2009

I only glanced thru bits and peices of this post....and I will admit that I am pretty low on the social ladder, and I do go out in work clothes.

But I think that comman courtesy is usually returned.

No matter who you are.


Posted 7:46 pm, 12/04/2009

Topic: People who think they are better than everyone else...ugh

WOW Now Radio even has his own thread about him. LOL


Posted 6:58 pm, 12/04/2009

You must be talking about all the young social climbers.


Posted 6:54 pm, 12/04/2009

I'm not perfect. I'm actually far from it. I try very hard to live by the Golden Rule, but I do make mistakes, just like the next person. I only hope to be forgiven for my mistakes, not just by God, but also by the person who I've hurt. I try not to make myself to be snobbish or even any better than the next person. Sometimes it's not easy, but I do try my best. That's all I can do. Sometimes things do come out wrong, especially online in typed words. There are always going to be misunderstandings.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 6:46 pm, 12/04/2009

Work hard, play hard and live by The Golden Rule~


Posted 4:52 pm, 12/04/2009

I agree freddiemae

One thing is for sure, snobby arrogant people are gonna be that way with or without money.

For the ones that can't share their opinion without bragging about what you have...well that just shows arrogance...


Posted 4:52 pm, 12/04/2009

People are so funny about their expectation of Christians. Maybe this will help:
1- Only Jesus lived a perfect life.
2- I am a Christian and I do make mistakes (sin)
3- I worship a God that does forgive me of my transgressions.

So, yes I am a little chubby and sometimes I do overeat (sinning). I sometimes make many mistakes, not intentional, I just have to try to do better and ask for forgiveness.

I certainly understand your direction with the initial question, just remember none of us are perfect. Don't put anyone other that God on a pedistal, especially a chubby-overeating Christian.


Posted 3:36 pm, 12/04/2009

Baratone: All day everyday, thanks for pointing that out. I regret not mentioning it, it would have made the post much more meaningful.


Posted 12:10 am, 12/04/2009

Snobbery has nothing to do with money. I have known millionaires (won't mention any names) that were down to earth and friendly to everyone. And I have known people that were fairly poor that were snobs.

I try my best to treat everyone the same. I speak to a Tyson employee the same way that I speak to a judge. I look them straight in the eye, smile and say "how are you?" My son has always laughed at how I can get on an elevator with someone and carry on a full fledged conversation before the door even gets closed good.


Posted 11:40 pm, 12/03/2009

getwiththetimes. Your thread Lookes like God has blessed you with all things but i didnt see in your thread that you Thank him for all you have.


Posted 11:16 pm, 12/03/2009

I have a question: What's a "whinner"? (Should this read "whiner".... one who whines?)


Posted 11:14 pm, 12/03/2009

I am no better or less than anyone. Some have more than I and some less...but that's not what makes a person.


Posted 11:10 pm, 12/03/2009

I agree on that getwiththetimes.


Posted 10:58 pm, 12/03/2009

I get your point Dinker. In short what I was trying to say was that if I pull up beside you in a nice car or anything else that might send your snob alarm off. You couldn't be more wrong.


Posted 10:42 pm, 12/03/2009

Maybe I am the one that don't get it, but as I read the comments made by the originator of the post, I see clearly what they are trying to say. Being snobbish or thinking one is better than another has not one thing to do with MONEY, or the ability to make money or anything else.
For that matter getwiththetimes, not that it makes one smidge of difference, but I too was one of .79% (or less that 1%) of the folks in Wilkes county that made in excess of 250,000.00 a year during my working years, We won't really go there in detail, but lets just say that I did ok.
With that said, I respectfully ask you not to classify everyone that participates in GOWILKES to be Whinners, or to be in the soup line, or to be living on mine and your tax dollars paid.
What the poster is saying is simply that some folks have a "better than you are attitude". Nothing, absolutely nothing to do with money, And I will have to agree that they are absolutely correct in their statement.
I have witnessed rude, snobbish, "better than you are "attitude many times and you all have too!!
I could give tons of examples, so many it would make my laptop start smoking, so I will refrain from it.


Posted 10:25 pm, 12/03/2009

YODA - "Being hateful, mean, vicious, inconsiderate, demeaning, intentionally hurting others, making them feel they don't matter or never have, is not in me. Trying to make things comfortable to everyone makes things comfortable for me in the long run. Things always have a way of working out. God's guidance is the way for me to approach these life changing decisions."

Mmmmm.... Okay. Love ya mama.


Posted 10:07 pm, 12/03/2009

Oh yeah, not to mention I pay over $60K a year in taxes, that you or someone you know eats or their kids eat lunch on, live on etc..

Don't bother sending me a thank you note, its the government that pays you.


Posted 10:04 pm, 12/03/2009

I am better than all you whiners! I came from abstract poverty served six in the millitary. Was homeless for a year after, busted my **** for 15 years with nothing to show.

Started my own business and became a multi-millionaire in eight years. But the fact is that I still live in Wilkes County for no **** reason ought to tell you I'm not a snob.

I am however, getting a 2nd house in Vegas while they are giving them away.

My point, is at one time I was over 128 retail stores and if someone became sick or the numbers were not meeting goals, I was on the floor getting my hands dirty, like everyone else till things changed.

I like everyone and thank the Lord everyday for my blessings.

I do live in a nice house and drive a nice car (both paid for), I will also give you the shirt off my back if you have a legitimate reason.

But if I come off snobbish to you then a BIG EFF U!


Posted 10:02 pm, 12/03/2009

Yeap I sure can Coalminer - love me or hate me - :) :) :) :) Razz But it doesn't make me a bad person :) Razz Happy

Forever Cynic

Posted 9:45 pm, 12/03/2009

I'm better than some people. I know that's not a popular thing to say, but it's a simple fact. Anyone that says they don't think this from time to time is either very depressed, or more commonly, just lying.

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