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People who think they are better than everyone else...ugh


Posted 4:28 pm, 12/03/2009

Yea I work with one who thinks he is the king of them lol....not going to mention where i work because they get on here i know but he is a real piece of work


Posted 4:09 pm, 12/03/2009

My sister in law is a snooty one. I think it's a combination of she's young, hasn't had reality smack her up side the head yet, and has been coddled. She complains her parents were so awful but still takes money from them... things like that. She's got an opinion about EVERYTHING and most of it she's in no position to offer one, it's just "something she's read."

Annoys the crap out of me....

But I am polite, thank her and go on. Because truly, I feel that if I give her a few years to grow up and experience things a bit more, she's going to be a different person.


Posted 3:58 pm, 12/03/2009

If you don't have insecurities then why does it matter, who thinks they are better. Complete yourself with happiness and don't worry about others. Like goddess said about low self esteem. Get you some and stop whining about other people.


Posted 3:57 pm, 12/03/2009

I have also noticed that bigots also prey on weak people, they like to control others. And they're extremely tied up with what is going on with others. I think this causes them to forget to look at what type of person they really are.


Posted 3:55 pm, 12/03/2009

I hate bigots, especially the ones who think they own the street you live on & call the cops when a cricket chirps.

People let money go to their head. If they live in a bigger house than you, drive a higher priced car than you, or dress nicer than you, they think it is showing the world that they are better than you somehow.

I personally think they're lonely people and this is how they lift themselves up. Not all people are like this, dont get me wrong.

I ****ing hate bigots in general.

Mike, up in ya!


Posted 3:47 pm, 12/03/2009

I worked in the banking field for over 20 years and was in the branches for several of those. I noticed one thing that struck me as odd. All the folks that you think have money are always borrowing to keep their appearance up and the one that you don't think have a dime have a $100,000 or more CD maturing that they want to know where to put next month. We had one that was a prime example. Family that had large farm and had interest in a few business in town. They always came in in a dirty old car in raggy clothes half the time and some of their deposits were $50,000 or more and sometimes $20,000 or more in cash. All the local snobs could not figure out why the bank employees bentover backwards to welcome this hayseed and some even looked down their nose at him and his wife. Little did they know this man may have just deposited enough to pay off their mortgage.

I think it boils down the the fact of reaching true maturity, you are comfortable with yourself and just don't care what high wire act others are trying to put on or worry about keeping up with them. I think this is a true sign of a happy life and maturity. Even if you don't have money or wish you did. Spending what you have wisely and not trying to keep up with someone else sure makes your life a lot easier.


Posted 2:08 pm, 12/03/2009

"I'd rather someone love themselves too much than be depressed all the time and needing sunshine pumped up their arse 24/7."

A..freakin...man !!!!

this thread wouldn't even be, if folks had a little bit of self esteem, confidence..and last but certainly the most important...some self respect!!!


Posted 2:04 pm, 12/03/2009

fight it if you want fact is some body i s

ALWAYS better , smarter , stronger, richer , more pretty BETTER !!!


Posted 1:06 pm, 12/03/2009

Veru beautiful day outside! Smile and forget about people who are buried in self interests. Who cares that anyone thinks they're better than someone else. It's their own short comings!

Be happy place a smile on your face and enjoy the sunshine!


Posted 1:02 pm, 12/03/2009

What bothers me more than someone thinking they are better than me, is someone who already has more than me, but thinks they have to compete with me. People who cant stand for anyone to have something they cant have so they will go to any lengths to get it.
Ive come to the conclusion though, that people like this are not really happy and probably grew up feeling like a no-body because they didnt have much. Sadly, they now think as long as they have more than someone else, they finally have a place in life.


Posted 12:53 pm, 12/03/2009

A arrogance person always comes off as better than you or me. I think it is an inferior complex and in reality they are ususally a nice person.


Posted 12:49 pm, 12/03/2009

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for personal attacks.


Posted 12:21 pm, 12/03/2009

speaking of sunshine, it really is a beautiful day outside so anyone that is festering here go outside and enjoy it.


Posted 12:19 pm, 12/03/2009

lol @ spades.


Posted 12:17 pm, 12/03/2009

I'd rather someone love themselves too much than be depressed all the time and needing sunshine pumped up their arse 24/7.


Posted 12:15 pm, 12/03/2009

One time I made the statement that I was better than so and so. Well my Father told me that he better never heard something like that from me again. He made me write down why I thought the other person was as good as me. The list was short but I never said anything like that again. It is not a good quality to have but most all of us feel like we are better than others when we come into contact with someone that we don't know or care to know.


Posted 12:03 pm, 12/03/2009

I get what you are saying. But based on what you are saying that is inclusive of anyone wearing discount designer labels. Here's the thing. I've seen it both ways. Pretty much every other day. If I go to Walmart dressed in my usual sweats and a tee--I've been shunned by people I knew saw me and just avoided speaking.

I've also been to walmart dressed to the nines in work clothes and been looked at like I just steped out of the snob factory (by some) and others (who would shun me in sweats) make a point to approach me and speak. More often than not, I'm in sweats, because I don't care what people think or weither or not I am spoken to. I am the same person wearing make up or not. So if people choose to think they are above me--good. When it rains, they are the first to get wet.

People make assumptions way to often. Confidence is a good thing and isn't limited to the perimeters of socioeconomics. However arrogance is a whole new bag of chips. Arrogance doesnt care who's feelings it hurts. If you need to bring someone down to feel superior--that's not confidence that's ignorance.


Posted 10:55 am, 12/03/2009

nah not someone, its just a statement in general but I will respect your opinion. Now please no assumptions.

nancy, sadly that is the bad attitudes that share our world. What ever happened to respect for another person.


Posted 10:29 am, 12/03/2009

I don't make your point. You made this thread because someone made you feel uncomfortable. Doesn't mean they think their crap don't stink. Probably just how you took the persons actions.

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