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People who think they are better than everyone else...ugh


Posted 9:41 pm, 12/03/2009

Yoda Can sure do the blah-blah-blah!


Posted 8:42 pm, 12/03/2009

wow. some powerful stuff on here. Good luck.


Posted 8:07 pm, 12/03/2009

Razz Razz Razz I know you do sugar!!!! I know - I do go overboard - said a bunch I shouldn't have said - get over it :) :) :) :) :) Love ya too - you know I do - mean it!!!! Razz


Posted 7:57 pm, 12/03/2009

Blah,Blah,Blah...Yoda,Yoda,Yoda....er I mean, Yada, Yada,Yada...

Just kidding Babe! luv ya! mean it!


Posted 7:54 pm, 12/03/2009

I learned a long time ago that it takes all types of people to make the world. I do not think I am better than anyone else - but I do feel I am just as good as the next person.

Now, I have never been a totally self-centered type. There are many who do think that the sun rises and sets in themselves and that is fine if that is how they wish to think. NO ONE is perfect, no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves. We can only do the best we can in any situation. I am a caring, giving person who most times thinks of others before I think of myself.

Rudeness comes from an inferiority complex and thinking look at me - I am the best - it covers up the real problems within.

Being self-confident, self-respectful and positive in our feelings and actions is sometimes difficult especially when around those who have less of these personal traits. They tend to bring one down. I have a problem completely thinking about myself which always causes some hardships for me. Sometimes I would just like to say to heck with everyone but myself - but that is saying to the others they are not worth any consideration. I am working on being more self-protecting of my emotions - not letting others control me - trying to believe that I am worth good things and worth being happy.

I am currently making a lot of live changing decisions. They are not easy - they are taking time because of several factors. It's not just a thing of ok I am doing what I want and to heck with anyone who doesn't care or agree with my decisions. I don't like being rude to anyone. My decision and actions will happen when I put everything together and feel comfortable with my choices. Everything has to be weighted - including others involved. Being fair to others is just as important to me as being fair to myself.

Being hateful, mean, vicious, inconsiderate, demeaning, intentionally hurting others, making them feel they don't matter or never have, is not in me. Trying to make things comfortable to everyone makes things comfortable for me in the long run. Things always have a way of working out. God's guidance is the way for me to approach these life changing decisions. It's sometimes hard for others to understand.

The Golden Rule is a very good way to live life. It's not always returned though. One has to accept the fact that no matter what you do - there will be some who could care less. That is not an enjoyable part of life but it is necessary. At least doing what makes you feel good about yourself is most important thing you can do for yourself. Be true to yourself - make yourself happy and remember - you can't control others.


Posted 7:53 pm, 12/03/2009

lmao uh oh george


Posted 7:50 pm, 12/03/2009

Ak it stands for:



Posted 7:49 pm, 12/03/2009

george what does that h w b stand for?

george h w b

Posted 7:24 pm, 12/03/2009

Well, all I will say Hip is, "Bless you." and


Posted 7:20 pm, 12/03/2009

I'm DEFINITELY better than george h w b!!


Posted 6:59 pm, 12/03/2009

Actually, I am better than you hayseeds on GW!

george h w b

Posted 6:57 pm, 12/03/2009

Anyone, and I will say it again, ANYONE who thinks they are better than my family and I because they have money or anything else can kiss old George's you know what and


for thinking you are.


Posted 6:56 pm, 12/03/2009

Amen! hipower.


Posted 6:54 pm, 12/03/2009

I am at the grocery store almost daily and sometimes I go to Wal Mart and over the years I have never met a Rude Customer. When shopping at the grocery store a person will have their buggy in the center and I say nothing but move toward them and they will usually say, I am sorry and quickly move their cart. Wal Mart is a big store and the only thing I have to say to them is at the check out line I always have a few items that doesn't have a price on it. I think when you think someone is rude more than likely you are the rude one. In a hurry, nerves wearing thin, rough day at work and it is your attitue and you bring it on yourself. My opinion.


Posted 6:54 pm, 12/03/2009

. "NOW tell me what does the lady with the child's low self esteem have to do with that. I don't think you along with some others understand what I'm saying about todays society. I'm not talking about how much MONEY they have, I'm not thinking about what they are wearing."

I'm certainly not talking about how much money or the type of clothes they're wearing either...neither one of those items make anyone better than anyone else.

The only way, we can allow someone to believe they are better than anyone else...is to allow them to believe that.

We all need self-respect, self-esteem, and some confidence! This is what prevents me believing that you or anyone else is better than me. Some may call it conceit...I do not!
Plus your example is very poor...what you just described is bulldozing and ignorance from someone who thought they could run over the child!!! No matter their imagined status in life!


Posted 6:45 pm, 12/03/2009

Luvbug you are confusing your self. There is a difference between someone who thinks they are better than others, compared to people with no manners.


Posted 6:43 pm, 12/03/2009

I am actually better than virtually ALL of you....people.


Posted 6:41 pm, 12/03/2009

ok ok, I disagree with you goddess (which is unusual for me) but you mention low self esteem and "respect yourself"....well for example...a lady is in a grocery store and a snotty lady tries to run over her child along with rudely pushing through the aisle. She acts like she owns the store. NOW tell me what does the lady with the child's low self esteem have to do with that. I don't think you along with some others understand what I'm saying about todays society. I'm not talking about how much MONEY they have, I'm not thinking about what they are wearing.

Ronnie Dobbs

Posted 4:54 pm, 12/03/2009

Nancy Drew is my new hero! You volunteer at WRMC? Thanks.


Posted 4:46 pm, 12/03/2009

A person that thinks he or she is better than you then you need to try and avoid them. They have friends but you have true friends. Big difference.

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