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People who think they are better than everyone else...ugh


Posted 10:27 am, 12/03/2009

Luv, I understand what you are saying. Arrogance, entitlement, and general RUDENESS prevail these days. I volunteer at WRMC and I cannot tell you how often I am spoken to as though I were dirt.


Posted 10:25 am, 12/03/2009

Its not what others have coalminer, The relevance of my statement is how you treat and act toward others. I know many of very wealthy people who are very kind and do not let money rule them. I'm speaking about people who may or may not have "money". Just the arrogant nature of some people in today's society. You make my point....You distinguishly referred to this behavior as a money thing..Not what I'm referring to.


Posted 10:08 am, 12/03/2009

My take on the matter. People work for what they have. Others who don't have as much tend to be jealous over those people who have more. There fore, saying others think their crap don't stink. Work for what you have,don't worry about what others have more than you. You will be ok.


Posted 10:05 am, 12/03/2009

That's almost a different subject, but I totally agree with that NancyDrew. It waters down real accomplishments and brings a sense of entitlement...that the world them something simply because they showed up.


Posted 10:00 am, 12/03/2009

It doesn't help matters any when we award children trophies simply for showing up, either.


Posted 9:55 am, 12/03/2009

Hope.. you are exactly right


Posted 9:50 am, 12/03/2009

If it's any consolation...those people are also usually thousands of dollars in debt that they'll never be able to pay, to provide themselves the "things" to be something they aren't...in my experience anyway!


Posted 9:48 am, 12/03/2009

We all know them, its just so annoying. I don't know how people can try to live up to a certain standard where they have even fooled themselves in thinking their S*** don't stink. I have nobody in mind, I'm speaking in general. Seems to be a popular trend in society to think you are more than what you are. Its all one great big show I guess. Thumbs up to us who stay real :)

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