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Posts by Quack


Posted 7:55 pm, 02/08/2013

Hippie, It is bed time for me. I wake up early. I wish I had never taken Seroque I would have been better off snorting seroquel. How I now hate that pill.

Good Night all good people.


Posted 7:45 pm, 02/08/2013

Here ya go Quack.....babble away.....


Posted 6:15 pm, 02/06/2013

MM77-I do agree with you but seems to me you are blaming only kenc, if memory serves me right, they were several that were encouraging QQ to do some of the things she did, amazing that now, I don't see a peep out of them


Posted 5:39 pm, 02/06/2013

Google is Quack's new doctor.


Posted 5:17 pm, 02/06/2013

not all drugs you take make you feel better right away and some you dont feel at all so dont stop taking them unless they make you feel bad and then tell your dr. first.. hang in there


Posted 5:11 pm, 02/06/2013

I am taking 2 new pills but they do nothing.


Posted 5:06 pm, 02/06/2013

Go see your doctor anyway Quack , he might need to adjust your meds again.


Posted 4:59 pm, 02/06/2013

I have a Dr. Appt next week but I have googled what I have and don't feel I need to go. Then the next week I go see Dr. Oliver. Hearing Aid I don't need one now.


Posted 4:29 pm, 02/06/2013



Posted 4:17 pm, 02/06/2013

Water was running full force in the trailer kitchen. I just tured the water off. Can't deal with it right now.

I did wish post by quack could get back to like it use to be. She was evicted and now is the time to post about funny stupid things.


Posted 3:51 pm, 02/06/2013

Candy, hump day is a well known euphemism for Wednesday. You know the middle of the week, getting over the hump!


Posted 3:48 pm, 02/06/2013

LOL... You'll find out. I don't care if you believe me or not. But, you'll see. When you do, don't say I didn't try to warn you.

BTW... This "ex-friend" you speak of.... yeah, she's still friends with me on facebook and just messaged me the other day to see how I'm doing. Believe me or not, but you're getting played... hardcore.


Posted 3:45 pm, 02/06/2013

Keep trying manic, it doesn't work with me.


Posted 3:29 pm, 02/06/2013

First of all, you did indeed egg Quack on, right here on gowilkes. Many, many times. Seen by many, many people. Try again.

As far as ex friends and talking about you... you've lost your **** mind. There's ONE person on here who has had an actual real life conversation with me about you, and trust me, it wasn't me with the negative things to say. BTW, I would guess that it's the same person that was talking **** about you in PM to me the night you called me a liar.

Remember.... I told you to be careful who you talked to. You didn't listen. And you've been played. Don't feel bad, you're not the only person that person has played.


Posted 3:24 pm, 02/06/2013

I did not egg Quack on about anything manic , for some reason you like to make false statements about me on here.and other places, ask one of your ex friends.


Posted 2:33 pm, 02/06/2013


Posted 1:54 pm, 02/06/2013

Donuts always make someone feel.better


Posted 1:29 pm, 02/06/2013

Gary just called and is coming to stop a water leak in the trailer. Not sure I can go up the stairs; Then I will go get some donuts and go back to bed.


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/06/2013

kenc (view profile)

Posted 11:28 am, 02/06/2013

People who have helped create the most destructive and detrimental circumstances in Quack's life, should not pretend they care, and try to blame it on her friends.

I think you deserve a GoWilkes award for the most ironic statement ever made on this website. And you're right... those who egged Quack on, made sure to keep the pot stirred, etc really shouldn't pretend to care. Honestly, you should be standing in a courtroom in front of a judge just like Quack's going to have to... because you played a HUGE part in this mess getting to the point it reached.


Posted 12:35 pm, 02/06/2013

Like you'd know small.

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