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Power Bill HELP

warm vanilla

Posted 12:48 pm, 05/09/2010

Worried, I sent u a pm


Posted 6:55 am, 05/09/2010

worried 123....I commend you for going to scholl and working.

Great job having a budget!! Work the budget and let the budget work.

You are having trouble now but if you persist and keep smiling, you WILL make it; this I know.


Posted 12:07 am, 05/09/2010

Now Prank...I just can't believe that!!!


Posted 12:03 am, 05/09/2010

I'll chip in for the stripper.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 12:01 am, 05/09/2010

Goddess... if I got naked and danced, the law would be called and I'd have rotten fruit thrown at me. :(


Posted 11:51 pm, 05/08/2010

Prank...you getting naked!!! wooooeeee!!! honey I'll pay your lightbill...


Posted 11:51 pm, 05/08/2010

I've got a 3 bedroom house, built in 1886 so it is by far NOT the most efficient home. The highest my power bill has ever been is $120.

Here are things you can do to stop giving Duke all your money:

1) go right to your hot water heater and turn that temperature knob down: lower it a bit and wait until the next day to see how hot your hot water is. Keep doing this until it's as cold as you can stand for being "hot" water. (mine is actually still too hot lol)

2) if you don't need something to be plugged in, unplug it. makes as huge difference.

3) if you need background noise, turn on a radio instead of your TV. TV's are a huge drain.

4) don't keep lights on if you are not in a room. If you leave for any reason, hit the switch as you leave the room. if lights have dimmers, use them!

5) use as little heat or A/C as you can stand. look into programmable thermostats--- they really do cut your bill down if you use them right (in the summer, my home is set to 82 degrees when I am not there, then 74 when I am, and it's turned off if I can open the windows...).

6) if there are rooms you seldom use (this is very very important) then shut off heat or A/C to them, and close the door.

7) keep an eye on your electric meter now and then... if everything's just about shut off and/or unplugged, that thing should be barely moving. if it's not... something is drawing juice and adding even more when things are actually turned on!

8) if you have a heat pump, do NOT use it when temperatures dip below 34 degrees unless the "auxiliary" heat is gas. no matter what the salesmen tell you, heat pumps are 100% IN-efficient around freezing temps. when the "aux" kicks in for electric, your bill can triple quickly.... heat pumps don't really heat well anyway and are best for cooling. consider an alternative source for heat in the winter and you'll get better heat, and probably cheaper too

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:50 pm, 05/08/2010

I find it sad that nobody has mentioned stripping as an option.


Posted 11:20 pm, 05/08/2010

Since you are in college, have you ever considered a Stafford Loan to make up the difference? This is some money in addition to any other Financial Aid you may already be getting. I know it is hard to pay your bills and attend college, especially with the cost of books these days.


Posted 10:02 pm, 05/08/2010

Broc will help once a year if they got the funds and you got the disconnect notice and I think a checkstub. We all get behind I had to get them to pay mine at christmas this past year so my child would have something.


Posted 7:07 pm, 05/08/2010

Thanks ClassyT! I will check into those places. I'm hoping maybe I could swing it on my own but it looks like there is just no way.


Posted 6:55 pm, 05/08/2010

Dont worry about tater he throws off everybody when it doesnt matter who you are sometimes people do get behind and once you get behind it is hard to get caught back up at times.NO matter who you r everyone needs some kind of help of some sort some times.Anyways BROC, HOPE, and soical services sometimes can help you with your light bill if you have a cut off notice.


Posted 6:44 pm, 05/08/2010

I appreciate everyones help! I have cut off the cable (as of last month), only wash clothes in cold water and hang them out as much as I can, I also open the windows instead of using my A/C. I went through the house today and unplugged what is not used and plan to look at my water heater. I'm not complaining...just got behind somehow, I guess it may have been in the winter months. I DO NOT live off assistance, just need a little help. I'm also in college and it is required to have internet so that is about the only bill I could not cut and it's the cheaper dial up. I work 2 jobs as a CNA. Also, in between working for the most part everyday, I mow my own lawn along with my elderly parents. Tater, it was not me who pm'd you. If I had the time to mow your yard I would. I just got back home from work and am now trying to catch up the household chores that have been left all week and get ready to go back to work in the AM. Mudd, I redid my budget last month, this bill just don't fit for this month until I get it caught up.


Posted 5:35 pm, 05/08/2010

This is why I can't stand welfare and freeloaders. Three hours ago I offered you work. You claim you incapable of paying your bills but, pm'd me one time. I appreciate the good work the churchs do, however there are a lot more people out there who are more deserving than you.


Posted 4:55 pm, 05/08/2010

who tater?


Posted 2:50 pm, 05/08/2010

Start conserving, hanging out clothes on the line keeps 220v from going through that breaker 60 min a load.

If you can tolerate an extra degree or two change the temp on the a/c

Definetly check to see what temp the hot water is set on. If you can turn the hot wide open in the shower and it scalds you, you can save a lot turning it down. **Additional note - some water heaters had 2 controls, one for the top element and one for the bottom if you do not change both you will surely burn out one element.


Posted 2:35 pm, 05/08/2010

I know you didn't ask for advice on how to lower your power bill, but MuddButt gave some very good advice. I turn off the breaker to my hot water for maybe three days at a time.Everything in my house that's not being used is unplugged;cellphone charger, lamps, toaster, etc. And taterncheese has generouly offered you a job for some extra money.You'll make it. Just have faith.


Posted 2:23 pm, 05/08/2010

You can come mow my lawn.


Posted 2:22 pm, 05/08/2010

Hot water is the biggest waste of electricity, turn it down and don't use hot water to wash clothes


Posted 1:56 pm, 05/08/2010

i never say aword about ours,and never will in a bad way yeah live cen air maybe should not but it gets hot if we dont.ours rund around 160 t0 200 a mo.sometime more sometime less.

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