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Regardless of your theological belief.


Posted 4:51 pm, 08/22/2012

you mean talking rocks aren't normal? uhoh


Posted 4:51 pm, 08/22/2012


Love the kitties!!!


Posted 4:48 pm, 08/22/2012

I think they did a Star Trek on that once Goddess

BTW, cats are deceptively sweet. Their core is pure evil, probably explains why I like them.


Posted 4:48 pm, 08/22/2012

of course I suppose when that rock outside starts talking to me...or the dirt starts dancing...

I will know the truth...

I truly am psychic....I mean psychotic



Posted 4:41 pm, 08/22/2012

"Man can be good and/or evil. Animals run on instinct alone but even their instinct alone is at times way better than the evil of man. Theological belief? Just my observation."

no one can know what another human or creature, rocks or dirt...level of consciousness actually is!

good thing it's just an observation....


Posted 4:37 pm, 08/22/2012

All things have Buddha Nature. Even Rocks and DIrt.


Posted 3:57 pm, 08/22/2012

Man can be good and/or evil. Animals run on instinct alone but even their instinct alone is at times way better than the evil of man. Theological belief? Just my observation.


Posted 3:56 pm, 08/22/2012



Posted 3:52 pm, 08/22/2012

when i see dogs, i go.."ooh..rotweiler, pit bull, collie, beagle,corgi,...etc....etc...

when i see cats, its..."cat,cat,cat,cat...


Posted 3:50 pm, 08/22/2012

"And your little cat does have a soul. I know, cause all of mine do. I can see it in their eyes, and their souls are much more beautiful than most human souls I have encountered. (Cats Rock!)"

Amen and aman!!!! on soooo many levels!!!


Posted 3:49 pm, 08/22/2012

Yes, Goddess. I think there is truth to that, as well. Again, I think most beliefs have a little piece of the puzzle.... I just don't know how it all fits together.

And your little cat does have a soul. I know, cause all of mine do. I can see it in their eyes, and their souls are much more beautiful than most human souls I have encountered. (Cats Rock!)


Posted 3:25 pm, 08/22/2012

Exactly Uncle. There's just "something" there. I don't know if "energy" is the best word for it, but, that's all that I can think of.

Thanks, by the way, for giving it a thought.


Posted 3:25 pm, 08/22/2012

Oh, Uncle....hinting at past lives now....


Posted 3:18 pm, 08/22/2012

Okay Moving, I think you did a great job of explaining something so complex you actually are feeling it more than you are reasoning through it.

I found what you said profoundly interesting, and I have to say that I feel about the same way. I can't fully explain it either.

I wonder if when we just "know" something, but we are just unable to explain it, if a little piece of a prior life knows and it is manifesting itself? Just a thought.


Posted 1:59 pm, 08/22/2012

You are correct...just not to many will actually put it in print...so to speak!


Posted 1:58 pm, 08/22/2012

Some of the Lost Books of the Bible actually lead one to believe there is a connection between God's plan and reincarnation. I imagine that is why those books were excluded by those that had the say so as to which books were included and which ones were excluded. It goes against the grain, you might say.


Posted 1:53 pm, 08/22/2012



Posted 1:49 pm, 08/22/2012

so moving...there is sort of a reincarnation in the kingdom of god...


Posted 1:48 pm, 08/22/2012

Just my 2 cents worth here.

I think that people and animals are made up of the physical body and mind, the mind and spirit, and the soul.

The body and mind occupy time and space and are mortal. The mind and spirit occupy time and space and are mortal. The soul only occupies time and is immortal. The body and mind make it possible for us to have an actual physical existence until death. The mind and spirit allows us to think and reason and have personalities and emotions. When death of the physical body occurs, the mind also ceases to function. Our spirits live on only in the minds of others whom our spirits have impacted while we were physically alive.

The soul is that part which returns to the universe from which all things came. It never dies. It is immortal. Because it is immortal, for those that believe in a higher power, it is the soul that will be used to replemish those that are saved with a new physical body, mind, and spirit...a continuation of life.

Hard to explain. But that's the best I could do.


Posted 1:30 pm, 08/22/2012

it's alright Uncle...if you hadn't thought of doing so...someone else would have taken it and ran....

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