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Posted 11:29 pm, 10/16/2012

I have never seen ashes like that and that coke bottle Coffee had might have been meth inside.

First thing in the morning I am calling the Sheriff Dept and have them come look at the ashes in the tub. Three grown people spending the days and nights at the trailer and all three do drugs. No they are cooking outside in that tub. You would need a shovel to get all the ashes out of the tub. ten inches deep and doesn't look like trash. All the trash is on the top of the air condition and this weired ashes and stuff scares me.


Posted 11:07 pm, 10/16/2012

Joseph t...my shooting comment was tongue in cheek.!


Posted 11:04 pm, 10/16/2012

"When she and the kids move out I am going to send the trailer to the dump."

So, you're a slum lord?


Posted 11:03 pm, 10/16/2012

When she and the kids move out I am going to send the trailer to the dump.


Posted 10:57 pm, 10/16/2012

If meth has been made inside that trailer then it will have to be condemned.

White America

Posted 10:52 pm, 10/16/2012

White hawk made some good points.

BUT you can file trespassing charges against anyone on your property who is not paying you rent or is on the lease. I have had renters boyfriends and girlfriends removed from my rental properties for trespassing. The last time I did this was last may.

The first time the sheriff came out, the man was given a warring to leave. One hour later he returned and was arrested


Posted 10:50 pm, 10/16/2012

" Good parents don't usually make meth in their trailer."

That's right.

Rent one.


Posted 10:48 pm, 10/16/2012

Now Quack, I showed you his record, told you not to trust him, especially with your computer & passwords, oh no, you said, he's fixing it, then you said he had stolen $600. from you back then, I begged you to run him off


Posted 10:46 pm, 10/16/2012

You don't cook meth over a flame like that. Watch Breaking Bad, and you'll see. It's a whole chemical process, and I'm pretty sure there is no fire.


Posted 10:44 pm, 10/16/2012

I'm confused, maybe because its late. In one sentence you say **** is a wonderful mother with four great kids, but one son and one daughter is on meth, and you suspect that **** is cooking it. Good parents don't usually make meth in their trailer.


Posted 10:43 pm, 10/16/2012

I did not know he had a record. He is going to be sorry that he even knows me. I will not ever let someone take advantage of me again.


Posted 10:40 pm, 10/16/2012

Quack, I told you a year or more ago how he was, I showed you his record, you never listen to anybody!!


Posted 10:30 pm, 10/16/2012

Thinks Whitehawk.

I told her this morning that she had to move and I knew **** was stealing suff and I went to the tin tub and took a stick and stirred around the ashes. Weird ashes I have never seen. About ten inches deep and it was spoony. I found two metal bracklets and a smallll tin can. They burn three or four nights a week. I told her the onlly think she could burn without a permit was leaves. She said they cooked hot dogs and sticks. I think cooking meth and maybe blow up the trailer and kills the kids. **** told me that two of her daughters are using Meth. I went and picked **** up at the hospital a few weeks ago and the ER dr. said her daughter had crystal in her system or body. I am not going tjo have People living beside me cooking drugs.

I am not going to have him stealing to keep his drug habit going.

**** is a wonderful person trying to take care of four great kids. I like **** and I will try to help her find another place to rent.

I only charge two fifty for rent. My numbers are not working.

She told me times today she would come over and help me for about an hour. I pay her when she works for me.

Do you cook hot dogs around ten or eleven at night. The kids were outsside. Most of the other burnings at night onlyy one person is watching the fire.

Something is not right.



Posted 10:23 pm, 10/16/2012

whitehawk (view profile)

Posted 10:11 pm, 10/16/2012

Is his mother the resident of the trailer? Does she pay rent? If so, you can not restrain him from visiting her in her domicile. Only the legal tenant may do this and for other than frivolous reasons. If, in fact, she is the legal tenant, whether paying rent or not, you have absolutely no rights regarding whom she allows to visit her domicile. This means whether she is home or not.

You are going to get yourself into trouble if you are not very careful with both the interference and the libel you are creating. Whether he was guilty of a crime in the past does not give you the right to slander him about matters unproven.
Finally! Someone giving sensible advice!!


Posted 10:11 pm, 10/16/2012

Is his mother the resident of the trailer? Does she pay rent? If so, you can not restrain him from visiting her in her domicile. Only the legal tenant may do this and for other than frivolous reasons. If, in fact, she is the legal tenant, whether paying rent or not, you have absolutely no rights regarding whom she allows to visit her domicile. This means whether she is home or not.

You are going to get yourself into trouble if you are not very careful with both the interference and the libel you are creating. Whether he was guilty of a crime in the past does not give you the right to slander him about matters unproven.


Posted 8:24 pm, 10/16/2012

He's right JosephT. If you're justified to shoot, you're justified to kill. Nowhere in the law does it say you are to injure. It states to "stop the threat" by whatever means possible.

G.S. 15A-401(d)(2) regarding use of deadly force.


Posted 8:23 pm, 10/16/2012

I am going to take some form of action tomorrow to keep him away from here. His Mother , ****, told me that someoone drew a gun on him trying to steal something.

Joseph T.

Posted 8:16 pm, 10/16/2012

rh1962 (view profile)

Posted 4:30 pm, 10/16/2012

If he's around on your property during the day, shoot him in the kneecap. If he comes around after dark....shoot to kill

Wrong doing so is a good way to get charged with assult with a deadly weapon or worse. If you have to shoot some one you shoot to kill period you will be better off if your story is the only story to be heard. This was told to me by a Sheriff Deptuy who not only teachers the NC CHP class but also is charged with making sure all the Deptuy's pass their firearms quals.


Posted 7:17 pm, 10/16/2012

Stupidityy and always trusting people I should not trust.


Posted 7:11 pm, 10/16/2012

Quack, how do you find (create) all of this drama? It seems your life is full of it?

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