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s. Breaking — Steve Bannon case no longer assigned to Judge Merchan.


Posted 5:15 pm, 06/26/2024

Come on. back Sing Sing and defend your posts ?


Posted 2:34 pm, 06/26/2024

"All your predictions have come true ". Are you good and sure ??


Posted 12:12 pm, 06/26/2024

S ing sing how did your posts day after day "Joe's impeached ". Oh you posted "it's a done deal " Just how has that worked out ?


Posted 9:44 am, 06/26/2024

LOL, not only senile, but delusional.

Not a single "prediction" you've made has happened. But thats what makes you the perfect gullible, no matter how many times you are led to make wrong predictions, you will always blindly chase that carrot!

They love you for being so easy.


Posted 9:35 am, 06/26/2024

So far all my predictions have come to pass.

And has left your corrupt crooks with nothing.

All sham trials are seen by the public for what they are.

Trump's poll numbers just keep rising,, money keep pouring in. Multi billionaires are sending money and voting Trump.

Jack Smith's case in Fla falling a part and exposing the crimes of the FBI and Smith.

Looks like I'm batting a thousand and counting.

And dumb mutts like you are left with egg on your face and a serving of crow.


Posted 8:33 am, 06/26/2024

Yet another failed prediction by Senile Singer.

Keep chasing that carrot! They love you for being so blindly gullible!


Posted 8:28 am, 06/26/2024

J6 committee is illegitimate and all subpoenas illegitimate.

Amicus brief will be filed to SC supporting Steve Bannon

I hope bannon and navaro sue the members of that committee for millions. Especially Chaney, and Pelosi.

It will depend on if they are part of Trump's white house again problably.


Posted 9:24 pm, 06/25/2024

But if sing sing posts it you know it's accurate. Like Joes impeachment which was reported for days it was a "done deal ". Remember ?


Posted 8:24 pm, 06/25/2024

.....because he is presiding over a different case.

You're incredibly gullible, Senile Singer.


Posted 8:16 pm, 06/25/2024

Every where you look the commies are losing.

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