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sandy hook.shooting hoax


Posted 2:36 pm, 12/23/2012

This thread doesn't even really deserve a reply.

Sorry for mine!

dont care

Posted 2:29 pm, 12/23/2012

Im a conspiracy nut, but your SICK!! I have many theories as to the gov taking our firearms but this plain Sick . You need to find help! I have friends in CT and let me assure you that this DID happen!!!


Posted 12:03 pm, 12/23/2012

Truthseeker, you are correct my dear! I do believe there is medication to help with the paranoia!


Posted 12:02 pm, 12/23/2012


Posted 11:58 am, 12/23/2012

If my memory serves me correctly, butterfly started a thread around election time believing Obamacare would require everyone be implanted with microchips. I believe she is dating a French model. Bonjour!

SG Man

Posted 10:45 am, 12/23/2012

Was Geraldo Rivera there?

That media maggot performed and perpetuated many hoaxs' in the early 90's, from the taliban to trapped coal miners.


Posted 9:51 am, 12/23/2012

Before this problem can be solved and I mean really solved we need to know exactly what caused the problem to start with. Nobody at this point has all the answers and not to consider that all things are possible will leave this problem of mass killings unsolved. We can make rules, laws, regulations and still not actually address the root cause. You can act in haste ban anything of possible danger and still not solve the problem and this will lead to more mass killings.

Drugs, could have been a leading cause to the problem, Games, his mother or the fact he had a gun to access made him feel like a god, or someone outside his normal life. We just don't really know!

If you go online, visit other forums, watch videos or just start searching you will see a lot of people asking questions. You will find a lot of people have different theory's on what and why this happened, in fact you can find that right on GoWilkes.

Everyone on this site knows by the past history that outside influences have caused our government to act in haste and without really thinking things out. You'd have to admit that if you are honest and have real true concerns. So, you might consider that concerning mass shootings, that outside influences could have caused or at least contributed to these men killing in mass. Do you really know?

Do you know someone with a mental illness? Can you honestly say that you know why something sets that person off? Can you or I or anyone say that everyone that has a mental illness is a danger? How many mental illness are there? Do you consider not eating as mental illness? What about throwing your food up after you eat would you consider that a mental illness that is dangerous to others? Would you consider someone who had a fear of people, would that be a mental illness? Would that cause them to run out and kill people?

To many things folks are not being addressed and to many questions are being answered with only one answer. Do any of you honestly believe that single answer addresses the real root cause of why he killed those kids? Look at the media people, they have one great solve all answer being played 24 7!

We already know it was badly reported on by the news Media and this might have lead to a lot of conspiracy theorists to start asking questions. Anyone who is asking questions and trying to explain or solve this issue based upon what information we have is a sort of conspiracy theorists. You're not dumb, you're not ignorant or stupid just because you are asking questions and giving your own theory.

Don't think things don't happen because you want to believe the best in people and our government or the governments of the world. If the whole and real truth ever comes out concerning these killings it will leave a lot of us possibly shocked.

Not saying this is a huge conspiracy, what I am saying is a lot of questions are yet to be answered an until they are people are going to ask.


Posted 8:59 am, 12/23/2012

conspiracy? bull sh....


Posted 8:49 am, 12/23/2012

You know, part of the reason that some of these early stories proved to be false is the fact that the media is in such a hurry to be the one's pouring out new details. Someone will get a shred of news, or maybe just a rumor, and go reporting it as God's honest trurth.

Busted Flush

Posted 8:47 am, 12/23/2012

empowers, I guess I must be pretty stupid. I don't know what your "1+1" adds up to. Please, tell us what the "objective" is.


Posted 8:38 am, 12/23/2012

Any person on Earth is capable of committing the most any horrible act you can think of if put in/under the right circumstances.


Posted 8:37 am, 12/23/2012

Sorry empowers, my comment was directed at the OP, not you. If there is something there, your theory makes much more sense then hers. But I still believe that some people are broken, some people just snap. Maybe he was on some psychiatric drugs in the past and probably was in need of them at the time he went on his horrific rampage.


Posted 8:33 am, 12/23/2012

Shioulda, thats still my take on it. He did not act alone. No, there was not another shooter but he did not act alone.


Posted 8:28 am, 12/23/2012

You're a special kind of stupid, aint ya?


Posted 8:16 am, 12/23/2012

I so smell a skunk but not in the same way you do. The guy who did the shooting had a mental/emotional problem I hear so he no doubt was getting counseling and was also on drugs. Makes me wonder what 'kind' of counseling he got and what 'kind' of drugs he was on. Was hypnotherapy used on him? And what was the objective? To get him better or to brainwash him to do what he did? Sorry, just can't believe a 20 year old is capable of that much evil without some 'outside' help - outside of himself. The ones who gave him some 'help' are the ones who are most responsible for these children and adults dying such a horrible death. Apparently the loss of life did not matter, only the main objective and if you can figure what 1+1 is you know what that objective is.

That's my take on it.


Posted 7:35 am, 12/23/2012

Butter, yours is the dumbest post of the year. And we have had some really stupid posts this year.


Posted 7:14 am, 12/23/2012

That's just sick these families need healing and prayers not this.


Posted 7:08 am, 12/23/2012

Butterfly, go back into your cocoon.


Posted 7:05 am, 12/23/2012

First I have to call you a troll...and now that I have that out of my system....

Anyone that would think the horrific death of children who died knowing they were going to die, staring down the barrel of an assault rifle in the hands of a madman, in a place where they should have been the safest and been allowed to enjoy being a child, is a heartless human anus location and more than stupid IMO. Ask the parents, families and people who attended the funerals if it was a hoax or not...do you honestly think they made up fake children and teachers to murder... all just a large scheme to take away your guns?

And as far as I know....a page can be changed...the title, content and such...but would still have the same date as when page was created, right?

And I do apologize for being in a pissy mood this morning...

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