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Scam or is this for real?


Posted 10:12 am, 08/25/2012

I found two pages but not the one you were talking about. The reason, they are having a hard time, is like I said, they want a BABY.



Its sad,that you want to adopt so bad,and so loving,yet, you only want a baby. So many kids waiting to be adopted.


Posted 10:05 am, 08/25/2012

Just sent it to you smart.


Posted 10:02 am, 08/25/2012

I haven't seen the fundraising page.


Posted 9:54 am, 08/25/2012

what is the fund raising website?


Posted 9:52 am, 08/25/2012

On one of their fund raising web pages. They were offered a baby from Africa but said no thank you.


Posted 7:53 am, 08/25/2012

Bestill where have they stated they would not take an India or black baby?

Treasure Not Trash

Posted 1:31 am, 08/25/2012

Try going to other counties and fostering to adopt. It is possible! I don' t agree with asking for donations to fund your desires to adopt. I understand you may want a newborn and it may not be available here at the moment. God doesn't always give us instant gratification. If God truly intents for you to adopt rather than Foster, he will open that path with or without donations. I personally wouldn't expect people to donate so I could take my family to Disney World which is one of my desires. So check all avenues and be informed when it comes to options.

to be or not to be

Posted 1:05 am, 08/25/2012

my spouse and i would love to adopt but because of the law (lesbian couples can't adopt) we are saving to go through a sperm bank.

to be or not to be

Posted 1:03 am, 08/25/2012

they want a perfect snow white baby and want the community to pay for it and i say that is bull crap. me and my spouse can't have children the normal way. but we are saving money to go to the sperm bank. We want a baby but we aren't begging our neighbors to pay for us to have it. Jason and Nicole need to realize that if they can't save the money to get the baby and are too darned picky to accept anything except a snow white newborn then maybe they don't need a baby.


Posted 11:52 pm, 08/24/2012

Yeah, but they don't want an Indian Baby, They have already turned down an African Baby.


Posted 8:24 pm, 08/24/2012

I can understand why these people would prefer a younger child. You know the older children have had a hard life and you never know what you might be getting yourself into by getting one that someone else has raised or several people have raised. I would hate to be robbed by a child I took in to give a good home and the things they need to have a fulfilling life. I would love to have a son to do things with and teach the things I know and have him grow up like me. I would also like to have someone to leave everything I have after I'm gone and miss me.

Daddy P

Posted 8:09 pm, 08/24/2012

I definitely don't think they are running a scam. I think they really do want to adopt.


Posted 8:08 pm, 08/24/2012

I saw a show on tv where people are going to India and getting women there to have babies for them. My wife and I have been thinking about going there and seeing if they will let me breed one because I haven't ever had the chance to be called Daddy. I have been called a lot of other things but nothing compared to being called Daddy or father,Pops,My Old Man,ect.


Posted 8:07 pm, 08/24/2012

You morons amaze me!!! I have my own business and I have donated items to Jason & Nicole. Plus I have donated a small amount of money. They are NOT running a scam as some of you seem to think. If you don't like the way they are going about it, then fine...drop it there...don't run their names into the ground.


Posted 7:38 pm, 08/24/2012

just saying,they could raise that money real fast with a meth lab.

Daddy P

Posted 7:19 pm, 08/24/2012

I hope that the couple mentioned can adopt a child and I do feel for them, but I don't really agree with the fundraising and asking businesses and strangers for donations. I suppose I could see that it would be fine to go to family and friends and ask for donations. I am very fortunate to have had one child and I know that, but I would have loved to have had more. Money was a huge factor in us not having more and then health issues and misfortune later came into play. When we had our first we had insurance and still owed the hospital a lot of money. We paid them for years to pay that off. Then I lost insurance coverage and we could not afford to have another one. When I finally got insurance coverage my health was not good enough to carry a pregnancy so it was a moot point of being able to afford it at that point. But, my point is that I can not imagine asking for other people to pay for me to have another child or even for me to have had the first.

But, hey that just my opinion and if it works for the couple that is great for them. I am sure that everyone that donates is happy with donating or they wouldn't do it.


Posted 7:10 pm, 08/24/2012

U jealous...


Posted 7:05 pm, 08/24/2012

Coffee's a real dawg according to the bad B's in the neighborhood. He kisses all kinds of thangs with that tongue .... just sayin


Posted 7:02 pm, 08/24/2012

count me in on the donations for Coffee to have a companion too...


Posted 7:00 pm, 08/24/2012

Bestill (view profile)
Maybe you could get a picture of Coffee looking all forlorn and lonely and paste it on some jars and put it in local restaurants, Quack!

Quack i have a nickle for that fund.. I know you are upfront, mouthy and very honest!!! so yes for Coffee to have happiness I would donate.

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