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Scam or is this for real?


Posted 12:53 pm, 08/25/2012

Oh stop being so hateful, doggie.


Posted 12:48 pm, 08/25/2012

"to the public"...


Posted 12:44 pm, 08/25/2012

If solicitations are made to public...then public scrutiny should be expected.


Posted 12:44 pm, 08/25/2012

One more thing, they would adopt a child of any race. They just want a child to love!


Posted 12:42 pm, 08/25/2012

This is not a scam and I think you people are very hateful and hurtful! You do not know this couple and if you did, you would know they are loving, caring, hardworking people who just want to give a child a good home. They did have two girls for a week but, they went to a home that was prepared for two children at one time, and they keep up with them, pictures, birthday presents and Christmas presents. And they are trying to foster to adopt, what is wrong with wanting a baby for their first adoption? Instead of getting on here and judging people, why don't you do something for others? If you don't agree with them fundraising, don't give!! That should be very simple.

Please, please leave this couple alone, you have no idea what they have already been through!!


Posted 12:24 pm, 08/25/2012

Why didn't they keep the little girl DSS placed in their home that they could adopt?


Posted 11:49 am, 08/25/2012

I didnt realize that she had two girls placed with her before, and then gave them up. She addressed the Africa thing as being a scam, but what is the reason for giving up two kids you already had the chance to adopt? Not trying to be rude or anything, Im just curious and others probably are too.


Posted 11:44 am, 08/25/2012

and that is exactly what makes this a scam, to some degree!



Posted 11:43 am, 08/25/2012

Something to consider with the fundraising. The parents receive the money twice.


Posted 11:42 am, 08/25/2012

Either way, most costs are returned with the tax credit.


Posted 11:40 am, 08/25/2012

granted it's not much assistance...


Posted 11:39 am, 08/25/2012

" Unless I'm mistaken, adopting is different from fostering. You don't receive the money from the state for assistance."

if it's through a state agency, then yes, you do receive assistance until the adoption is final!


Posted 11:35 am, 08/25/2012

Actually, that comment from Bestill came well after the discussion on race had begin. The OP had every right to question the legitimacy of the fundraiser paper she received. I've never heard of adoptive parents "fundraising", not to say it doesn't/couldn't happen. I'm like everyone else, it would make more sense to be financially ready before taking on the responsibility of a child you are choosing to bring into your home. If $10k is not in the parents budget, or way out of reach, how will they handle raising a child. Unless I'm mistaken, adopting is different from fostering. You don't receive the money from the state for assistance.


Posted 11:32 am, 08/25/2012

Nothing wrong with only wanting a white American baby. Lot's of folks are selective like that.


Posted 11:31 am, 08/25/2012

If you are foster parents then why don't you foster to adopt? People do it all the time. I know a lot of families here in Wilkes County that have fostered babies and when the parents rights were terminated, they adopted.


Posted 11:29 am, 08/25/2012

Bestill- this was your comment: "For myself, I do not hold it against them that they want a white American baby" . And this was directed towards everyone that jumped on the bandwagon against the African baby- and making comments about them not wanting a black child. Whatever, it is sad that people are so hateful and evil.


Posted 11:18 am, 08/25/2012

No, I said they turned down an African baby. You read the racism into it.


Posted 11:12 am, 08/25/2012

Defamation laws are everywhere! You say that she posted that she wouldn't take a black baby? REALLY? Those were her words?, I think you need to read it again, because never does it say that- to assume all African people are black is a pretty racist thing to say, I know plenty of white African people. Like I said, you best know all the facts and be able to stand behind them all.


Posted 10:58 am, 08/25/2012

And still, who you gonna sue? The hopeful parents?


Posted 10:58 am, 08/25/2012

RaeRae29 (view profile) Posted 10:55 am, 08/25/2012
Smart^^^ - there is free of speech, but then there is also defamation of character and hate speech. and to make this couple out to seem racist or such is against the law. These are no threats by me, this the laws of this land, if you don't like it take it up with the government! No different than someone getting on here and calling you a rapist, you wouldn't like it one bit (if someone practices their freedom of speech, they best have the proof to back it up because that is where the laws come in to protect citizens from having their lives ruin and reputation ruined because of untruths)
Shut up. You aren't helping her out, you are only going to make it worse, for the ones who might have thought about helping her with the fundraisier. They will look at it, shake their head, and say DRAMA DRAMA,

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