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Scam or is this for real?


Posted 10:57 am, 08/25/2012

There are no hate speech laws in the United States, doofus, even if that were the case here. Which it isn't.


Posted 10:55 am, 08/25/2012

Smart^^^ - there is free of speech, but then there is also defamation of character and hate speech. and to make this couple out to seem racist or such is against the law. These are no threats by me, this the laws of this land, if you don't like it take it up with the government! No different than someone getting on here and calling you a rapist, you wouldn't like it one bit (if someone practices their freedom of speech, they best have the proof to back it up because that is where the laws come in to protect citizens from having their lives ruin and reputation ruined because of untruths)


Posted 10:55 am, 08/25/2012

And you cannot get the used car money back in taxes. All adoption costs at the amount you are raising are refundable so you will get the money back. Most costs are so low you can put them on your credit card.


Posted 10:51 am, 08/25/2012

RaeRae THEY posted the information .... are you suggesting they sue themselves? Bestill is just passing along info THEY put out there

I have a close relative who adopted a victimized black child, preK, and we couldn't be happier or more proud. She already had kids of her own and the family is blending beautifully. Nonetheless I realize that is not something everyone is capable of and it doesn't make her a better person than someone else. Inter-racial families DO face special challenges though and I'd be the first to say it is NOT something everyone ought to take on.

Given some of the points raised here I have personal doubts this woman is psychologically ready for motherhood. I may be totally wrong and I don't know them. It's just that creepy sixth sense thing and I HOPE, truly, I'm wrong and they are ready for a child. BTW Nicole I question whether most adoptive parents do fund raisers. You also need to realize these groups / organizations giving fundraising tips have a vested interest in your coming up with money so their motives may be a little suspect.


Posted 10:49 am, 08/25/2012

Again, that is the cost of a decent used car.


Posted 10:48 am, 08/25/2012

Yes it is, but only if she chooses the couple, otherwise most use agencies or facilitators which is where most of the expense can come in. Just a regular private adoption, depending on the states, can run around $5k to $8k.


Posted 10:47 am, 08/25/2012

OK, Here is a phrase you will get used to using when you have children.

"If your friends tell you to jump off a cliff....


Posted 10:46 am, 08/25/2012

But isn't it up to the mother, who she lets adopt her children? Surely someone like that wouldn't cost all the money you need.


Posted 10:45 am, 08/25/2012

Coleman if you're talking about who I
Think you are, she has a couple already who's going to adopt.


Posted 10:44 am, 08/25/2012

I can understand that, I can. We never thought of fundraising until a few months ago when some who have done it, mentioned it


Posted 10:43 am, 08/25/2012

What about the girl on your page,having twins in the next couple of months? She is putting hers up for adoption.


Posted 10:43 am, 08/25/2012

hey raerae29, its called freedom of speech, and to me it sounds like you are threatening people, if its wrong Jason will take it down.


Posted 10:42 am, 08/25/2012

I do not think anyone hates you for the effort. I think people just hate the idea of fundraising for an adoption.


Posted 10:41 am, 08/25/2012

Coleman- its just our choice to hope to
Adopt under 1 yr old. Nothing against older ages


Posted 10:40 am, 08/25/2012

I have one question only. Why does it have to be a baby? If your love is unconditional and you want a child so bad,why limit yourself to only a newborn?


Posted 10:38 am, 08/25/2012

Bestill, they said no to the African baby because it was a SCAM! I am sorry but this is getting to the point of being a legal issue. These people are not racist and are willing to take a baby of any skin color, religion, or what not. To take something out of context and make them into racist acting people is against the law and could cause harm to someone. I would advise that this stop of legal action can/will follow to this site! Enough is enough, if you don't agree with them, then great don't agree- you are only making yourselves look bad by trying to make this into something bigger than it is!


Posted 10:37 am, 08/25/2012

Yes we are horrible people, or I guess I'm the bad one. The comment regarding a baby in Africa, that was a scam. Cameroon is where most overseas adoption scams take place. I also said that we would like to adopt within the US. There's nothing wrong with wanting to adopt a younger age. If we want to
Be able to experience all the late night feelings, diaper changes, first steps, why is that wrong? Yes, every child deserves love and care, I've never disputed that. Most couples who are trying to adopt, do fundraising. That's where we were given some suggestions on what type of fundraising to try. Obviously we shouldn't have. I hate that it's caused this much of an uproar over it. We aren't sending out anymore letters . I get that apparently many hate me, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sure everyone has made mistakes in their lives yet they weren't played out or discussed on open forums. Like I
Said earlier, it was never meant to be offensive and we didn't perceive it as "begging" but after reading replies I can understand how it can come across as so.


Posted 10:30 am, 08/25/2012

For myself, I do not hold it against them that they want a white American baby. I think that is OK. People want babies that resemble them and it is still a pretty racist area around here. My objection lives only in the fundraising.


Posted 10:27 am, 08/25/2012

these websites disgust me, turning down kids that need a home, to hand pick the child they want. it just cements my disgust for Nicole.


Posted 10:20 am, 08/25/2012

Never mind, I had accidentaly skipped over it. I found. She was offered a baby from africa, but declined to take it.

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