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Scam or is this for real?


Posted 10:47 pm, 08/23/2012

We have Fostered 27 children age 0-17 and NOT ONE did we get to adopt... Do you know the pain of picking an infant up from the hospital loving and raising them for 11 months only to have them ripped out of your arms and given to there Alcoholic grandmother only because she is "Family" do you know the pain of telling a 9yr old that you have had for over a YEAR that even though mommy and daddy did horrible things to them the court feels they can go BACK to that **** and have them BEG you to keep them... NO YOU FREAKING DONT... So SHUT YOUR MOUTH... That kinda pain you will never know.. If you are so High and Mighty go take classes and Save the world.. As for the REST of us who LIVE in the REAL world... We know that pain, we live it each and every day.. And NO it NEVER gets easier...


Posted 10:41 pm, 08/23/2012

fourmore- are you a foster parent? unless you are, you really know nothing about what foster parents go through. You friends may meet different requirements than other foster parents. Some ask for a stay at home mom, some require a two parent home, some require special training for special needs (such as mental, physical, or what not). Also some parents are not willing to take in more than one at a time (for their own reasons), certain ages (ask any teacher what grades they like to teach and I know they will tell you between this age and that age, but not this one age because I am not called to work with older/younger kids- they know where the would be best used and what they can handle and be the best teacher and make the most influence on a child(and yet we don't judge them for there choice of age group). All I am saying there is a lot that goes into fostering that you do not know about because you haven't been through the program yet yourself. But to be able to adopt, you must go through a home Study. If someone has questions, then you could always contact DSS or ask them for their caseworker or such. I know she would gladly give any info.


Posted 10:33 pm, 08/23/2012

To the OP or anyone out there....here's a story of homeless kids and teens in Guilford county. Of a shelter that is in danger of closing as we speak...if you feel the need to send money anywhere...I do believe this is certainly a worthwhile endeavor..

This story was aired on or about Aug 8th or 9th...it was mentioned again tonight...this shelter needs donations...


Greensboro, NC-- Act Together Crisis Care is in danger of closing because of budget cuts from the Department of Social Services.

Act Together Crisis Care is the only youth homeless shelter in Guilford County. After losing $250,000 in funding they are on the verge of closing and won't be able to serve the 200 plus youth they see every year.


Posted 10:32 pm, 08/23/2012

It is a scam.. Sounds like she is just seeking attention. If they are
Truly foster parents then why isn't their home FULL
Of children. I know several people who are foster
Parents and they have had to basically turn kids
Away at certain times


Posted 10:31 pm, 08/23/2012

Check with DSS in the surrounding counties. We adopted 3 siblings a few years ago. At that time they considered a 2 year old an older child. Good luck. So many kids need homes.


Posted 10:26 pm, 08/23/2012

Note from GoWilkes: a portion of this post was removed for personal attacks



Posted 10:22 pm, 08/23/2012

Ok, I will not say much on this matter and will not be nasty to anyone. Anyone that knows anything about adoptions, knows that it cost a great amount of money(agency or not). Not because adoptive families want to pay that kind of amount, but because that is what adoption agencies charge(and get away with it, which we know is sad). I know this lady personally, and know that she will only do a private adoption (either through the state for a toddler or under or through an attorney-because she refuses to BUY a baby and is only willing to pay for legal docs and such). Babies are not for sell, they are to be loved and cherished. I know that people are out to make money off of scams, but if someone has a question about the REALNESS of a situation then why not check with the NON-Profit that has teamed up with this couple to help give a beautiful blessing from God a wonderful home. If anyone knows anything about Scams this lady does because she has been on the bad end of many. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have 8-10k laying around and have a child myself and can provide for his everyday needs. Hard working families that can provide for a child's every need, still can afford for the upfront cost of adoption. This is no different than giving to the Salvation Army, local church, or what not- you can get a tax write off for giving to a Non-profit and actually benefit from it if you are with a company or business. You give to a lot of other places that are Non Profits and not know exactly where the money will go within that organization- the big difference is you know exactly where this money will go. And once she brings a baby back that needs a home I am sure she would probably be so over the moon that she would want to place it on a local bulletin board to let everyone see what they helped do- make a family unit complete. To all of us that have been able to have children of our own- be thankful for the opportunity and the blessing. You don't have to agree with everything in life, but there is no need to be nasty and say hurtful things about something you may not understand.


Posted 10:17 pm, 08/23/2012

No its not evil to Question... To Judge and Criticise is.... To simply ask a question is Great... Get to know your local families... Get to know about adoption... MOST people have NO clue how much adoption costs or how many crazy people are out there Scamming Hopeful adoptive parents out of money. Most people Could NEVER imagine the Pain of NOT being able to have children.. What would you give up? Do you remember your childs 1st Word, 1st crawl, 1st step why should they be denied these treasures you hold dear in your heart?


Posted 10:11 pm, 08/23/2012

You ask for donations and you open yourself up to questions and criticism.

To the moron who made the devil remark it's not evil to question why someone with their hand out is asking.


Posted 10:05 pm, 08/23/2012

Some people are SOOOO FULL OF THE DEVIL!!!


Posted 9:59 pm, 08/23/2012

You all should be ashamed of yourselves... You have NO right to judge, You have NO right to be jerks, This is a good Family I know personally, They are good people. Both of them work there Butts off..Most of you probubly DONT have 500 bucks in your savings acct Let alone 10K to drop... How much did YOUR baby cost.. Well MINE was aprox 300 in Co Pays and 500 to the hospital... They DONT get the option to apply for medicaid and have a dozen babies on welfare like some of you.. Medicaid doesnt pay for adoption.. SO before you go on Judging people you should walk a mile in there shoes... Adoption is VERY costly.. It is usually around 10-55K... Sorry but in this economy I Highly DOUBT ANY OF YOU have that kind of money... These people are good people who Long to be parents... This is the Road the Lord has set before them and they are trying to make the best of it.. Judge Not Less Ye Be Judged... .


Posted 9:59 pm, 08/23/2012

I was in such fury lol, that I missed the point of her saying the age thing. It was an oversight, so I do NOW APOLOGIZE for my initial response and thank you for those who pointed out my mistake without being ****s about it. For once, I am impressed by you guys being so polite about it. Irish was having a moment, one of many lol!


Posted 9:47 pm, 08/23/2012

its easy to say what you would do or should do, when you aren't in that situation yourself. I don't blame them one bit for trying every route they can to bring their child home.

if you knew anything at all about their situation, you would know they have been through more than enough pain already. they are gonna make amazing parents someday, and if putting the word out there gets their child faster then I think it is a wonderful idea.


Posted 9:21 pm, 08/23/2012

Adopting through dss isnt that easy in itself....we have been fostering for years and woyld have adopted any of them,young or old, but never had the opportunity


Posted 8:46 pm, 08/23/2012

jmk21 (view profile)
Jason & Nicole were requesting a donation to raise 10,000 dollars to help pay for an adoption.Why is there an adoption fee...who's pocket is that linning?

well I know there are filing fees but in some states it's about 200 dollars. mostly the private agencies are lining their own pockets. the adoptive mother gets nothing unless she is a surrogate. some adoptive parents who are pregnant can get the last trimester paid for by the adoptive parent in some states.

However, it is very tasteless to ask for money to help you get what you want.. I agree 100% if you want it then work and save or mortgage your house for it. but don't beg others to help fund what you want.

Why do some people feel it's everyone's place to FUND what THEY want...?


Posted 8:40 pm, 08/23/2012

Jason & Nicole were requesting a donation to raise 10,000 dollars to help pay for an adoption.

Why is there an adoption fee...who's pocket is that linning?


Posted 8:39 pm, 08/23/2012

Tacky? no beyond comprehension yes!!! why in the world do you think that you can ask business for money to adopt a kid? are you serious?

Note from GoWilkes: a portion of this post was removed for personal attacks.

Here is an idea, get a second job and save up some money.


Posted 8:34 pm, 08/23/2012

I also agree with the posters who pointed out how tacky the fund raising is. What will the family do after year one? Hold a raffle so that they can buy school clothes? At the end of the day, that really is a burden to put on a child growing up." Uh, honey, summer camp is coming up. Time to hold a bake sale!"


Posted 8:29 pm, 08/23/2012

1goddess (view profile)Posted 5:07 pm, 08/23/2012
I'm calling scam...that's a rather tacky way to solicit funds for an adoption.
Besides, has there not been a child available for them to adopt thru the foster care system?

Or are they trying to order exactly what they want....


Posted 8:29 pm, 08/23/2012

Here is the measure I have used for myself. Figure out the cost of pregnancy and birth and support of the mother. If you cannot afford those costs, you cannot afford to have a child. Of course, I am not blind to the fact or opposed to poor women mucking through hand to mouth and ending up with a lovely bundle of joy, but you have to be able to get a kid through college and at the end of the day, 10,000.00 is just a drop in the bucket.

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