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Scam or is this for real?


Posted 1:15 pm, 08/24/2012

Do not judge someone until you are in their shoes!!! No one knows what they have been through and how hurt they have already been. People getting on here, judging, critizing and just being plain mean really help! That is not being scrutenized that is HURTFUL to them and I'm sure to their famiies. Why can't we all just support each other, pray for each other and see what happens then?


Posted 12:55 pm, 08/24/2012

Whatsittoyou when a person or group solicits charity they should expect to be scrutinized. No shame in a little being a little skeptical. If they'd limited their solicitations to family, friends and people who already knew them it'd be one thing; that's not how they did it though.

Someone said it was ok because the tactic was recommended on a pro-adoption website. Well, dur! They're trying to help people come up with money, that makes the website operators essentially paid fund raisers just like the telemarketers who call raising money for charities, often keeping most of the money for the fund raising company and not the charity. It's their JOB to come up with money, not to tell you how to use your brain, ethics, or whether you're at a point in life to responsibly raise a child regardless of what your financial situation may or may not be.


Posted 12:53 pm, 08/24/2012

ummm...I'm sure that they tried the "way that everyone else does". Be nice folks. If you don't wish to donate to this couple then don't. Don't make them feel bad. That's just not nice.


Posted 12:46 pm, 08/24/2012

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of when so many people out here r struggling to pay bills and put food on the table .I f you guuys really want this try getting a child the way everyone else does not by asking and begging for money....


Posted 12:43 pm, 08/24/2012

They should get both sets of grandparents to co sign a loan for them to adopt. Money problem solved.


Posted 12:34 pm, 08/24/2012

What amazes me it that so many people have opinions about a couple you really do not know and for the person who started this thread, SHAME ON YOU!!! If you did not appreciate receiving the letter, throw it away, do not try to smear someone's name. And as for why her parents are not helping, why don't you give them a call personally and ask? OR are you ashamed for them to know your real name??

I used to enjoy reading GoWilkes and keeping up with what is going on around Wilkes but not anymore, too many negative people or people that just want to start something on here.

And, I thought you were not supposed to post anyone's name on here anyway!!


Posted 9:58 am, 08/24/2012

If that much money is raised and spent on just the adoption of the child, what's going to be left for the actual raising of this baby? I understand that with attorney's fees and all that, adoption can be expensive, but so is the child itself... The point a lot of people are trying to make is that if you have to fundraiser to cover the adoption, maybe that's not the right avenue.

It seems to me like the desperation of wanting a child has taken over, common sense has been thrown out the window and the big picture has been overlooked. Perspective has been lost.

I'm not judging this family at all. They probably are great people with big hearts who will make wonderful parents one day, and I do hope it happens for them. I have no idea what it's like to long for a child and not be able to make that dream come true. I DO know the realities of raising them, though, and expenses involved, very very well. It requires a lot of cash on hand. Just something to consider.


Posted 8:23 am, 08/24/2012

Is this not the couple of had a couple of girls, but decided that they couldn't take them? I guess the girls were not the 'perfect' children that they were wanting.


Posted 8:23 am, 08/24/2012

Hey Nicole let me just say I do know you, I don't like you and tell your friends I am not jealous of you.


Posted 6:56 am, 08/24/2012

I can't imagine what it feels like to want to be a mom so bad but not be able to have children. We've established that it isn't a scam. If you feel led to give then give. If not then quietly, don't. Good luck to you Nicole and until God blesses you with a child either through birth or adoption, it may help to pick a child near you that may need a little extra attention or help and give it to them. Not all needy children are orphans. Love those you come in contact with and they will bless you much like a mother child relationship. Don't give up and don't let negative people get you down. Best wishes to you and your family.


Posted 6:19 am, 08/24/2012

**** on you nay-sayers and ****. GOOD LUCK JASON & NICHOLE


Posted 2:05 am, 08/24/2012

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 1:22 am, 08/24/2012

I hope they get the money, by whatever means, and get to adopt....

I believe it would be a very blessed child.


Posted 11:23 pm, 08/23/2012

I think what this couple is going through for their future child is very admirable. I'm sure they had to swallow a certain amount of pride to even ask for assistance. Furthermore, the couple is only following professional advice on how to raise funds as evidence on the adoption.com website http://fundraising.adoption.com/


Posted 11:08 pm, 08/23/2012

. And once she brings a baby back that needs a home I am sure she would probably be so over the moon that she would want to place it on a local bulletin board to let everyone see what they helped do- make a family unit complete.

That would makes things even weirder.


Posted 11:06 pm, 08/23/2012

It's all about paying it forward, if you don't feel led to give then just don't give. I will not say anything else, but this -school is public and paid by the state, and yet they are constantly asking for donation and doing fundraiser to make things better for the kids and teacher. I mean the state pays for it, so how dare them try to fund raise. Community is about adoptive families, helping other adoptive families., caring for the weak and feeble, kids helping each other out instead of bullying. A lot of companies look for ways to donate out to Non Profits because it helps them to get a better tax break (not just speaking about this couple but also the other couple wanting to adopt, wouldn't you like to be considered if a company wanted to give towards a cause- I know being a AP myself I would love to help other AP out, its not about being better than anyone it's about being there for each other) Again I am done- many blessings to YOU ALL!

White America

Posted 10:59 pm, 08/23/2012

Free public abortion....

to be or not to be

Posted 10:54 pm, 08/23/2012

my spouse and I can't have children but instead of being on the computer begging we are saving money to be able to get our child. That's my beef with the whole situation.

They are not the only "good" people who can't have children but would love nothing better than to have a family. It's just that the rest of us aren't on here begging others to pay for our child


Posted 10:52 pm, 08/23/2012

Sassy I'm sorry if it offended you, it defiantly wasn't meant to do so. Most hopeful adoptive parents fundraise. Had I've thought for one second this was the type of response and feedback we would have received, I wouldn't have sent any letters out. This is emotionally difficult enough as it is without adding to it.


Posted 10:49 pm, 08/23/2012

I admire Nicole and Jason for wanting to adopt a baby. I hope someday their dream comes true, but I disagree with the way they are going about it.

All those of you that agree with the way they are asking for donations should send them a sizable amount toward their adoptions fees,and they won't have to send out any more letters to struggling small businesses.

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