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Sharia law..?


Posted 3:55 am, 12/09/2016

So, White, you are in favor of sharia law?

White America

Posted 12:02 am, 12/09/2016


Oh its happening, the pic is form a crime scene in Portland Maine


Posted 10:55 pm, 12/08/2016

Looks like in North Carolina, child brides can be taken by anyone, including good Christian folks, non believers, Muslims, well anybody. But only if the child is pregnant. If the children are not pregnant, parents can marry them off at 16.


Posted 10:51 pm, 12/08/2016

I thought I would check for you. In NC without parent consent the age is 18. A 14 year old of any faith can obtain a marriage license if there is pregnancy or birth of a child. I think 14 year olds are children, do you?


Posted 10:47 pm, 12/08/2016

Well, I forget, but doesn't every State have laws regarding age of marriage? Can you google and let us know what NC says, emp?


Posted 10:25 pm, 12/08/2016

empowers (view profile)

Posted 10:00 pm, 12/08/2016

If any of you have children or grandchildren you should be concerned, very concerned. Child brides are taken by those professing to believe in 'allah.' I do not belong to a church or a religion. I have no use for organized religion, especially Islam. Even with the problems with some organized religions, Islam is as radical as you can get. If I was forced to make a choice I wiould pick a Christian religion. If I was ruled by Sharia law there may be no chance to even make a choice for me, my children or my grandchildren.

I've told you this before and I am telling you again get mental help.


Posted 10:19 pm, 12/08/2016

LOL, empower you are something.


Posted 10:00 pm, 12/08/2016

If any of you have children or grandchildren you should be concerned, very concerned. Child brides are taken by those professing to believe in 'allah.' I do not belong to a church or a religion. I have no use for organized religion, especially Islam. Even with the problems with some organized religions, Islam is as radical as you can get. If I was forced to make a choice I wiould pick a Christian religion. If I was ruled by Sharia law there may be no chance to even make a choice for me, my children or my grandchildren.


Posted 9:47 pm, 12/08/2016

On Friday, sorry.


Posted 9:46 pm, 12/08/2016

Probably both. Will the government force everyone to eat meat of Friday?


Posted 9:35 pm, 12/08/2016

Depends. Are you referring to sprinkling or dunking?


Posted 9:30 pm, 12/08/2016

Will we have to make baptism illegal too?


Posted 9:28 pm, 12/08/2016

empowers (view profile)

Posted 8:03 pm, 12/08/2016

Allowing Sharia law to secure a foothold anywhere in the United States is a very serious mistake

Allowing any laws based on the religious beliefs of any segment of the population would be a mistake. A bit late for that though.

empowers (view profile)

Posted 8:03 pm, 12/08/2016

yet it is happening.

No it's not happening but it's interesting how this shows us who the truly gullible are when people claim it is happening.

empowers (view profile)

Posted 8:03 pm, 12/08/2016

Its high time the leaders of the Muslim world identify and name the root of all acts of terror and its time for those Muslim leaders who claim that Islam is a religion of peace to speak out loudly against those who commit acts of terror in the name of Allah.

Well the root of it would be fundamentalism which is not unique to Muslims. There are still plenty of terrorist from all backgrounds Muslims just tend to make more headlines lately.
And Muslim leaders do denounce the acts of terrorism loudly they are just largely ignored when doing so it's not headline grabbing enough to make the front page.

But it's funny when Christian terrorists do things no one says this and they largely say nothing same with Jewish terrorists or right wing terrorists. It's funny really when you notice only particular groups are expected to spend all their time screaming from the roof tops at the criminals among them.

empowers (view profile)

Posted 8:03 pm, 12/08/2016

In fact, its time they are prosecuted as being criminals instead of celebrated as martyrs.

Ok so you are in favor of taking them alive and giving them criminal trials. And hopefully you are just referencing those who actually commit crimes. At least I hope that is your intention. But you do understand what a martyr is right? Living people don't tend to become those and we don't typically prosecute dead people. Just pointing that out.


Posted 9:24 pm, 12/08/2016

Let me guess, you two Tools stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Posted 9:22 pm, 12/08/2016

I wonder if emps thinks canon law should also be banned. Should following the 10 commandments be banned as well?


Posted 9:14 pm, 12/08/2016

empower, you are such a **** idiot. The Constitution is the basic of the American government. You need help.


Posted 9:12 pm, 12/08/2016

Uh! I thought terrorism was illegal under state federal and municipal law.


Posted 9:03 pm, 12/08/2016

Bask is hot on Emp, he is wanting her to call him. You go EMP


Posted 8:49 pm, 12/08/2016



Posted 8:37 pm, 12/08/2016

It's high time you shut off your internet and go back to only harassing people that will answer your phone calls.

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