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Sharia law..?


Posted 5:35 pm, 12/09/2016

In my culture, marriage custom forbids marriage unless the separation of blood is beyond first cousin. All sex outside of marriage is sin. So folks related inside the first cousin divide, mothers sons fathers daughters aunts uncles cousins are not permitted to marry.


Posted 5:21 pm, 12/09/2016

What's the difference?


Posted 5:20 pm, 12/09/2016

Thanks for proving my point.


Posted 5:20 pm, 12/09/2016

So what is the difference red?


Posted 5:19 pm, 12/09/2016

The customs were the same. And marriages in both faiths followed the whole ability/maturity age and the age was the same back in the day. Islam manages the ability/maturity age as well as Christian folks do these days. On a secular legal note, in NC kids can marry at 14, maturity be darned.


Posted 5:14 pm, 12/09/2016

I dont think that Mohamed was a Christian, but with you Lib-Tards mind set one never knows


Posted 5:14 pm, 12/09/2016

I mean, if it was good enough for the Mother of God.....


Posted 5:13 pm, 12/09/2016

Well it is curious as the marriage of the Profit followed the same custom as Mary and Joseph's in the Bible did, pretty much. So would it not follow that all Christians favor child marriage?


Posted 5:08 pm, 12/09/2016

I think you have totally lost any common sense you may have had. You make sense in one statement and totally make a arse out of yourself in the next one. I am thinking you need to go sit on a Rock tonight and Hummm until morning.


Posted 5:02 pm, 12/09/2016

Oh, sorry.
What I was going to say is that empowers previous comment is ludicrous.
Do you think it better that girl children are forced into marriage with no voice in the matter at puberty? To men they do not know?
Is that what Christians are like?


Posted 4:59 pm, 12/09/2016

Mohammed's child bride is the reason why Islamists are in favor of child marriage. He married one of his wives, 'Aisha', when she was 6, and consummated that marriage when she was 9. In Sharia law this is acceptable but if you dare to look at it honestly, a child is not sexually mature at age 6, most girls are not even sexually mature at age 9 so apparently this guy was a pedophile. This was nothing more than rape of an innocent child as children are much smaller than an adult how can they say no? How can this be right? This is nothing but pure evil.

The ones defending this are just as guilty as the ones doing it. What does this say about what kind of parents they are?


Posted 3:36 pm, 12/09/2016

Mike Pence better brush up on his constitutional law.


Posted 3:35 pm, 12/09/2016

If it comes down to heads being cut off, it is the religious people who have to worry about me.


Posted 3:16 pm, 12/09/2016

Mike Pence is going down this road with religious freedom act

sparkling water

Posted 3:10 pm, 12/09/2016

When they cut your head off, springy, don't come running to us.


Posted 3:06 pm, 12/09/2016

By law in America, no religious laws can be made. So, I don't think you have much to worry about when it comes to Sharia law. It is just crazy right wing bull attempting to stir the s***.


Posted 12:20 pm, 12/09/2016

Don't attempt to feign innocense. You know who you are and you are guilty as ****.


Posted 12:15 pm, 12/09/2016

By show of hands, who on here believes men should have sex with 6 year old.


Posted 12:07 pm, 12/09/2016

Mohammed's child bride is the reason why Islamists are in favor of child marriage. He married one of his wives, 'Aisha', when she was 6, and consummated that marriage when she was 9. In Sharia law this is acceptable but if you dare to look at it honestly, a child is not sexually mature at age 6, most girls are not even sexually mature at age 9 so apparently this guy was a pedophile. This was nothing more than rape of an innocent child as children are much smaller than an adult how can they say no? How can this be right? This is nothing but pure evil.

The ones defending this are just as guilty as the ones doing it. What does this say about what kind of parents they are?


Posted 7:16 am, 12/09/2016

White America, your fake picture is NOT from a Portland crime seen, it was used in a blogpost from April of 2008.


You have been duped yet again by the lying right wing fundamental extremists.

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