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Posted 5:43 am, 05/23/2018

Wake up idiots. DO WHAT THE OFFICERS TELL YOU TO DO PERIOD!!! All this crap about not chasing, profiling, racism would stop if these clowns would take responsibility for their actions. OBEY THE LAW! That said stop all this crap and let the family grieve in peace!


Posted 11:28 pm, 05/22/2018

LEOs have to chase if they didnt no one would stop, A agency a few years ago made it sop a chase could not exceed 75mph didnt take the bad guys long to pick up on that and they hauled butt knowing the officers would have to terminate pursuit. Saw on one of the discovery crime shows where a officer was ordered to stop a pursuit and did. Some time they found out the driver had a kidnapped 14 year old girl in the car who he then murdered and ditched in the woods. Pursuit's are a double edged sword but are necessary. Bless all the sheep dogs who keep us safe

Mad Scientist

Posted 11:09 pm, 05/22/2018

Just asking. Wasn't it raining last night? If so, maybe Trooper Bullard's car hydroplaned on the wet pavement, causing him to lose control and strike the bridge?


Posted 10:56 pm, 05/22/2018

It was a bad choice for all, yes a life was lost, we cannot change that, but we all have made a bad choice not realizing how it could end.... I chose to our ran the law at 18 was successful no one was hurt, I had 3 pending tickets, and did not want another, think my car was law magnet.... yes it was my fought for breaking the speed limit, but NC should band all high speed pursues unless it is a murder, a kidnapper, or they feel that person is a danger to the public, not a license check, I am sure they had a tag # they could run and caught them later, and how can you charge the ones not driving with murder, was out of their control.... driver and officers alike make a bad choice that ended ones life, yes if driver had stopped, it would not have happened, if the 3 minutue chase had not happened, it would not have happened, if high speed would not have been involved for something routine, it would not have happened, if office had not called for back up it would not have happened, if it was not his shift it would not have happened, the list goes on, it is sad, and I pray for all involved in this... may God help them find comfort and peace..... we all make bad choices... without knowing how it will end....

Mad Scientist

Posted 10:28 pm, 05/22/2018

The rule of felony murder is a legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder: when an offender kills (regardless of intent to kill) in the commission of a dangerous or enumerated crime (called a felony in some jurisdictions), the offender, and also the offender's accomplices or co-conspirators, may be found guilty of murder.

From what I understand about the law, someone who commits a felony where someone else dies, can be charged with the murder. Even though they didn't directly cause the death.


Posted 10:27 pm, 05/22/2018

Anyone who has been around the dance of the legal system, especially as an officer knows all to well, Westend, What the DA and lawyer work out to him finally pleading guilty to will not be what crime he actually committed but that’s why you load him up with every charge you can down to his tag light being out so you can plead it down. Pray we wake up and he’s caught. 👍


Posted 10:22 pm, 05/22/2018

....remember you can be charged with anything......the DA or a Grand jury will decide based on the evidence at hand as what charges...... if any he will stand trail for......


Posted 10:20 pm, 05/22/2018

You are right LEO...... I’m sure Case Law as you quoted is steep in situations just as these

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:19 pm, 05/22/2018

"Authorities say they found the BMW, and the registered owner, Cheyenne Harrison. The driver has been identified as 22-year-old Whitt. Investigators say he's wanted on murder, felony fleeing to elude arrest in a motor vehicle, and driving with a revoked license."

WXII reported that he could be charged with murder because the murder occurred during the commission of a felony. I think that's what I understood.


Posted 10:19 pm, 05/22/2018

u folks do know it is up to a DA as to what charges he will stand trial for..........and the the girl....she will be charged with ...Aiding and abetting......most likley.... It is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets in the commission of a crime. It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if they are not the principal offender.


Posted 10:17 pm, 05/22/2018

They have already charged him with murder. A judge has already signed off on it and warrants issued. A judge has said it meets the requirements......
I’m with you about hoping the charges stick because this guy has a history of crimes already. If not for that I’d give him the benefit of the doubt!
God bless our law enforcement

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 10:15 pm, 05/22/2018

I found this and thought it interesting, second to last paragraph;
There is no requirement that the weapon be physically used to commit the underlying felony; mere possession suffices. State v. Fields, 315 N.C. 191, 199 (1985) (stating that “[i]f the defendant has brought the weapon along, he has at least a psychological use for it: it may bolster his confidence, steel his nerve, allay fears of his apprehension,” and explaining that even when the weapon is never physically employed, “it functions as a backup, an inanimate accomplice that can cover for the defendant if he is interrupted”).



Posted 10:07 pm, 05/22/2018

Lets wait and see what the charges are, I hope you are right the driver needs the max but am afraid it doesnt meet the felony murder standards.


Posted 10:01 pm, 05/22/2018

Where did you pull that definition from? A deadly weapon is always a deadly weapon. Just like a gun. It can be used for good or bad. A rifle in the safe is a deadly weapon the same as a car is in a garage.

As far as the accident, you could be charged with that if the officer could prove your INTENT to commit a crime.


Posted 9:48 pm, 05/22/2018

A vehicle is not considered a deadly weapon unless you attempt to run over some one or intentionally ram them. If it was otherwise you could be charged with assault with a deadly weapon in any traffic accident where you strike another veh


Posted 9:32 pm, 05/22/2018

Slow down your reading.... notice the semi colon. The law reads...OR A FELONY ( speeding to elude) COMMITTED OR ATTEMPTED ( which he did) WITH THE USE OF A DEADLY WEAPON ( the vehicle)

I’m not being smart but the law is interpreted by the letter......


Posted 9:25 pm, 05/22/2018

But not one the felonies in the statue,

    arson; rape or a felony sex offense; robbery; kidnapping; burglary; or a felony committed or attempted with the use of a deadly weapon These are the crimes in which the felony murder law apply.


Posted 9:03 pm, 05/22/2018

A vehicle is a deadly weapon and fleeing to elude is a felony.


Posted 8:21 pm, 05/22/2018

But when some one runs you never know why, could be a scared kid or a ax murderer with a hostage in the trunk. Running because of a revoked license is idiotic.


Posted 8:14 pm, 05/22/2018

G.S. 14-17(a

    arson; rape or a felony sex offense; robbery; kidnapping; burglary; or a felony committed or attempted with the use of a deadly weapon These are the crimes in which the felony murder law apply. Simply fleeing arrest does not appear to be one of them.

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