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Posted 7:41 am, 05/31/2018

This Wilkes newspaper article is the only one that seems accurate. Was surprised to read that the driver's father was also arrested on outstanding warrants when the young man surrendered. It also seems to be the only news report with the correct arrest time of 3 a.m.

Joseph T.

Posted 1:04 pm, 05/28/2018

So the cops receive less training on driving then they do on firearms. That is really scary after having seen a number of local cops do their firearms quals. at the club. Let me just say that many of them need a whole lot more firearms training so what's that say about driving training. Maybe they need to extend training another 6 months with 3 months going to high speed driving and 3 months on firearms.

sparkling water

Posted 9:03 am, 05/28/2018

That may be an issue of cultural irony, but it is nothing to complain about.


Posted 9:02 am, 05/28/2018

burleyman (view profile)

Posted 7:57 am, 05/27/2018

Very, very sad event. The following is meant as no disrespect to anyone, just an old man's observation.

The funeral procession traveled on a major highway with a portion named after an individual who rose to fame and fortune running from the law many times, endangering lives, while hauling a popular drug illegally.

And yes, I've driven dangerously on that same road and sampled some of that product during that era.
.......Great point! So it was OK.... for Jr. to run from the law....


Posted 8:57 am, 05/28/2018

Trump2020 (view profile)

Posted 8:14 am, 05/27/2018

I would like to ask how much training are these young officers given on driving these new high performance vehicles? What type of vehicle was he driving? Was it a regular two wheel rearwheel drive or was it “all-wheel” drive? There is a huge difference if you lose control and need to correct. And then factor in the high rate of speed.

Great Question......Here are some stats.....Although police chases have been recognized as dangerous for nearly half a century, both training and technology remain inadequate, experts say.

The average police trainee received 72 hours of weapons training compared to 40 hours of driving training, only a portion of which covered chases, according to a 2006 Justice Department study of police training academies.

A 2007 survey of Florida Highway Patrol sergeants showed that 80% thought that patrol officers "did not have adequate training in the area of pursuit driving." Highway Patrol spokesman Lieut. Ryan Martina did not respond to repeated inquires about how the patrol responded to the poll.


Posted 8:14 am, 05/27/2018

I would like to ask how much training are these young officers given on driving these new high performance vehicles? What type of vehicle was he driving? Was it a regular two wheel rearwheel drive or was it “all-wheel” drive? There is a huge difference if you lose control and need to correct. And then factor in the high rate of speed.


Posted 7:57 am, 05/27/2018

Very, very sad event. The following is meant as no disrespect to anyone, just an old man's observation.

The funeral procession traveled on a major highway with a portion named after an individual who rose to fame and fortune running from the law many times, endangering lives, while hauling a popular drug illegally.

And yes, I've driven dangerously on that same road and sampled some of that product during that era.


Posted 9:14 am, 05/26/2018

When a LEO gives you a command it's the same thing as everyone in this Town, County, State and these United States of America giving you the same command. The LEO's are doing what We have told them to do. You may be allowed to continue with whatever you were doing if no laws are being broken and you act like you have some sense, however you will not succeed in defying us.

Democrats Are Treasonous

Posted 8:32 am, 05/26/2018

I hope the punk that ran gets some serious prison time. I don't care what the charges read.


Posted 8:21 am, 05/26/2018

If you look at the court dockets you'll see the Whitt boy had charges filed against him before all this happened. 2 counts of resisting an officer, drugs and larceny. **** The law is the law. If you cause a death while in commission of a crime you can be charged with that death. A good man was killed by his actions.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post, including the ***** above, was removed that was in response to the earlier trolling.


Posted 7:48 am, 05/26/2018

I feel bad a young life was lost due to this chase, I went to the crash sight and my first thought was another car had to be involved, the car went off the road on the right, through the angled bank and bridge support, Someone caused him to run off off the road! If you Google trooper Bullard radio you can hear that the two patrol cars were going to swap positions, then they run up on traffic,the other trooper said he was along side Bullard and had to take avasive action, no contact after that


Posted 1:28 am, 05/26/2018


Posted 11:49 pm, 05/25/2018

moonshine I agree with you, no one involved intended for someone to die, yes the driver should have stopped, the officers have his information and should have pursued him later without chase... I respect all those in Blue or Brown that put their life on the line, but NC needs to limit when to draw a line... could have been prevented by both sides... My heart and prayers go out to all involved, I know some do not feel the same, but we all find our reasons for thought.... I have respect for them, but some kids grow up, without knowing what that means or fear of what their parents may do if they get caught breaking the law,,, thankful I raised mine to always be honest, I grew up in a house hold full of fear, if you got caught doing something wrong.... so you tried to avoid getting caught, without any mean will to anyone....


Posted 10:53 pm, 05/25/2018

People, when the Law tells you to show them your hands, get on the ground, pull over, etc, it's not a request, it's an order.

sparkling water

Posted 8:15 pm, 05/25/2018

Great turnout to honor Trooper Bullard.


Posted 8:00 pm, 05/25/2018

It was a terrible accident, not murder.


Posted 7:25 pm, 05/25/2018

WXII had a short interview with the girl. She said that he didn't have a license and they were going to switch seats, but didn't have time so he just ran through.


Posted 9:18 pm, 05/24/2018

Leo needs to stay out of bars,if he has had all those issues. Most everyone that has served in the military and has seen combat have some serious issues to deal with.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 8:13 pm, 05/24/2018

Tell me about 168, I’ve had guns pointed at me, not dangerous unless you get shot. I’ve been threatened with knives, ball bats and tire irons, not dangerous unless you get stabbed, or hit over the head. I’ve been bitten and spit on, not dangerous unless the person has Aids, Hep C or some other disease. I’ve had the very lives of my wife and kids threatened, not dangerous unless someone does something; most when you’re not around to protect them.
I think the reason the general public is so appreciative of LEO’s is because we are willing to do a job that they know themselves could not or would not do and that we are willing to ourselves in harms way on their behalf.


Posted 7:53 pm, 05/24/2018

Its a dangerous job, and you get treated like dirt for a small check Been there done that and got the scars and a limp to show for it. But I worked with some of the greatest guy and gals in the world. Would do it again in a heart beat, Even now years later some one will approach me and thank me for something I did back then. Means a lot.

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