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Some men need to be castrated


Posted 1:34 pm, 09/30/2012

Let this be a lesson to you woodie.....next time and every time..wear a condom.

Do us all a favor...don't have anymore children.

What were you thinking going bareback on that sk*nk?...see the results?


Posted 1:32 pm, 09/30/2012

Nancy.....I didn't know none of this was goin on nothing not none of it I was placed under a restraining order by her mother and had my rights took because she was pushed into it into it if u must know if there was anything I could've done I would've done it in a heart beat. Id give my life for either of my little girls without any regret what's so ever


Posted 1:24 pm, 09/30/2012

Why did you leave your daughter with a crazy pig-woman that brings men around often??

Why didn't you have custody to keep your daughtewr free from harm?

These are questions your daughter will be asking as she grows older.

You do not get a pass, sir.


Posted 1:22 pm, 09/30/2012

Nancy....to let u know when our daughter was born Jesse was not in the picture at all and we were just fine and happy as a family so no I'm not to blame only person to blame is Jesse dillard


Posted 1:16 pm, 09/30/2012

woodsman baby-daddy laid with a crazy woman and brought a child into a bad situation.

woodsman8895 is to blame for this.


Posted 1:12 pm, 09/30/2012

Dodge who the **** are u I'm tired of this **** talking especially bout me I did nothing that led to this u **** had I been allowed to be in her life this never woulda happen period but u wanna put me down why don't u just ****ing meet me u sorry pos wanna kick on someone when there down ill show ya how it feels to be ****ing kicked


Posted 5:38 pm, 09/29/2012

Well lets give Nicole a lil pity here..Poor Nicole!! LoL! We need to give the lil girl the pity since her mommy and daddy couldn't give that to her. They let her get raped and drugged from one man to another, house to house, daddy to daddy..What a good way to teach your child..She is getting the best care right now in the home she is in, very stable & christian people what more could the child ask for. At least there is no drugs, drinking and a momma that is Who**** around jumping from one man to another. I really pray for the day that this all goes to court that they will find Nicole and Jesse guilty of all that has happened to this precious baby.


Posted 1:18 pm, 09/29/2012

Well thank u for sayin that I seem like a good guy but I have to say I have made my mistakes in the past but everyone does at some point but I'm trying to be the best that I can now and that means forgeting the bad times me and the child's mother had and standing by her side in this no matter what


Posted 12:52 pm, 09/29/2012

The father of the child is a good guy.


Posted 12:52 pm, 09/29/2012

From what they say said in court, this wasn't the first time the child had been molested. There had been at least one other episode of "bleeding".


Posted 12:45 pm, 09/29/2012

The baby momma is not very choosy with her men woodie......she has a hole-void to fill...takes all comers

You seem like such a great guy...amazing she let you get away.


Posted 12:45 pm, 09/29/2012

Princess .....my feelings for her mother are no one here's buisness and do not matter that's way off topic point is the trash talk needs to stop


Posted 12:23 pm, 09/29/2012

***Pdtw ***


Posted 12:21 pm, 09/29/2012

Pete....idk may not be her mother but yes this is her father and all this is really bothering me I think its horrible that people want to talk all this crape when it could happen to anyone and does all the time and the man responsibles name has hasnt come up in this post at all hardley its been all trash talking her mother from the get go and that's not at all right


Posted 12:15 pm, 09/29/2012

Dodge ... u really need to shut ur mouth and keep our names off this post I'm tired of this crap that little girl is loved by her mother and me as well very much and that's who she needs to be with not in some foster home were she will never have a real family


Posted 6:27 am, 09/29/2012

Woods from what you keep saying.. It seems as though you are still in love with the child's mother. If you didn't love her and care about her you would not be on here. Maybe you need to take your rose colored glasses off and look at the truth and what's right in front of you. But then again Love is blind! From your grammar and others this child needs to stay in foster care where she will have a chance of growing up mentally stable and loved! Neither of you are educate or mature enough to handle what all she will go through for the rest of her life. So leave her be and let her be in a stable loving environment where she will grow and and be loved.


Posted 5:57 am, 09/29/2012

You might really be her father (I'll give you that because I don't know you) but I know for a fact that the one on her calling herself partygirl is NOT her mother. THAT is definitely a troll. The mom is not getting on here running mouth. She is doing what is best for her child & keeping quite. I just don't understand why someone is taking great pleasure in pretending to be her online.

I guess some folks just really love to kick you when you're down & trying to get up!!


Posted 12:24 am, 09/29/2012

Woodsman, you say that she was blinded..How can you say that, she knew his background..She also knew that he abused his 1st wife and his children..How can you say that..I mean come on, really? She even told that she pulled his record and his wasn't nothing compared to the fathers record. So yes she is to blame for this as well. How can she sit back and say she didn't know this was going on? Haha! She should be in a cell just as Jesse is in. They are both guilty as sin! Hopefully the child will stay in foster care custody, she deserves a much better life than the one Nicole or Chris can give her. I mean she runs around with a different guy ever few weeks and laying around drunk when she isn't at work..Lets just hope she pulls some time along with Jesse..


Posted 7:57 pm, 09/28/2012

Hate to set you strait on this PDTW....but yes this is her father and I'm not doing nothing but trying to shut this stupid smack talk up its really hurting the mother of my child that all these people wanna get on here and act like she did this to our child but she didn't as said before she did make some mistakes that did eventually lead to this but she did not know this was gonna happen ... all I'm asking is this post stay to what the title says and if people wana talk smack talk it about the person who did this to our daughter JESSE DILLARD say anything ud like about that child molesting dead beat sob but keep her mother out of it please this isn't all her fault any man in his right mind would never do that to a little kid but she was blinded by him so don't take it out on her


Posted 6:57 pm, 09/28/2012

You folks don't seem to realize that the posters on here with the obviously stupid screen names ARE NOT the mother & father of the child. These are just people trying to cause more problems for the child's mom & keep a racket going. They're doing a real good job of it because you all love to jump on these fictional posts & then the mudslinging starts all over again.

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