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Some men need to be castrated


Posted 10:13 pm, 10/02/2012

Any updates? In GOD I TRUST, is still sending me messages, claiming, DNA is backed up for over a year.


Posted 2:58 pm, 10/01/2012

S.i.g....Fully agree with u on that they need to open a free kill season on pos people like Jesse and let everyone go at it and rid this world of every pedafile child molesting pos in it


Posted 1:41 pm, 10/01/2012

What will really make me feel better is this child raping COWARD is disposed of & this child is safe & loved! The adults can fight for themselves & answer to the courts & GOD! I'm siding with the child & her best interest! Everyone on here wants children safe & protected from all the Jessie D's of the world!


Posted 1:25 pm, 10/01/2012

Like I said I will keep a very close eye to make sure there is no round 2 in this matter if I think need I will step in against who ever I think may harm my child but as far as guys I will trust no one around my child and everyone will be under close watchif that makes y'all feel better but she does need a chance


Posted 1:10 pm, 10/01/2012

All I can say is your a better person than I'd be cause I wouldnt give her another chance to leave your child in harms way.. Thats me. I'd be afraid my child would be killed in round 2!


Posted 12:44 pm, 10/01/2012

No I would not and I know she did wrong by leaving her with him and didnt know till very recent my child was bein told to call him daddy and i even warned her my self bout him bein no good with him present and all he could do was turn his head away to me that shows something right there cause i man with nothin to hide would try to defend himself but i will admit i never thought hed be sick enough to rape my little girl if I could get hold of him id love nothing more then to kill Jesse dillard with my own two hands and spit in his face as the sob died....never the less her mother may not be 100% innocent but she didn't know this was happening Jesse had her blinded that he was Mr perfect and had it in her head he would never harm her nor my daughter that's why I'm trying to stand by her in this as much as I can ok I just think she needs a chance to see if this taught her lesson cause I think it will


Posted 12:27 pm, 10/01/2012

@cochise.. A bullet is cheeper than any electic 'juice' you could get! & woodsman I'm sure you do love your daughter.. But her mother was responsible for her safety & what situation she put her in was by no means safe! She's guilty by ignorance if she truely didnt see warning signs! Now if I was you.. I would be PISSED for the following reasons.. #1. My child being left with a BF of 3 months (you truly dont really know that person well enough to leave child with). #2. Mother allowing your child to call that BF 'daddy'. (That right there would be a slap in your face ALONE, so I wouldnt put her 'too high' in a pedestal)!! I dont know you but I'm TRUELY sorry & outraged for your daughter! Lets face it.. we ALL agree that Jessie D is SCUM & should be SHOT! HOWEVER... I could not & would not say the mother is totally innocent! YOUR daughter should have been left with a RESPONSILE & TRUSTED ADULT! Not someone she hooked up with for 90 days & has a shady background!! You have to factor in her decisions that she made for YOUR child! Thats all. Put the shoe on the other foot.. Would you leave your child with a girlfriend or caregiver with similar background??


Posted 11:49 am, 10/01/2012

Never signed my rights no one could ever talk me into or force me into doin that they were just taking for no real reason ...money talks I guess but none of that's really the point here point is I do love my daughters I am a very caring father I have another little girl I get half the time and she is very healthy and happy as well and when this one comes back to her mother I will have a watchful eye about bringing guys around but I do trust that her mother has learnerd a lesson in life from all this so please quit bashing on her till we see cause people do change and she does need atleast that chance to prove herself with out all this bashing

jesus saves, but i deliver.

Posted 10:54 am, 10/01/2012

wow, thought it was bad enough we had our genitals mutilated after birth without our consent.


Posted 10:51 am, 10/01/2012

God bless the child in this horrible incident. May justice be served on the guilty party.


Posted 4:48 am, 10/01/2012

Hook up an arc welder to his t*sticles, set it for full amperage and throw the switch......torturus punishment and sure elelctrocution in one fell swoop.


Posted 11:15 pm, 09/30/2012

Ok?? Her mom put a restraining order on YOU (being you said you & the child mom had a 'dood relationship') but she didn't do anything about this creep 'boyfriend'?!?! Something dont make alot of sense!! If she (granny) had that much control to 'push you into signing rights over', then perhaps she would have CONTROLED this relationship that went to hello with grandchild getting sexually assalted!! Sounds like everyone dropped the ball in protecting this child!!


Posted 9:58 pm, 09/30/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for libel and personal attacks.


Posted 2:52 pm, 09/30/2012

Whether she's changed or not, her daughter was molested and abused by a guy she had been with for 3 months. She was allowing this guy to babysit her daughter while she was gone. This child called its rapist daddy. It was not an isolated event. The little girl was not even 2 years old. And the mom couldn't tell while changing her diaper that something was seriously wrong??? Shock them both.


Posted 2:08 pm, 09/30/2012

Just chalk it up to a life lesson Woodsman.

I meant no disrespect when I suggested you always wrap it......but its good policy...please follow it.


Posted 1:53 pm, 09/30/2012

As I said if she is then shes changed alot


Posted 1:49 pm, 09/30/2012

woodie...oh yeh...she is a sk*nk.....

Its not really a secret.

It must hurt your pride to know you went with a sk*nk.

Why didn't you wrap it?


Posted 1:47 pm, 09/30/2012

And Nancy shes not a sk*nk if she is then shes changed a lot cause when we were together we had w wonderful relationship for the longslest time and never once did she cheat or mess around on me


Posted 1:44 pm, 09/30/2012

Everyone just stfu please and stop this high school drama or get it back on subject one please


Posted 1:37 pm, 09/30/2012

woodsman8895 (view profile)

Posted 1:12 pm, 09/30/2012

Dodge who the **** are u I'm tired of this **** talking especially bout me I did nothing that led to this u **** had I been allowed to be in her life this never woulda happen period but u wanna put me down why don't u just ****ing meet me u sorry pos wanna kick on someone when there down ill show ya how it feels to be ****ing kicked


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