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Some men need to be castrated


Posted 9:28 am, 09/19/2012

He had a violent and abusive background. That would have been warning enough to me not to leave my child alone with him. I doubt Nicole knew he was doing it, but just like another poster mentioned, she should have made more responsible decisions when it came to the well being of her child. Also, supposedly this had been going on for quite sometime so it looks like she would have noticed a defference in how the baby was acting.


Posted 9:11 am, 09/19/2012

I hope you never have to help them with English Homework when they go to school! Again, I'll say my opinion & there's not a flippin thing you can do! ;)


Posted 8:18 am, 09/19/2012

Ok silence you say you would not trust me to watch a dog tred but that is funny I am a single father of two wonderfull little girls they are very healthly and happy so like I said u do not know and now who is the one that is trash. And before you judge me use that think God gave you call a brain and think before you type


Posted 7:47 am, 09/19/2012

Okay, let me clarify something on here. The DSS order states that they will monitor the mother to ensure that she is making the right choices before they give her full custody of her daughter. It has nothing to do with the trial for the scum bag. This is DSS doing their job the right way. The mom IS doing what she needs to do & will continue to do what is right. She has a lot at stake here for her daughter and herself.

You really need to take most of what is posted on here with a grain of salt!!


Posted 12:02 am, 09/19/2012

Some women just insist on having a man....any man will do for them..they aren't picky.

It is a shame that the children end up suffering because of it.


Posted 12:00 am, 09/19/2012

If she tajes this scum back then all my speculations are correct! We'll see who's worth more.. Her baby or her baby's raper!!


Posted 11:47 pm, 09/18/2012


Posted 10:35 pm, 09/18/2012

I have been told that DSS is waiting for his trail to he heard before she gets her back to make sure that she don't take him back and put her back in the same situation she was once in.
With that being said, that tells us and DSS,that she can't make responsible decisions then? So when he goes to prison, who's going to make sure she makes responsible decisions, with other men?

For real!!

If there is question of the mother even considering taking this **** back, then she shouldn't get the child back.


Posted 11:26 pm, 09/18/2012

Well Puppydog.. I pray she had no knowlege of this act! The 'red flag' should have been the cars he torched! Now I'm no rocket scientist, HOWEVER I'm a parent. That alone should have been enough to derail a mother from wondering if they should leave that child in his care. Some have said 'put yourself in the mothers shoes'... Ok. Here I go.. IF I left my kid with a 'boyfriend' & he dared raped my daughter then it would be me on trial for murder. I would have been more careful about choosing a child care provider whether it was a reputable daycare or a trusted family member. Now an arsonist whom torched his ex's car wouldnt be too kosher on childcare! So she is guilty on poor judgement perhaps).. Idk. But you CANNOT make me believe that the signs was not there & she didnt see! If she is innocent then maybe she'll be more aware of scum & God help the child recover!! But she should have been more aware!


Posted 10:50 pm, 09/18/2012

She was warned and failed to protect her child from this monster.

NancyGrace did your warn her about him? you keep saying she was warned so did u tell her about him?


Posted 10:35 pm, 09/18/2012

She was warned and failed to protect her child from this monster.


Posted 10:35 pm, 09/18/2012

I have been told that DSS is waiting for his trail to he heard before she gets her back to make sure that she don't take him back and put her back in the same situation she was once in.

With that being said, that tells us and DSS,that she can't make responsible decisions then? So when he goes to prison, who's going to make sure she makes responsible decisions, with other men?


Posted 10:25 pm, 09/18/2012

Well they need to go ahead & throw Mr. Jessie D right in the middle of Gen. Pop of the NCDOC among the 'Hardened Criminals'!! Forget a quick death! Make him suffer!! Kill him & get him off our taxpaying $$!! If it was one of my family members... I'd say the same thing!! I know where my children are at all times & whom they are with. I would NEVER leave my children with some shaddy POS! I dont care if the man came equipped with 12'' with a diamond on end... I WOULDNT HAVE IT!! & I DARE someone to harm my kids... They would be put in a place where not even the crows could crap on them & I's STILL sleep sound!!


Posted 10:21 pm, 09/18/2012

NancyGrace and everyone else out there, all I'm going to say is that the mother was at work when this happened and the child was with him and his parents when she left for work. Yes the mother will be getting her child back, because there was no proof that she had done anything to the child nor let him do it to her. I have been told that DSS is waiting for his trail to he heard before she gets her back to make sure that she don't take him back and put her back in the same situation she was once in. And what you mean by she was warned about him? He didn't have a past on this so how was she to know he would hurt any child and I personally don't think she would have been getting ready to marry him if she had known either. So for all of y'all out there that knows so much about this case why don't y'all make sure you have the facts right about what all is going on with it. His court dates are public so if u want the truth be at his court appearances so you will know the truth instead of making up some bologna and posting it on here making innocent people look like they are guilty. Does anyone on here know the mother and know what crap she has been through and what all she is going through with this case? No y'all don't in less your good friends with her and she has told you what has happened and then your on here making up lies and spreading then on here to make yourselves look big and bad because you can hide behind this thing called a computer. I hope and pray that each and every one of you don't have to go through what her family has had to go through. Its not a joke, but you all know that KARMA is a pain in the butt and it will come back to get you.


Posted 9:46 pm, 09/18/2012

I will wade into this sad story for just a moment to say that I hope the mother DOES NOT get her kids back and I hope she gets herself fixed (i'd support using taxpayer money)

She has no business making more babies.

This woman was warned about this man and she decided to not listen.

NOT a good mother..probably wants the kids back to get the welfare money back that comes with the children.


Posted 9:38 pm, 09/18/2012

Thanks bubbagum for the type correct..;).. As for you Indian.. You call me garbage now??!! Nope my sweets, I do not condone ANYONE abusing a child nor ANYONE standing by & allowing it to happen so... Garbage I'm not... As for me to back the (blank, blankety, blank off... Sorry Freedom of Speech ROCKS & I'm stoked to say that I dont know you! Thank you Jesus, I can say that I'm tickeled Shizless that I have no idea who you are.. & Thank God that poor baby is in DSS custody! I wouldn't trust the mother, the baby molester, or YOU to take care of a dog terd much less a child! So keep the comments flowing & keep looking stupid!


Posted 7:16 pm, 09/18/2012

I have to agree with silence is golden. No mother should have their child if they leave them with somebody that could harm them. I have a hard time understanding why a mother would do that. I always put my kids first no matter what. They took the child for some reason from the mother. Apparently it was in a dangerous situation with the mother not just the monster or she would still have her Child. Somebody isn't telling the truth.


Posted 1:08 pm, 09/18/2012

Silence_Is_Golden (view profile)

Posted 11:38 am, 09/18/2012

I'm sure forensics could process that sample ASAP if they wanted!! It never CEASES to amaze me how some people forget about the Real VICTIM in this!! Besides turning it around taking up for the one in jail & mother... They need to look at the one who's scarred for life!! The child should have been protected! And any 'mother' who values their 'piece of tail' over their child is SICK!! Too many kids are getting abused physically & sexually at the hands of boyfriends... Just like the 11 month old just this past week by a 31 year old COWARD with the last name Jennings!!! That child was severly beat & By the GRACE OF GOD is recooperating!! If this was my child.. Forget abour calling the LEO's...CALL THE CORENER!!!



Posted 12:47 pm, 09/18/2012

now listern her you do not me so back the f**k off and u call the baby's mother garbage no she ain't you you the one who is garbage for talk about people on here and behide there backs


Posted 12:37 pm, 09/18/2012

Boohoo indianoutlaw85. She should have been more aware of the people she leaves her kid with. If you hang with garbage then you start to stink.. Such language indianoutlaw.. Idk what makes you madder... Having webbed toes & a family tree in the shape of a pretzel or people speaking truth! Xoxoxo muahh


Posted 12:07 pm, 09/18/2012

listern here silence is golden I do not care if I missed spelled a few words and the baby mother is goin the h*** and high waters to her baby back so until you all get all the facts shut the f**k up and u all do not get it by you all posting bulls*** rumors on her could mess her life up

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