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Some men need to be castrated


Posted 10:23 am, 09/26/2012

If he is scheduled to be in court today, then the DNA results must br back.


Posted 10:19 am, 09/26/2012

Jessie D goes to court TODAY! Wonder the outcome......


Posted 9:12 am, 09/26/2012

She is like 24 or 25 and the child is her only child.


Posted 3:58 am, 09/26/2012

If this man is 31, how old is "Nicole"? Just wondering, because her English skills are that of an eighth grader. If this Jesse guy has other children, does "Nicole" have other children of her own? Was this the only child in the household? And yea, I was also thinking that "partygirl" or whatever is kind of pathetic for a mother who is wanting to "get her child back"...I'm a mother to a 3 yr old, and I would GLADLY spend the rest of my life in prison for murdering someone if they sexually abused/molested my child!


Posted 11:37 pm, 09/25/2012

& let us not forget.... She let the poor child call this POS 'daddy'!! Dont know about some people.. I wouldnt let my child call a 'fling' daddy!!


Posted 11:30 pm, 09/25/2012

Car torchers make great babysitters and daddy for the day??? I don't think so.. This girl needs a new hobby.. Maybe prison will help her find one when she gets there!

Partygirl, come off that BS that you didn't know.. As a mother, how could you not know?!?!?!?! Who bathed the child? Who talked to the child???? You are a poor excuse for a mother.. You are a breeder and that's all you are.. Well, that, and an accessory. IMO


Posted 11:14 pm, 09/25/2012

... & if I couldnt get to them b4 the 'poe poes' got them.. I most definatly would POP off with an attitude on her with a handle like 'partygirl2008'! Saying, I'll have more kids', & 'what are you going to do .. Stop me'!!?? WTF??!! I'm sick of the 'me, me, me' syndrome!!.And then PARTYGIRL... you said 'oh' they didnt have enough proof to charge him with torching a car, lah di-dah'.. But you knew he did it???& you THINK that he was safe to leave your child with??? BS!! I'm like truthseeker... You 'thunk'! They should glue some holes shut, throw your hide to the 'wolves' & call it a day!!


Posted 10:35 pm, 09/25/2012


I agree.. I'll kill any POS SOB that touches my son...


Posted 10:31 pm, 09/25/2012

Heehee Goody-goody! So glad the truth is setting free! I hope she NEVER sees that child again!! I've watched enough Law & Order SVU to know that anyone who's child has been assaulted wouldnt have an attitude like she had when she posted.. I still stand by what I sais if anyone hurts one of mine.... They'd be dead!!!


Posted 9:22 pm, 09/25/2012

She is just what her screen name says a party girl.


Posted 9:20 pm, 09/25/2012

Wow! Nice to see someone knows knows the truth.


Posted 9:17 pm, 09/25/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for personal attacks.


Posted 2:40 pm, 09/23/2012

9/26/2012... This week unless the pathetic POS has trial continued. More tax $$ down the drain!


Posted 11:31 pm, 09/22/2012

When is the trial?


Posted 10:20 pm, 09/19/2012

Dang..,now I'm mispelling words looking @ their Post.. Must be contagous.. Thank you JESUS that their parenting skills & IQ ARE NOT!!


Posted 10:13 pm, 09/19/2012



Posted 10:13 pm, 09/19/2012

She probably can't explain it or clear it up... 'There wasnt enough proof'' but she knee he still did it. I know WHO my children are with & HOW they get every scrap & bruse!! I most deffinatly wouldnt leve my children with an ARSONIST!! He torches someone else's vehicle & is not violent or TRUST WORTHY??......Please!


Posted 10:06 pm, 09/19/2012

Look @ lilpartygirls's & indianoutlaws post... Funny that it's almost the same with the grammer.. Anyone in the Army or moreover any Military would speak with a little repect & pride! I respect the people who do the respectable things... Theirs a childs life that has been tramatized yet someone else cries victm, LILPARTYGIRL2008/INDIANOUTLAW!! Be rather funny if this thread gets printed out & drlivered to DSS. I'd think a little differently about how I'd respond to this thread anymore than you already have!! I DONT CARE HOW MANY LIES JESSIE D TOLD YOU... ANY PEDOPHILE LIVING W/ MOMMY WILL TELL HER WHAT SHE.WANTS TO HEAR TO GET TO THE CHILD!! YOU was the 'ADULT', YOU had the CHILD, YOUR responsibiliry to PROTECT THAT CHILD!! Remember Madison? Her 'mommy's' Boyfriend Beat her, Then tried to kill her in Brenners! You leave your kids with Trusted CARETAKERS!! Not 'convenient' PEACES OF TAIL!!


Posted 10:01 pm, 09/19/2012

"There wasn't enough proof on him when he burnt her van until they questioned him about the chargers against my child. He then was given another felony and misdemeanor."

Lil Party Girl, you said you would be willling to answer questions. I don't know you or the person suspected of abusing this child. But I am confused about something. You made the above statements in your post. I don't understand why you thought there was not enough proof on him when he burned the van...... when he was convicted of that crime in September, 2011 and is still on probation for that crime.

I don't think you knew what he was doing to your child. I have a hard time believing any mother would know about that and not do anything to stop it; however, I don't understand how you could not have realized that this man used poor judgement and made impulsive, ignorant decisions. Although he has not been accused or convicted of a sex crime before, he was still not trustworthy to be left with a child, based on his past crime. And I don't understand how a mother with a child could have allowed such a person around her child or into her home as a "boyfriend." Can you clear this up for me?


Posted 8:00 pm, 09/19/2012

indianoutlaw85 (view profile)

Posted 12:07 pm, 09/18/2012

listern here silence is golden I do not care if I missed spelled a few words and the baby mother is goin the h*** and high waters to her baby back so until you all get all the facts shut the f**k up and u all do not get it by you all posting bulls*** rumors on her could mess her life up

Just like mom's bad choices has messed up her child's life?!?!?!?!?!?!
I feel for the child... I hope she can still have a normal life without any repercussions..

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