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Some men need to be castrated


Posted 6:04 pm, 09/28/2012

Well u can say I need to grow up all u want but I was kept from being in my daughters life not by choice if I had been this would've never happen


Posted 6:02 pm, 09/28/2012

i hope you and the mother of this child grow up and learn from this tragedy.i cant imagine what everyone must be going through.i dont know anyone envolved but i hope this little girl will come through this as painless as possible. i cant imagine any parent would know this was happening and did nothing so i do believe her on that part.but this is just a very disturbing and sad case all the way around.as far as the molester.....i can only hope he pays dearly everday for the rest of his life if guilty.


Posted 6:01 pm, 09/28/2012

Oh and laugh all u want but none of this goin on with my daughter is a laughing matter at all


Posted 5:57 pm, 09/28/2012

Keep up the smart *** remarks and try me I'm seriously tired of all the **** there's no point in this high school drama ****


Posted 5:54 pm, 09/28/2012

That. Was a terrible. Situation. Ian sure you r all going. Threw a difficult. Time I know. I could not imagine. Anything. Like that happening to my child he is a sorry low down. Sob


Posted 5:48 pm, 09/28/2012



Posted 5:38 pm, 09/28/2012

This thread has achieved Jerry Springer status.


Posted 5:29 pm, 09/28/2012

woodsman8895 (view profile)

Posted 10:13 am, 09/28/2012

Hey now listen up y'all this is the child's father and all this talking **** about her mother is really pissing me off big time she made a mistake by trusting that sob when i couldve had her and she been safe with me yea but she didn't know this **** was gonna happen like this and we both love our daughter very much if id have known any of this was goin on the sob would be in the ground as we speak but I didn't know and neither did her mother and by the time anyone did Jesse was in jail so stfu and stop talking **** before I snap ...have a wonderful ****in day

oh shut up. you aint no killerrrrrr....lmao@you


Posted 5:27 pm, 09/28/2012

you said a dirty word.


Posted 5:25 pm, 09/28/2012

No seriously this is her father yes she made some stupid mistakes but the trash talkins gotta stop yes she took my rights but that doesn't change that I love my little girl I would rid the world of that nasty sob if he were not in jail and yes it was wrong that my rights were took the way they were but never the less shes still my child's mother and even with the mistakes she made she will always be her mother and I will always be her father ...trash talking wont fix the things she done wrong only she can fix that and I'm trying to keep my head up and hers as well in these times and hope she sees what mistakes shes made and put me back in my daughters life in the future so that I will be there to protect her from scum sick **** like Jesse had I been in her life the way I wanted to be this would've never went this far


Posted 4:15 pm, 09/28/2012

Woodsman, you are not the childs father. The childs fathers rights were taken away from him due to Nicole's stupidity. I can say he sure would have been a father to his daughter instead of some rapist and arsonist that she was screwing around with. You may be another man that her daughter is calling daddy, that isn't suprising, that baby has called so many men daddy she is gonna be so confused when she does get older All nicole wants is another piece of a** she isn't worried about her child.


Posted 10:13 am, 09/28/2012

Hey now listen up y'all this is the child's father and all this talking **** about her mother is really pissing me off big time she made a mistake by trusting that sob when i couldve had her and she been safe with me yea but she didn't know this **** was gonna happen like this and we both love our daughter very much if id have known any of this was goin on the sob would be in the ground as we speak but I didn't know and neither did her mother and by the time anyone did Jesse was in jail so stfu and stop talking **** before I snap ...have a wonderful ****in day


Posted 8:53 am, 09/28/2012

dreamchic, I am not this man's wife. I do not even know him...only Nicole. So not sure why you assumef thst but I can assure you I am NOT!


Posted 2:02 am, 09/28/2012

Oh LORD!... This just get sicker by the friggin post! Idk.. Saying a prayer for child.. Putting the rest in Gods hands is all we can do @ this point! I see trial been moved to Nov. 7..


Posted 11:14 pm, 09/27/2012


& let us not forget.... She let the poor child call this POS 'daddy'!! Dont know about some people.. I wouldnt let my child call a 'fling' daddy!!

She has let every man she has dated have full access to that little girl...She has called at least three men daddy ...Her mom has condoned her behavior ever since she started whoring around and running around town drunk.


Posted 11:16 am, 09/27/2012

Proudmama4 how are you going to explain to people that you are still MARRIED to him and have TWO kids with him? Make sure your hands are clean before you start trying to start on other people.


Posted 11:16 am, 09/26/2012

But your opinion is yours & mine is mine.. I'm not debating on that. I personallt think that a pedophile should be shot on the spot but UNFORTUNATLLY we so dang civilized that we'll shack them up in segregation with 3 hots & a cot on the tax payers $$.


Posted 11:04 am, 09/26/2012

Well moving.. I'll stand by what I've said from 1st post.. That child should have been protected & shouldnt have been left with a known arsonist! As for the dumbest post on GW.. I would give that grammy to Partygirl.. Create a handle like that after the fact is kinda creepy not to mention stupid! Soo I could care less about the mom.. I'm more for justice for the child..


Posted 10:54 am, 09/26/2012

"...I've watched enough Law & Order SVU to know that anyone who's child has been assaulted wouldnt have an attitude like she had when she posted..."

Now that is just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard said on GW...and there's been plenty to chose from. Armchair attorney.


Posted 10:49 am, 09/26/2012

Idk about that. That 'court appearance' was set after he got arrested. I just hope that child stays in DSS custody!!

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