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Target practice near schools ????

Joseph T.

Posted 6:37 pm, 04/16/2018

I see nothing wrong with shooting on your own property as long as you do it safely.


Posted 6:34 pm, 04/16/2018

Common sense should take precedence here. Now is not a good time to target practice near a school. It would be similar to yelling "fire" in a movie theater


Posted 6:30 pm, 04/16/2018

Don’t shoot at the school


Posted 6:13 pm, 04/16/2018

good point...trust, but verify

Joseph T.

Posted 5:44 pm, 04/16/2018

Another ignorant cop ignorant of the law in Boone tried to write me ticket for an out of date 30 day tag. I had to teach him the fact that my tag was good until midnight that day before it was out of date. After he figured out that he was in fact wrong his response was I better not see you out after midnight. The moral of the story is just because someone is in law enforcement doesn't mean they know the law. Anytime you are asking about whether something is lawful or not Ask to see the law as written and don't take anyone word for it whether its me, you a cop, ETC.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:34 pm, 04/16/2018

No where did I say I know more than the sheriff however that doesn't mean that he wouldn't give you the wrong info whether on purpose or by accident. No one can know all the laws there are just to many of them and cops get it wrong just as much as they get it right. Seeing the law as written is the only way to know for sure.

For instance I had a sheriff deputy go off on my once because I didn't tell him I had a CHP. He was wrong in thinking that I had to inform him I had a permit period when the truth is I am only required to inform if I am carrying my gun. After he read the law and realize he was wrong he said he didn't like that I didn't need to tell him and he drop the whole issue.

sparkling water

Posted 5:17 pm, 04/16/2018

I take it back. Just ax Joiseph. He knows mire than the ignorant sheriff.

Joseph T.

Posted 4:47 pm, 04/16/2018

I am chilled I just point out that the ordnances can be read online and other than the noise ordnance I didn't see anything. The op needs to read the laws him self so he doesn't get the wrong info from some ignorant county employee who doesn't really know and makes something up. Anytime a question about a law comes up you want to see the actually law and not take anyone's word for it. It doesn't matter if it a cop or zoning inspector or any other government employee


Posted 4:30 pm, 04/16/2018

Joseph chill dude. Best thing for them to do is make a quick phone call.

Joseph T.

Posted 4:17 pm, 04/16/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 3:29 pm, 04/16/2018

Call zoning. Give them the address and they'll tell you how you are zoned and answer your question.

§ 153A-129. Firearms.

(a) Except as provided in this section, a county may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the discharge of firearms at any time or place except in any of the following instances:

See the part in red above I look at the county ordnance on their web site and saw noting about shooting on private property except for the Noise ordnance. Here is the link incase I missed it.



Posted 3:29 pm, 04/16/2018

Call zoning. Give them the address and they'll tell you how you are zoned and answer your question.

§ 153A-129. Firearms.

(a) Except as provided in this section, a county may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the discharge of firearms at any time or place except in any of the following instances:

(1) When used to take birds or animals pursuant to Chapter 113, Subchapter IV.

(2) When used in defense of person or property.

(3) When used pursuant to lawful directions of law-enforcement officers.

(b) A county may by ordinance prohibit hunting on Sunday as allowed under G.S. 103-2, provided the ordinance complies with all of the following:

(1) The ordinance shall be applicable from January 1 until December 31 of any year of effectiveness.

(2) The ordinance shall allow for individuals hunting in an adjacent county with no restriction on Sunday hunting to retrieve any animal lawfully shot from the adjacent county.

(3) The ordinance shall be applicable to the entire county.

(4) The ordinance shall not be effective unless approved by a majority of those voting in a county-wide referendum held as provided in G.S. 163A-1592. Such special election shall only be held at the time provided by G.S. 163A-1592(a)(1).

(c) A county may regulate the display of firearms on the public roads, sidewalks, alleys, or other public property.

(d) This section does not limit a county's authority to take action under Article 1A of Chapter 166A of the General Statutes. (1973, c. 822, s. 1; 2006-264, s. 16; 2012-12, s. 2(yy); 2015-144, s. 5(b); 2017-6, s. 3; 2017-182, s. 3(a).)

Joseph T.

Posted 3:25 pm, 04/16/2018

That statue only deals with city's not with counties

sparkling water

Posted 3:24 pm, 04/16/2018



Posted 3:24 pm, 04/16/2018

" Common courtesy suggests asking those who enforce the laws."

AND covering your own ***


Posted 3:23 pm, 04/16/2018

§ 160A-189. Firearms.

A city may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the discharge of firearms at any time or place within the city except when used in defense of person or property or pursuant to lawful directions of law-enforcement officers, and may regulate the display of firearms on the streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other public property. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit a city's authority to take action under Article 1A of Chapter 166A of the General Statutes. (1971, c. 698, s. 1; 2012-12, s. 2(zz).)

It is up to the city/county.


Posted 3:23 pm, 04/16/2018

I read 2 sources...one said "discharge", and the other said hunting.

Joseph T.

Posted 3:20 pm, 04/16/2018

The only ordnance I can find for Wilkes is the Noise Ordnance which say you need the permission of adjoining land owners if you shoot within 50 yards of them if you are more than 50 yards away you are exempt from the noise ordnance.

sparkling water

Posted 3:18 pm, 04/16/2018

Shooting near a school opens a huge can of worms.

Common courtesy suggests asking those who enforce the laws.

Joseph T.

Posted 3:12 pm, 04/16/2018

chendo (view profile)

Posted 2:05 pm, 04/16/2018

excuse me...500 feet for target practice, half a mile for hunting..
but, as previously stated... ask the sheriff's office.

Show us that law please cite the NCGS that says that.

The only law I can find that has to do with shooting/hunting is on Game lands and Sunday hunting. I do not see any state law that applies to target practice on private property. There may be a county or city law


Posted 2:05 pm, 04/16/2018

excuse me...500 feet for target practice, half a mile for hunting..

but, as previously stated... ask the sheriff's office.

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