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Target practice near schools ????


Posted 7:50 pm, 04/17/2018

Back in the day we used to shoot for physical ed and no one had a problem oh the times are changed


Posted 7:46 pm, 04/17/2018

Sounds like there's no problem :)

If you wanted to pass on your shooting expertise, you should get involved with the high school shooting teams. I am pretty West has one and they have been doing great!


Posted 1:56 pm, 04/17/2018

So no one has complained, you are shooting away from the school, and you can't be heard....Something just is not adding up with your question.


Posted 1:24 pm, 04/17/2018

I remember the good ole days when we shot skeet during school hours on the baseball field at north wilkes high school in1988.


Posted 1:01 pm, 04/17/2018

I don't shoot near schools. I shoot on my property in the opposite direction into a large dirt mound.


Posted 12:56 pm, 04/17/2018

ht I just come in from shooting and I guarantee nobody at the school even heard anything. When I said adults at schools scare kids I didn't mean you I don't even know you but I do know the type of people at schools who tuck their tail between their legs when they hear a woodpecker torturing an oak tree! I will never call the school about this subject because all those knuckleheads would do is over react and call 911. As I stated before this post was about the law not someone's delicate feelings. The last thing I would ever do is put fear in any child that's why I stated I use weapons with a suppressor, if you know what that is.

sparkling water

Posted 12:50 pm, 04/17/2018



Posted 12:37 pm, 04/17/2018

Don't shoot near schools. You really should not need to look up some law to tell you this information.

If it is a Sunday then maybe, but even a Saturday I'd watch out.

This bit of information really should not take this many responses.

sparkling water

Posted 12:34 pm, 04/17/2018

Rights should be exercised with some degree of wisdom.


Posted 10:05 am, 04/17/2018

The adults at our school did not scare the kids. The kids were the ones who heard the shots first and ran back in.

I just hope that since you asked about legal rights, you realize that shooting during the day near a school could spook some people, and due to this, you call the school if necessary to let them know.

Of course, that is all up to you.


Posted 8:54 am, 04/17/2018

I was not trying to stir up a ****er storm I just wanted to know if there was such a law. I own 15 acres 300 yards from a school and I sometimes shoot during the day because of my odd work schedule. I have a 200 yard shooting range in the opposite direction from the school (Fins). Due to recent events if I shoot during school hours I use my firearms with suppressors to keep the report at a very low level as I do at night to kill coyotes. I could care less about what people or the sheriff's dept. think about me shooting near a school I just would like to know my legal rights. My neighbors don't worry because they know where I'm shooting and they want the coyotes gone too. The last thing I would ever want to do is scare kids even though I think the adults at schools are the one's scarring the kids which is not what this post was about to begin with. Thanks Joseph T.

sparkling water

Posted 6:53 am, 04/17/2018

Do you walk around your property naked just because you can?

Joseph T.

Posted 6:11 am, 04/17/2018

Why should I stop doing something on my property if I can do it legally and safely just because someone might get scared and over react?


Posted 11:48 pm, 04/16/2018


Do you care more about guns or people?

Yourself or children?

I don’t think John Wayne would approve, or Andy Griffin.

Joseph T.

Posted 10:38 pm, 04/16/2018

I don't think I would let being close to a school stop me from shooting on my property as long as it could be done safely. That being said seeing how I work 40 to 60 hours a week the odds of me shooting during school hours would be slim


Posted 9:53 pm, 04/16/2018

If you scare the kids when they hear the shots they may get out their bucket of rocks.


Posted 9:05 pm, 04/16/2018

I do not know the law, but I do know that our school had a lockdown drill because someone wanted to target shoot near the school right at the end of the day. Our kids were at a pep rally, they were released, then they all came streaming back in because everyone thought they were being shot at.

It was pretty scary. My hope is that instead of getting huffy about not being able to use your property, the person wanting to target shoot near the school will go and talk to them calmly. A lot of people target shoot and I'm sure if people know what's going on, it would not be a big deal.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:14 pm, 04/16/2018

So the owner loses some use of his property because of a school if that's the case then the county or the school board should pay him for not being able to use his property


Posted 6:58 pm, 04/16/2018

People not using common sense is why we have so many laws and ordinances.


Posted 6:56 pm, 04/16/2018

If the gunshots disrupt the school guess what new ordinance would be passed.

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