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The ball is now in Trump's court. DOJ files motion to unseal the search warrant


Posted 1:51 pm, 08/12/2022

Hey nuffin', given that Albert answered your tsudip attack Youzer question @ 3:45, why are YOU still pestering him by buggering it?


Posted 1:40 pm, 08/12/2022

Albert, you're still failing to grasp the "malicious intent" part.

Real life court is different than public opinion.

Do you believe trump should be charged as well?


Posted 1:35 pm, 08/12/2022

Albert Pike

Posted 11:22 am, 08/12/2022

Comey says this as well concerning when charges have been filed in the past;
"or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct"

Are you saying that around 150 emails marked classified, secret or top secret being ran through a private e-mail server whose security is so lacking that the FBI can not tell if it was hacked does not fit the above.


Posted 9:55 am, 08/12/2022


Posted 9:45 am, 08/12/2022

Did she return them?


Posted 9:10 am, 08/12/2022

Were those items top secret or classified?


Posted 8:51 am, 08/12/2022

Hey nuffin', how do YOU feel about the items the hildog got caught stealing from the White House AND was forced to return/


Posted 8:15 am, 08/12/2022

The proof of malicious intent had to be there...then the previous administration made a law to make it about just taking documents (and the previous administration used private servers as well, no mention from you about them thought...). Hilary did not maliciously or knowingly "take" anything, she was simply using a private server from remote offices...

The "grossly negligent" has to be coupled malicious intent as well...Comey says that.

The proof of malicious intent was what Comey said was lacking...

Context matters. And we don't know what trump had at mar lago.

Deep Creek

Posted 7:06 am, 08/12/2022

We got him now.This is it.The noose is tightning.He's a goner.Please.

Albert Pike

Posted 3:54 am, 08/12/2022

Not if Hillary isn't. As Comey basically said Hillary had classified and Top Secret material on a unprotected private server, and we don't know if her server was hacked, but she should have known better (sounds like grossly negligent to me); at least at Trump's house his boxes of papers and what not could not be hacked and were under protection of armed US Secret Service personnel 24 / 7.
In my opinion if Trump isn't charged the raid will hurt the Democrats in November and in 2024 whether Trump is the candidate or not.


Posted 11:27 pm, 08/11/2022

It's a favorite antic of 'ol nuffin' to push AND pester folks into taking a stand that it can then attack AND bugger them about.


Posted 11:17 pm, 08/11/2022

Albert, is your opinion that trump should be charged?


Posted 11:15 pm, 08/11/2022

Remember that photo of the Trumps and Clintons. 🤪


Posted 10:51 pm, 08/11/2022

The boat load of Republican leaders and their media outlets who were calling for this all joined together to cheer this move by the AG. Just kidding....it was crickets from them.

Albert Pike

Posted 7:45 pm, 08/11/2022

Again show me where I've said anything remotely along the lines that Trump shouldn't be charged�you can't because I haven't, any statement by you to the contrary is a lie or only your opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.


Posted 6:39 pm, 08/11/2022

EXPEDITED SCHEDULE JUST IN from the judge: "On or before 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 12, 2022, the United States shall file a certificate of conferral advising whether former President Trump opposes the Government's motion to unseal."


Posted 6:23 pm, 08/11/2022

Got to wonder if Trump is as happy with McConnel's blocking Garland's SCOTUS appointment today. Now he's in a position to come after Trump like a terrier chasing a rat, kinda appropriate huh?

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