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The fascists are raising prices to hurt the democrat economy.


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/20/2021

Very fragile country we live in.


Posted 7:53 pm, 10/20/2021

So far none of you Rumpllckers have critiqued my list could it be that you can only come to one conclusion? It's correct!


Posted 11:34 am, 10/20/2021

What's this interest? "Dont expect your government to take care of you." Isn't that what socialist do? You know: "From the cradle to the grave."


Posted 11:26 am, 10/20/2021

No, it is not. No matter how much you want Americans to starve, they will not.

interesting fact

Posted 11:22 am, 10/20/2021

Just wait. This country is turning into countries where shelves are empty and people are starving. This stupid administration cannot handle transportation crisis, the border crisis, the economic crisis, or disaster in Afghanistan, gas crisis, crime crisis. Everything they touch turns to crap. Thanks Democratic voters for this total disaster of an administration. It will be the most disastrous administration in American history.


Posted 8:57 am, 10/20/2021

I have a 4.0 average in that subject.

Always Right

Posted 8:53 am, 10/20/2021


Posted 2:12 pm, 10/17/2021

I know oil prices are set by production. That is controlled by big oil companies. I have never know oil to be very liberal. I know that inflation is cause by raising prices. NC, I don't think you understand how the economy works.



Posted 7:20 am, 10/20/2021

I have plenty of food. If I want more I just go to the store and buy more. However, you can just set at home on gowilkes, believe Fox News and starve to death if you want.

Deep Creek

Posted 6:59 am, 10/20/2021

Sarcasm my friend.

interesting fact

Posted 6:57 am, 10/20/2021

Yes, lower your expectations. Don't expect there to be food, or energy or gas. Don't expect your government to take care of you. And don't expect this administration to give a crap about you either. Do without and be happy about it. Thanks Joe for your continued ignorance.

Deep Creek

Posted 6:50 am, 10/20/2021

Just lower your expectations people.Or better yet.Just move to the nearest inner city.


Posted 6:38 am, 10/20/2021


Posted 9:44 pm, 10/19/2021

there is a difference in silencing people who you disagree and silencing potential life threating lies!


Posted 9:35 pm, 10/19/2021

What voice? Specificity or you're full of it.


Posted 9:29 pm, 10/19/2021

Funny how Dems call everyone who doesn't believe as they do fascist yet, they are the ones trying to silence those same voices who don't agree with with them. You know, like fascists.


Posted 9:08 pm, 10/19/2021

It would seem hillbilly by your not responding to my post that you're looking forward to the possibility of a Nazi regime, GOD HELP AMERICA!


Posted 7:58 pm, 10/18/2021

OK hillbilly I'll give you a list:

Hitler Trump
Has thugs throw out and beat up dissenters at his rallies. Ditto
Believes in the Big Lie. Ditto
Is discompassionate,unempathetic and paranoid. Ditto
Is intolerant of personal criticism. Ditto
Is vengeful and unforgiving. Ditto
Denies everything that doesn't fit in with his idea of reality. Ditto
And the list goes on ad nauseum.

Hitler and Trump share two major mental disorders in that both are psycopaths and megalomaniacs.
Notable dissimilarities: Hitler was a decorated soldier and Trump was a draft dodger.


Posted 7:04 pm, 10/18/2021

Why do Reich Wing Collective Sniffers hate America


Posted 6:48 pm, 10/18/2021

Better yet, try staying on subject.


Posted 6:46 pm, 10/18/2021

Try reading a history book. One on the life of Hitler would help in this case.

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