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Tolley Carr....Working in Charlotte..on Fox NewsRising


Posted 4:08 pm, 12/28/2009

Hey I'll admit it. I've driven drunk as a dog. It's been many years and nothing bad ever happened .... that just means I was lucky.

Something else, it was normal behavior for teens / young adults then. NORMAL. Meaning most people did it. So before anybody gets too sanctimonious / holier than thou condemning someone for driving drunk then look no further than yourself, your family, your friends, your kids.

Not saying drinking & driving is acceptable. As they say though, there but for grace go I. How many among you would say the same if you are being honest?

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 4:07 pm, 12/28/2009

They said earlier behine the camera.


Posted 4:06 pm, 12/28/2009

can it be verified he is working there i just searched their site and nothing , he isn't listed as an anchor or on any staff....?

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 4:04 pm, 12/28/2009

Accident My Big Old HairButt.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 4:03 pm, 12/28/2009

Same as the man that Killed the Wake Forest students....The same crime the same time..That man was not even Legally drunk....He blew below the level...But he is doing life without. No special Judge...No special sentence.


Posted 4:02 pm, 12/28/2009

Stress - it was a horrible accident - it was not intention - I don't think Carr told himself - I think I will get drunk and get in my vehicle and run someone down and kill him. How many people have you ever known who have had a few drinks - and get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drove - how many people have been around someone who was drinking and allowed them to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive? He has paid his dues to the family and himself and the court system. If the family can forgive him - why can't others?


Posted 4:00 pm, 12/28/2009

OK Stress..tell us what you think his punishment/sentence should be.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:59 pm, 12/28/2009

I didnt say that.My whole arguement is he got off alot better than you or I would have....The way some people are talking he might as well be a local HERO....I think he got no more than a slap on the wrist....If that had bee you or me we would still be in prison...You cant argue that point....


Posted 3:59 pm, 12/28/2009

when you choose to drink and drive....there are no accidents


Posted 3:56 pm, 12/28/2009

So Stress; No one can turn their life around after they make a mistake

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:53 pm, 12/28/2009

Accident--you people just amaze the heck out of me.He didnt really drink that night.... He didnt put the keys in the truck and crank it....He didnt drive down the road....That was somebody else that done that.How in the world can that be called a accident????Have any of you ever had a familly member killed by a drunk driver??? How about one just hurt????Im sure glad you are so proud of him... Let him get drunk and kill someone else and lets see how many will flock to his defence then....Even his Co-worker wouldnt ride with him, so he should have known he was not able to drive..But lets forget all of that...


Posted 3:48 pm, 12/28/2009

I, for one, am glad to see him back on the air. He killed a man and changed many lives forever. He lives with that everyday and that's the life sentence.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:45 pm, 12/28/2009

Poor old Tolley he sure did get the screws put to him.They shouldnt have done him like they did. BLA Bla Bla.


Posted 3:44 pm, 12/28/2009

You are so right Sporting Guy - I have respect for Carr also!! He did a terrible thing driving while drunk BUT he handled himself respectfully and took complete responsibility and he paid his debt - he received the courts ruling and it is over now. It was an accident - accidents happen - sad but that is what it was. I am glad someone gave him a chance to prove himself - I hope he does that - for himself and the family of Bokhoven.

XM Star

Posted 3:43 pm, 12/28/2009

How's a black man slip up and get out of prison? How dumb is this clown and he's working too? I mean the family of the dead guy shold be paying Tolly because he jumped in front of the truck.

I thought surely he'd be smart enough to get a check and live on the system.

public animal

Posted 3:40 pm, 12/28/2009

Thanks Sporting Guy. That was the most sensible post I've seen on this whole thread

Sporting Guy

Posted 3:34 pm, 12/28/2009

Lets not forget Carr acknowledged his crime, took responsibility also.

That goes a long way in sentencing.

He did not run from anything like most people in his shoes do.

I actually have a lot of respect for the man, he stood up like a man and admitted his wrongs and did his time without questions.

He's gone further than that, he's speaking about it.

None of that brings Casey back, but he's doing more than most in his shoes would do.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:20 pm, 12/28/2009

I never said he was a piece of Crap. Just dont agree with the sentence.


Posted 3:14 pm, 12/28/2009

Didn't realize that Bokhoven's family had forgiven Carr. That's probably good for all concerned.

One thing that did impress me was Carr's pleading guilty in the civil suit and agreeing to a payment plan. Most already in prison as he was would have simply declared bankruptcy and negated any judgment a civil court would have imposed. He's not a wealthy man and I realize any payments will be largely symbolic. He didn't have to pay any money though if he'd wanted out of it.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:13 pm, 12/28/2009

Ill tell you something else... If the station starts losing ads due to him, theyll drop him like a bad habit. Bet on that.

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